Chapter 266 Fierce battlefield in the field
In Lilith's crazy laughter, the rapidly condensed historical rules began to appear, and a petite figure stepped out of the historical rules, with long snow-white hair, cat ears on both sides of the hair, fierce black armor, and A death scythe full of dead energy in his hand.

The longest surviving warrior in divine costume in human history, Nels, the king of the dead, was reappeared by Lilith.But this time, she will become the enemy of mankind.

"Senior Niles...I'm angry. I must kill you today." Seeing Niles reappeared by Lilith, Feng Xiaoxuan's eyes were aroused with anger.

Five years ago, Senior Niles, who protected everyone, passed away peacefully.Her departure made Feng Xiaoxuan very sad. In order to let people remember her, Feng Xiaoxuan also specially investigated Niles' information, edited it into a book, and asked her grandfather to help add it to the history class.Therefore, it is even more difficult for Feng Xiaoxuan, who knows Niles well, to forgive Lilith for using her, even if it is just a recurrence of history instead of Niles herself.

The warm light radiating from her body began to heat up, and the surrounding light began to condense. Suddenly, the light on Feng Xiaoxuan's body was gradually replaced by pure white holy flames.Feng Xiaoxuan's aura also rose steadily.

When her aura reached its peak, all the light on her body had been compressed into a pure white holy flame.

"Go to hell and repent, the blazing sun is soaring." The pure white holy flame dyed the sun and moon blades in Feng Xiaoxuan's hands, and the brilliance of the flame burned on the sun and moon blades as if they turned into a pair of huge pure white wings.

With the movements of Feng Xiaoxuan's hands, the pure white wings were slowly stirred.The stream of light flashed by, and Feng Xiaoxuan seemed to be transformed into a bird of paradise burning with the holy fire of the heavens, waving her flaming wings and rushing towards Lilith.

"A finger of death." Facing the oncoming Feng Xiaoxuan, Niles slowly raised her left hand under the control of Lilith, pointing her slender middle finger at Feng Xiaoxuan.Lilith had only seen the one-hit kill that Niles used to instantly kill Longtian, so all she could reproduce was the history of the moment when Niles used this move.

At the same time Niles raised his hand, He Yu, who had been beaten back before, roared angrily, and raised his huge fist to hit Feng Xiaoxuan from top to bottom.Facing the pincer attack of the two, it was Niles' nirvana that was the main one.Feng Xiaoxuan seemed to be in a desperate situation.

Seeing Feng Xiaoxuan who was rushing straight towards her without a pause, the corner of Lilith's mouth curled up into a sneer of determination.Lilith, who has reproduced the strongest trick of the king of the dead, believes that Feng Xiaoxuan is bound to die.Because this move instantly killed Long Tian, ​​who was also a divine general.

The breath of death, which is invisible to the naked eye, shot straight out from Niles' middle finger and rushed into Feng Xiaoxuan's body.As soon as the breath of death entered the body, it split into two streams, one directed towards the brain, and the other directed towards the heart.

Feeling the strangeness in her body, Feng Xiaoxuan didn't stop at all, but accelerated the speed even further.Even if I had to die here today, I would take that guy with me.

With the thought of dying, Feng Xiaoxuan's will was stronger than ever.Nothing can break her persistence.The breath of death rushing straight into the brain was frustrated, and was blown away by Feng Xiaoxuan's firm will.

However, the dead air rushing towards the heart becomes smaller and smaller as it gets closer to the heart. The brilliance from the sun in Feng Xiaoxuan's body is full of strong life force, which restrains each other with the death breath. When the last death breath approaches the heart When it was time, it was melted into the shining radiance of the heart.

In fact, Niles' finger of death, which kills Longtian in one blow, is not a nirvana that can be used casually.There is no doubt that this kind of one-hit death trick has a very large limit. Not to mention the consumption of Niles itself, it is not easy to achieve the specific conditions of just wanting to kill the opponent in seconds.

In order to achieve the instant death effect of the finger of death, the opponent must meet one of two conditions. First, the opponent's will must be in an unstable state and can be affected by the breath of death.Second, the energy in the opponent's body could not resist Niles' death breath.However, Feng Xiaoxuan's will blocked the dead energy, and the vitality in her body also offset the dead energy.

The battle between the dead energy in the body and the will of vitality seemed to have passed for a long time, but in fact it was a few seconds that passed by in a flash.From Lilith's point of view, it was Niles who used her nirvana, but it didn't take effect on Feng Xiaoxuan at all.

Fanning the huge flame wings, Feng Xiaoxuan, who transformed into the holy bird of heaven, met He Yu's fist without stagnation.The holy bird of paradise directly passed through He Yu and rushed towards Lilith behind him.

"Don't underestimate me, I can kill you without those wastes." Niles' return without success and He Yu's defeat made Lilith's whole face twisted, and she screamed hysterically, All the negative energy surged out and turned into regular power to meet Feng Xiaoxuan's holy bird of paradise.Boom~ A violent roar sounded.

Ding zi zi zi, the blood-colored long knife intersected with the pitch-black blade, and the black breath began to erode the blood blade, but the blood blade was flowing like a liquid, drops of blackened blood dripped down, and the flowing liquid even formed The chainsaw effect leaves tiny dimples in the black blade.

"Ah~ die." The red killing breath erupted from the blood prison, and the black blade that had been cut out of the gap in his hand once again pressed towards zero pressure. The blood prison did not care about the wound on his black blade at all. Rage only wants to tear its target apart.

"Split." Facing the sudden burst of power from the Blood Prison, Zero narrowed his eyes slightly, and moved his left hand away from his right. With the removal of his left hand, a slender conical stab sword was pulled out from the hilt of the Blood Blade by his left hand. Taking a step back, he withdrew his right hand to avoid the blood prison's attack, and raised his left hand to stab the blood prison's throat with the stabbing sword.

"Play this little trick again, kill." With a violent shout, the Blood Prison suddenly split into four, and the four figures surrounded Zero, raising the black blade in their hands and slashing at four different parts of Zero's body.

"Shield." With a flick of the huge blood blade in his hand, it wrapped around Zero like a ribbon, forming a bloody circle.The attacks coming from all directions stopped when they encountered the bloody ring.

Seizing the opportunity, Zero directly squatted down, with his right hand sticking to the ground, the blood prison's attack swept across her head, and at the same time she whispered softly: "Shifang blood kill." Swish, four huge blood blades came from It rose from the ground and rushed straight to the four blood prisons surrounding her.

"Kill, kill, kill, kill..." The three clones were broken and returned to the blood prison itself.Dodging Zero's attack, the eyes of Blood Prison were filled with bright red, like an irrational beast, only the thought of killing remained in his mind.A strong murderous aura spread from him.Monsters composed of killings appeared beside him.

"Bloodborn Heavenly Soldiers." The blood sword in his hand was thrown into the sky, facing the outbreak of the blood prison, Ling's eyes also showed a trace of solemnity.Raising his right hand high, the blood sword thrown into the sky quickly expanded and disintegrated, turning into smaller blood blades, pointing obliquely at the blood prison in front of him.

"Kill~" With a roar, Blood Prison raised the black blade in his hand and rushed to Zero, followed by a mass of killing monsters.With a strong murderous aura, he killed as if he wanted to crush the world.

"Kill." A cold word.Zero swung his right hand down.The blood swords in the sky formed a dense rain of swords and shot at Blood Prison and the killing army behind him.A two blood swords are connected into one piece, piercing through these killing monsters.

(End of this chapter)

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