Chapter 268 Encrypted Communication from the Center
"Huh~ I finally ran away. I didn't expect your acting skills to be good, zero." After confirming that Zhang Wei had run away, Feng Xiaoxuan's face paled for a while, and she collapsed and sat on the ground, with traces of bright red blood flowing from her body. Seeps everywhere and stains the clothes on the body.

"Cough cough, Xiao Chao, come quickly." With a violent cough, ignoring Feng Xiaoxuan's ridicule, the bloody blade in Zero's hand quietly disintegrated, his entire face lost all blood, and he waved at Tang Chao precariously. , asking her to go over.This time her blood loss was a bit too much.

"Sister Xiaoxuan, how are you?" When Tang Chao ran over to support Ling, Zhuang Xiaoyuan also stopped playing and hurried to Feng Xiaoxuan's side, seeing Feng Xiaoxuan covered in blood, Zhuang Xiaoyuan didn't know what to do up.

"By the way, back in time after Tokisaki Kusan and Four." Faced with Feng Xiaoxuan's wounds all over her body, Zhuang Xiaoyuan, who had no idea what to do, hurriedly took out Tokisaki Kusan's card, but was grabbed by a bloody right hand. Living.

"No, don't look at me looking a little scary, it's just a sequela of forced use of skills. As long as the divine power recovers, it will be cured quickly." Seeing Zhuang Xiaoyuan's flustered look, Feng Xiaoxuan grabbed her hand and comforted her with a smile .

"Are you all right?" Feng Xiaoxuan could clearly feel the strength coming from the right hand that was grasped by Feng Xiaoxuan. It didn't look like he was seriously injured or weak, but Zhuang Xiaoyuan still asked in a tone of uneasiness.

"It's all right, just rest and rest. As long as you don't get disturbed." Looking at the field above her head that gradually dissipated as several people were exhausted and unable to support it, Feng Xiaoxuan smiled and lay down directly on the yellow ground.

"Okay, I won't let anything get close." Nodding her head, seeing that Feng Xiaoxuan looked quite energetic, Zhuang Xiaoyuan was relieved a little.With the disappearance of the domain, the demons reappeared in front of Zhuang Xiaoyuan and the others.

When the few people and the evil god started the domain battle, the demons who were killing each other were wiped out, and the demons behind rushed up and started fighting with the soldiers on the city wall.At this time, with the domain completely disappearing, Zhuang Xiaoyuan and the others were directly exposed to the wave of demonic beasts.

"Solo." Facing the demons who began to gather as the domain disappeared, Zhuang Xiaoyuan started her solo again, and with the bright yellow sound pipes scattered, her voice was transmitted to the ears of the demons. The demons began to fall into the chaos of cannibalism, and everything seemed to be the same as before.

"It's really a powerful ability, to control so many demons so easily." Separated from the combined state, Liu Wen and Liu Wen walked over with each other's support.

With the divine power level of the divine grace level, they used special combination skills to synchronously use the domain that can only be used at the fusion level, and their consumption is also very serious.If it wasn't for Feng Xiaoxuan and the others who ended up so quickly, maybe their field would have already started to collapse.

"Let's all get together. I'll help you recover your divine power." The surrounding demons were in chaos, and they would no longer pay attention to Zhuang Xiaoyuan and the others who were mixed in. Zhuang Xiaoyuan called a few people over, intending to help them recover their depleted energy as soon as possible. Divine power.Although God will kill two and escape, but who knows if there will be any accidents in the future, it is reasonable to recover as soon as possible.

"Huh, thank you." Let go of the hands that were holding Tang Chao tightly, Ling let out a long breath, and his face has returned to its original ruddy.Blood replenishment is complete.

"Well, it's good if I can help Zero." Tang Chao, who had been sucked to death four times, got up from Zero's arms with a blushing face, and carefully looked up at Zero, with a faint joy in his eyes.Hearing Zhuang Xiaoyuan's greeting, the two looked at each other and walked over together.

"Requiem." The gentle and quiet music sounded, and began to float in the chaotic battlefield sky.With the effect of the Requiem, the divine powers of the people surrounding Zhuang Xiaoyuan began to recover quickly.With the recovery of divine power, the fine wounds on Feng Xiaoxuan's body began to heal gradually, but it was completely invisible because of the blood covering her body.

Not long after the music started, the chug-chug sound of the engine suddenly inserted into the gentle and quiet music, directly breaking the peaceful environment created by the music.The nerves of the few people who had been slightly relieved by the music tensed up again, and they looked towards the source of the sound.

I saw a military green jeep driving cautiously among the demons killing each other, driving towards Zhuang Xiaoyuan and the others. There were a few soldiers in military uniform sitting in the car. Although the surrounding demons were all under control, they dared to Driving in the crowd of demons, these two people are really brave.

"Ling, who is this person coming over? It looks familiar to me." Looking away from the jeep, Feng Xiaoxuan asked the captain of the guardian, Ling, who was sitting near her.

"Hmph, I don't know." It seemed that Feng Xiaoxuan obviously asked the wrong person.Although Ling is the captain of Ningcheng's guardian team, it's only because she has the strongest strength and the highest prestige, and she has never touched the actual management and communication work.

"Ahem, Captain, that's from the Ningcheng Intelligence Liaison Department. They came here in such a hurry, it seems that they should have received very important news." Ling's straightforwardness made her teammates a little embarrassed, and Liu Wen also never Looking away from the jeep, he faked a cough and explained to his captain.Of course, although he was explaining to his captain, his voice could be heard by Feng Xiaoxuan and Zhuang Xiaoyuan.

"Report to the chief, and the central government conveys an important contact." During the discussion of several people, the jeep stopped in front of them, and a soldier behind the car jumped out of the car and ran over.

Facing the few people sitting together, he hesitated a little, and handed the information terminal in his hand to Liu Wen.It seems that neither the captain nor the vice-captain of the Ningcheng Guardian Squad doesn't care, and Liu Wen is the one in charge.

"Captain, it's encrypted communication." Naturally taking the terminal handed over by the soldier, Liu Wen glanced at it and handed it to Ling.Although the management and communication of the guardian team is all done by Liu Wen.But the important encrypted communication still needs zero to handle.

Of course, Ling wanted to tell Liu Wen the password out of trouble, but Liu Wen refused.Some tasks can be handled with help, and some tasks are better not to interfere.In this regard, Liu Wen is still very clear.

Slightly frowning, he took the information terminal that Liu Wen handed over, and Ling finger quickly jumped on the terminal to unlock the information password.The moment he saw this encrypted message, even Zero, who had been keeping a cold face, could not help but change slightly.

There are only six short words in this encrypted communication and a countdown that is counting down: the plan to mend the sky is launched.Countdown 2:25:56.

In zero shock, the countdown was shortened by another two seconds, and the final two digits became 54.

(End of this chapter)

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