Chapter 272 The Arrival Guardian Angel

"Who are you?" Ling said with a cold face, his eyes were full of seriousness that he had never seen before.She didn't feel any strange aura from this person who appeared suddenly, but she actually knocked Zhuang Xiaoyuan and Feng Xiaoxuan away with two simple strokes. It was obvious that this person couldn't be as simple as he seemed.

"Who? I'm not human. I'm Loki, Lord of the Evil Gods." The moment the voice fell, Loki was already close to Zero, and the five fingers of his right hand stretched out to grab Zero's cold face.

"Blood Soul Domain - open." The rich blood energy instantly spread from Zero's body, and the domain of the blood law was opened by Zero, and he was the first to meet Loki who was close at hand, and at the same time, blood flowed from his wrist to form a bloody blade Immediately after the domain, cut to Loki.

"Blood, that's interesting." The corner of his mouth curled up with interest. Facing the field opened by Zero, Loki's movements did not change at all. blade.

Boom, Loki's right hand seemed to be just a random movement, but it exploded with a strong impact. Zero's bloody blade collapsed at the touch of Loki's right hand, and was directly scattered into the original blood. Knocked away by the ensuing impact: "However, it's not enough."

"The blazing sun soars." A bright field of light erupted from the pierced high-rise building, covering the surrounding streets in an instant. Feng Xiaoxuan, who was burning with pure white holy flames, waved the flame wings on her hands and came out through the wall, shooting straight at a group of people. Hit the flying zero Loki.

"Guardian God Synchro-Plague God (God of Fortune) Fusion." Almost zero was knocked into the air, and at the same time as Feng Xiaoxuan broke out of the field, Liu Wen's brother and sister also began to release the golden destiny field at the same time, and the three fields were released again two hours later fusion.

"Meow Flash." Tang Chao, who had the characteristics of a black cat on his body, also launched an offensive in an instant. His super explosive power instantly increased his speed, and his sharp cat claws stretched out to grab Loki's neck artery.

"Hahaha, is this the power you used to defeat the general? It's nothing more than that." Facing the domain and siege launched by Feng Xiaoxuan and the others, Luo Ji stretched out his hands without changing his face.Boom, a strong explosion sounded.Feng Xiaoxuan's Lieyang Xiangpo and Tang Chao's Meow Shan were unexpectedly taken over by Luo Ji with his left and right hands respectively.

"Lie Yang Xiang Po - Feather Breaking." Gritting her teeth tightly, Feng Xiaoxuan tried her best to draw out the Sun and Moon Double Blades to carry out the combo technique behind Lie Yang Xiang Po, but she failed to get out of Loki's hand. The sun and moon blades were drawn out.

"If it's only to this extent, you all go to hell." Red light flickered in the pitch-black eyes, and both hands that blocked the attack of the two were forced at the same time. The sun and moon double blades were scratched and shattered.

Then he punched Feng Xiaoxuan and sent her flying again. This blow was heavier than the previous one. Accompanied by the crisp sound of bone cracking, it was obvious that a bone in Feng Xiaoxuan's body was broken.

At the same time as the right hand was moving, the left hand was not free either. He grabbed Tang Chao's attacking right hand and lifted her up with one hand.Accompanied by a loud bang and Tang Chao's screams, a deep human-shaped pit was smashed on the ground.

Witnessed with my own eyes, Feng Xiaoxuan's Sun and Moon Blades were scratched to pieces and sent flying again.Tang Chao was hit and fell to the ground, and the blood falling from the air showed the tragic state of the two of them at the moment.Zhuang Xiaoyuan's eyes contracted for a while when he got up from the pit on the ground, and strong emotions filled his heart.

Ah, why does it happen, again and again and again.Why do the people I know get hurt, why do I still meet such a powerful guy after helping sister Xiaoxuan through the death test, why I always want to protect them, and I will be protected by them every time.

It's always been like this, when Fengcheng was protected by the guardians, Wen Hui protected him on the way to escape, and then he was rescued by Xiaomiao, and when the evil god was in chaos, he was also protected by classmates and friends whom he knew not long ago They protected.

Even if he went back to five years ago, he wanted to change history but was still protected by Senior Niles. Even the previous battle was protected by Sister Xiaoxuan and the others.Why, I don't want to be protected by others all the time.

I also want to protect them, why am I so weak, why why why, I want, the power to protect them, the power to protect all my friends, the power to save all innocent human beings.

Strong emotions filled Zhuang Xiaoyuan's heart, unwillingness, sadness, self-blame, the desire to become stronger, and the desire to protect.As Zhuang Xiaoyuan's inner emotions erupted, the pure energy harvested from the countless demons he had killed before began to quickly merge into the star disk in Zhuang Xiaoyuan's body.

Although the energy of each demon is very small, it is not a small amount when gathered together. Before that, it was only temporarily stored and not fully absorbed. Now, at the moment when Zhuang Xiaoyuan's emotions exploded, the absorption was completed in a short instant, and the level of divine power began. Rapidly soaring, directly breaking through the restriction of the mid-level divine grace level, reaching the upper divine grace level, a new blank card appeared on Zhuang Xiaoyuan's star disk.

But at this time, this blank card is not as obvious as it was when it was born before, because Zhuang Xiaoyuan's strong desire to become stronger and protect at this time activated a certain card in the starry sky disc, and this card began to emit pure white light. The light responds to Zhuang Xiaoyuan's wish.

Golden light bloomed from the earth and went straight to the sky. In the dazzling golden light, a pair of huge pure white wings burst out and stretched out. With the wings waving, pieces of pure white seemed to be like light. Feathers shining like dots fluttered down.

Pale short ear-length hair, scarlet pupils fixed on Loki, who was attracted by the sudden burst of golden light, slender limbs that could be easily broken by touching, and a simple black and white striped casual clothes, at this time This girl, who was born from the golden light and couldn't tell her specific gender for a moment, stretched the pure white wings on her back and gradually floated into the sky.

The surrounding golden light gradually dissipated, but a faint light began to gather on the top of her head. The pure white light gathered on the top of her head, forming a pure white circular halo. At this moment, the girl born from the golden light was like an angel. , maybe she is an angel at this time.

"Everyone, let me protect you." The image of the pure white girl is very different, but her scarlet eyes reveal a murderous look full of malice, and the pure white wings on her back are gently flapping, and she has already swooped down from the air to watch Rocky.

Boom, the wings on the back of the girl stretched and flapped to meet her. Loki raised his right fist, and a violent shock wave spread around the two of them.All of a sudden, the tall buildings on both sides of the road collapsed one after another.

(End of this chapter)

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