Chapter 270 The Last Two Hours
"In the case of Noah's Ark, it should be a shelter. The Sky Mending Project is to allow some human beings to survive and give up the other part, but how can the surviving part avoid the attacks of demons? Ordinary protection can't stop it Demons." Zhuang Xiaoyuan didn't buy Feng Xiaoxuan's malicious showmanship, but frowned, and began to speculate on the specific means of the Sky Mending Project.The general concept of the Sky Mending Project is known, but the actual implementation plan is still unclear.

With the life in this era, Zhuang Xiaoyuan has also undergone considerable changes.If it was the beginning of time travel, Zhuang Xiaoyuan might directly raise objections when he heard about such a plan that required other people's sacrifices.

But after experiencing life here, Zhuang Xiaoyuan's way of thinking has changed from the original simplicity in peacetime to the rationality of the end-time era.At least, if it wasn't for the sacrifice that happened right in front of her eyes, Zhuang Xiaoyuan would have been able to let go of her excess sympathy.

This is also the tragedy of this era, because in such an era, no one can save everyone.At least, Zhuang Xiaoyuan already knew that he could not save everyone, so let's save the person in front of him first.

"Xiaoyuan, have you ever seen a flying demon?" Seeing that Zhuang Xiaoyuan was not obsessed with the possible sacrifices this plan would cause, but began to focus on thinking about the specific plan itself, Feng Xiaoxuan asked with a smile in her eyes. road.

"Flying demons? Fortress-level ones can fly... Wait, could it be..." Hearing Feng Xiaoxuan's question, Zhuang Xiaoyuan's eyes suddenly started to flash, and she finally knew what the so-called Sky Mending Project was all about. .

"Could it be what? Don't say anything halfway. What's going on?" As the car slowly drove into the gate of the headquarters, Liu Wen couldn't help asking Zhuang Xiaoyuan with an expression of "I got it" with a trace of eagerness on her face. road.

"The project to mend the sky is probably to let humans fly into the sky, um, it should be said to let cities fly into the sky. I'm right, sister Xiaoxuan." With a serious expression on his face, Zhuang Xiaoyuan answered Liu Wen asked, while looking at Feng Xiaoxuan.

"Well, you guessed it right. As early as decades ago, the military department cooperated with the Shenzhuang Academy and the Scientific Research Institute to prepare for the implementation of the Sky Mending Project, and installed anti Gravity levitation device. With decades of research, this anti-gravity levitation device is enough to support the entire city and the surrounding area." Nodding, as the group entered the gate of the Liaison Department, Feng Xiaoxuan's expression also changed. Get serious.

"Is that so, the anti-gravity levitation device. Some time ago, the members of my research team were suddenly transferred out because of this reason." Thinking of the group of researchers who worked together to develop the power-driven power device before being transferred away, especially The master of divine power research, Feng Congwu, was also directly recruited. At that time, Zhuang Xiaoyuan made a big fuss with Mu Gengnian.

It seems that it was for these anti-gravity suspension devices at that time. From the perspective of those who were requisitioned, these anti-gravity suspension devices should all be transformed into divine power source devices.The planners of this plan may also be very happy that their research on divine power has made their original plan more smooth.

"I don't know anything about your research institute." Shrugging, Feng Xiaoxuan raised her hand to signal that this topic is over.Because they have already arrived, Ningcheng's command center, the core area for dispatching military divisions to resist the invasion of evil spirits.

"Zero...Captain, why are you here? Is there anything important? It is enough to ask someone to let me know, and you don't need to come here yourself." Just entering the headquarters, a rich officer with a full face A smile greeted her face.He was obviously very surprised by Zero's arrival, but his attitude was very close.

Ningcheng is a rather special city, not because it is a specialty of the city or because of its location.Rather, the relationship between the military department and the guardian is a bit special.In most cities, the military headquarters and the guardian squads get along with each other in a cooperative but different relationship.

Of course, there are also a small number of city guardian squads that are directly affiliated with the military management.But Ning Cheng's side is a bit different, Ning Cheng's Guardian Squad has the highest authority, and the military headquarters will completely obey the Guardian Squad's command at critical times.

Of course, there is a reason for this weird relationship in Ningcheng. The first reason is because Ningcheng has a fusion-level guardian that other cities do not have, that is, Zero as the captain.The second reason is because this rich-faced military ruler is Zero's nephew, um, in terms of seniority.

"Don't talk nonsense, send me an order to all the troops, open the portal, and cover the retreat of the civilians. The target of the teleportation is the city of Xishu Province. The task must be completed within two hours." The person in front of him was just a stranger, and he ordered directly.

"Yes, I promise to complete the task." Hearing Zero's order, although he couldn't see Zero's emotion at this time, it was obviously a big deal to come to the headquarters to issue an order in person for the first time, so he didn't dare to delay, turned around and left , and began to direct his subordinates to contact the combat troops.

If you want to complete the evacuation of the entire city within two hours, this time is a bit tight.However, he didn't dare to ask for more time. Zero opening limited this time. Based on his understanding of his aunt, it was probably the biggest bottom line.

"Ahem, hateful fighters in divine costume. I'll make sure you look good next time." When human beings began to prepare the final action plan to avoid the outbreak of demons, more than ten kilometers away from Ningcheng, accompanied by the shattering of space, the whole body The injured Zhang Wei rolled out of the broken space.

"Let them look good next time? Is that what you are like now?" Zhang Wei had just finished speaking harshly, but a contemptuous voice came from his ear. The moment he heard the voice, Zhang Wei's face changed drastically, and a trace of cold sweat dripped from his forehead Emerging, trembling, he turned his head to look at the source of the sound.

"Lord, master, the gluttonous god will make an apology." Seeing the figure standing in the shadows, Zhang Wei was so frightened that he fell to the ground and hit his forehead heavily on the yellow soil.He didn't dare to argue a word and directly pleaded guilty.Having seen the master's methods, Zhang Wei did not dare to hide the slightest bit. This time, he was indeed the one who ran away to save his life.

"Hmph, you came back alone. It's the same as the blood prison back then. I didn't expect that during the period when I was recovering from my injuries, you were the only one left in the original Seven Gods. What a pity, do you want me to give you It's a chance to pay off your merits." In the dark shadows, only two flashing red lights and a vague shadow could be seen, but the voice clearly entered Zhang Wei's ears.

(End of this chapter)

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