Chapter 269 The Sky Mending Project and the Ark

"What did it say?" Noticing the change in Zero's face, Feng Xiaoxuan also asked with a serious expression.To actually make Zero, who has always been cold-faced, show such an expression, the information this time, could it be...

"The plan to mend the sky will be officially launched in two hours. There is no time to delay, let's go back." Throwing the signal terminal to Feng Xiaoxuan, Ling got up and walked directly to the jeep.Hearing Ling's words, brother and sister Liu Wen and Tang Chao looked at each other suspiciously and followed.

"Xiaoyuan, let's go back too." Reaching out to catch the signal terminal that Ling threw over, Feng Xiaoxuan frowned and beckoned Zhuang Xiaoyuan to leave together.Did you finally get to this point?

The Zhuang Xiaoyuan sisters and the guardian team had a total of six people, plus the soldiers in the car who had come to deliver the information, a group of people packed the jeep to the brim, and there were even two people in the trunk of the car.After several people sat down, the jeep staggered through the melee demon group and drove towards Ning Cheng.

"Sister Xiaoxuan, what is the plan to mend the sky? It looks like you don't want to carry out this project?" In the car, as the car started, the surrounding demons gradually moved away, and Zhuang Xiaoyuan finally had the opportunity to propose herself to Feng Xiaoxuan. question.

Hearing Zhuang Xiaoyuan's question, the guardians present and the soldiers driving in the front row couldn't help turning their attention. Except for Ling, the captain of the guardians, and Feng Xiaoxuan, who had already started working at the high level, the few people present were really serious. I've never heard of the so-called mending the sky plan. It can make both Feng Xiaoxuan and Ling show such expressions. This plan may not be as simple as imagined.

"The sky patching plan, this is the top secret of the military department. No one knows about this plan except for a few people with special authority. But it's already planned to be implemented now, so it doesn't matter if I tell you." Feng Xiaoxuan spoke He even took a special look at Zhuang Xiaoyuan.

"Huh? Sister Xiaoxuan, do I have any questions?" Noticing Feng Xiaoxuan's gaze, a big question mark appeared on Zhuang Xiaoyuan's head, and she didn't know why she was looking at him like that.

"Ha, Xiaoyuan, you should also be concerned about other things, especially the special operations of the military. With your current authority level, all confidentiality restrictions are invalid for you." Looking at Zhuang Xiaoyuan's innocent face, Feng Xiaoxuan sighed slightly, and said with a helpless expression on her face that I knew.

The fact is also true. Zhuang Xiaoyuan, as an important research leader who can form a research team on her own, and has also completed two studies that greatly improved the survival and combat capabilities of human beings, her authority has long been below three people and above ten thousand people.

What's more, they are still the top ten members of the elite class in the college. The so-called mending sky plan is also open to members of the elite class. After all, the ten members of the elite class will also be of great help to the implementation of the sky mending plan.

As long as Zhuang Xiaoyuan has a slight tendency to want to know, all the secrets can be investigated by her, but the fact is that Zhuang Xiaoyuan who has such a great authority will only hide in the laboratory every day, or practice in the practice room or his own dormitory. Haven't paid attention to this information at all.

"Ahem, sister Xiaoxuan, don't talk about these digressions. You can just tell us what the sky mending plan here is. This countdown is getting less and less." Wei Wei scratched her cheek in embarrassment, Zhuang Xiaoyuan raised the signal terminal he just got and pointed to the information on it and asked.

"Okay, but before I tell you, let me ask you a question. What is the first thing you think of when you hear the word Butian?" The intention was to change the topic to the Sky Mending Project, but instead of directly telling them the content of the plan, he stretched out his index finger and waved it in front of his eyes, asking an unclear question.

"Mending the sky? Nuwa mending the sky?" This time, Tang Chao's reaction was quick. She was very interested in ancient myths and legends. If she didn't live in this chaotic era, Tang Chao's dream would have become a myth. What about historians?

In fact, many people know the allusion of Nvwa mending the sky. Even in this apocalyptic environment, it is still passed down orally from generation to generation. This may be the instinctive hope of human beings. God saves mankind.

"The mending sky project of mending the sky is taken from the myth and legend of Nuwa mending the sky, so why did Nuwa mend the sky?" Feng Xiaoxuan smiled slightly when she heard Tang Chao's answer, stretched out her second finger, and continued to ask.

"Is it because the water god Gonggong knocked down Buzhou Mountain?" Liu Wen replied with an expression of uncertainty on his face.Although this is indeed the reason for the legendary Nuwa mending the sky, Liu Wen feels that Gonggong's collision with Buzhou Mountain seems to have nothing to do with the current situation.Could it be that the demons are still created by Gonggong?
"Indeed, according to the legend of Nvwa mending the sky, Gong Gong collided with Buzhou Mountain is one of the reasons for Nvwa mending the sky, but the most important thing is not this." Shaking his head, Liu Wen didn't say where Feng Xiaoxuan thought the answer you want.

"The flood of destroying the world?" With a thoughtful expression on his face, Zhuang Xiaoyuan felt as if he had guessed what the so-called plan to mend the sky was all about.But can this really be done?If this kind of plan is really implemented, I am afraid that many people will die, or should be abandoned.

"Bingo, that's it. According to the legend, the sky was broken, and the flood that destroyed the world destroyed the earth, and there was no one in ten human beings, so Nuwa refined the five-color god stone to block the gap in the sky and restore peace to the earth." Feng Xiaoxuan hit With a snap of his fingers, a 'correct answer' expression appeared on his face.

"The flood of destroying the world, what does this have to do with us? This is a wave of evil monsters and not a flood." Liu Wen showed an expression of impatience on her face, but she still didn't talk about the actual content of the plan to mend the sky.What she disliked the most was this charade activity.

"Don't worry, we'll get to the point soon. When it comes to the flood of destruction..." Smiling, Feng Xiaoxuan stretched out her third finger. Feng Xiaoxuan really likes to see other people showing distressed expressions, the troubled expression of thinking hard It's so relaxing.

"We're almost there, let's end the guessing game." Zhuang Xiaoyuan interrupted her by grabbing Feng Xiaoxuan's third hand with her right hand.The jeep drove into the city gate, and headed towards the Ningcheng headquarters under the command of Ling. It seemed that time was running out, and maybe there would be something to do soon. If Feng Xiaoxuan continued to ask, it might be endless. .

"When it comes to the flood that destroys the world, apart from the legend of Nuwa mending the sky, there are different legends in many areas, and the most famous one should be Noah's Ark. This plan to mend the sky is probably similar to Noah's Ark What is your plan?" Zhuang Xiaoyuan asked, looking at Feng Xiaoxuan who was looking over.However, although her words were full of doubts, her tone did not have any doubts about her guess.

"Xiaoyuan is mean." She pouted dissatisfiedly, and stretched out her hand to pat Zhuang Xiaoyuan lightly. Although Feng Xiaoxuan didn't answer directly, such an answer obviously confirmed Zhuang Xiaoyuan's guess.

(End of this chapter)

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