Chapter 273
Boom, the clash of fists and wings, the powerful shock wave caused the tall buildings on both sides of the road to collapse.The two people who are the center of the shock wave have different performances.Facing the pure white wings attacking Zhuang Xiaoyuan's back, Luo Ji didn't move at all.

On the contrary, as the wings and fists collided, the wings stretched behind Zhuang Xiaoyuan were directly smashed by Loki's right fist, like an angel with broken wings.The battle between the two sides was over at the touch of a button, the broken wings on Zhuang Xiaoyuan's back recovered a little bit, but the original damaged parts quickly recovered, and in the blink of an eye they were back to normal.

Not dejected by the momentary defeat, the wings behind Zhuang Xiaoyuan fanned again, the pure white wings carried the vector's rules, gathered all the vectors around the body and blasted towards Loki again.

A stern light flashed in the dark eyes, Loki raised his hand to meet Zhuang Xiaoyuan's attack again.

"Bloodborn Heavenly Soldiers."

"Sunshine flames."

Just when Zhuang Xiaoyuan and Luo Ji's second attack were about to confront each other, the light above Luo Ji's head quickly condensed, and a small sun emerged, and the dazzling magic-breaking light burst out from the small sun to shine on him.

At the same time, blood-colored blades made of fresh blood descended from the sky in a dense rain of swords, shooting obliquely at Loki.Zero and Feng Xiaoxuan, who were knocked into the air, dragged their seriously injured bodies and joined the siege of Loki.

With pure white wings, demon-breaking light, and blood-colored sharp arrows, attacks from three sides besieged Loki at the same time.This can already be regarded as the last eruption of several people, if it still can't cause him any damage.

Boom, a stronger impact burst out than before.Even Zhuang Xiaoyuan, who had already manipulated the vector with all his strength, was blown away from such an impact, even half of the wings on his back were broken, and he fell to the ground, staining the pure white wings with a trace of dust.

"That's right, no wonder those trash returned in vain. It seems that you guys can't stay." The smoke from the explosion gradually dissipated, and with a light and cold voice, Loki walked walked out.I saw that he was still unscathed as before, and the joint attack of the three of them did not hurt him at all, and even his clothes were not messed up.

"How is it possible, there is no regular aura, why can it block our attack. Could it be..." Seeing Loki walking out of the smoke, Zero's face had the biggest change in history, which was deeply shocking and A trace of imperceptible despair.

"Hmph, let's start with you first." Loki's eyes swept over the surrounding people one by one, and finally settled on Zhuang Xiaoyuan, as if staring at a monster of ants, his eyes filled with the arrogance of the master of life, facing Zhuang Xiaoyuan came over with a punch.

"Ah, I can't let you hurt my friend, Xiangrui Yumian." Just when Loki wanted to kill Zhuang Xiaoyuan with a punch full of murderous intent, and Zhuang Xiaoyuan was about to make a final resistance, suddenly rushed out from the collapsed ruins. A petite figure stood in front of Zhuang Xiaoyuan.

Boom, a punch full of oppressive force, hitting the rushing figure, actually made the tyrannical Loki bounce back two steps.The figure that rushed out suddenly was Xuefeng who had been arranged to help organize the civilians' retreat.At this time, the mysterious and regular aura circulating in her body unexpectedly blocked Loki's punch without injury.However, this breath disappeared after this punch.

"Beam binding." "Blood killing from ten directions." Xuefeng's accidental entry made Loki's attack fail for the first time, and he couldn't help being repelled by Xuefeng's invincible state rebounding two steps.Seizing this momentary opportunity, beams of light concentrated on him, turning into ropes to bind him.At the same time, blood swords rose from the ground, and instead of attacking him, they crossed around him to form a bloody prison.

"Xiaoyuan, run quickly. Run to the portal with Xuefeng." With the bondage of light and blood, Feng Xiaoxuan's voice also came from the other side. Although the captain of the guardian Ling did not speak, her actions and her actions so far Shi's eyes all expressed the same meaning as Feng Xiaoxuan, and she could run away one by one.This person is no longer something they can deal with. I am afraid that only a fusion level that gathers most of the human race can barely confront him.

Hearing Feng Xiaoxuan's words, Zhuang Xiaoyuan's eyes couldn't help but blurred for a moment, and again, in the end, I still couldn't protect my friends and family.That's right, such an opponent is too powerful to beat at all.All human beings combined may not be able to fight well. The only way to face this kind of opponent is to run away.

But, let me run away, can I run away by myself, is it really good to leave Sister Xiaoxuan and Captain Zero behind and escape like this?Not good, very bad, absolutely not.Since you want to run, then everyone should run together, and no one can be left behind.

As the two escaped into Zhuang Xiaoyuan's mind, the brain that had been stuck in a dead end began to work quickly.Indeed, such an opponent is too powerful to beat, but isn't the plan to mend the sky that is being implemented now prepared for such an invincible enemy?Fight for the last time for mankind, and use the growth of this time to gamble on the final fate of mankind.

So, to escape, as long as everyone runs away, it is our victory. There is no need to defeat this guy in front of us, at least for now.So, how should we run.Thinking out of a dead end, a flash of light flashed in his mind, and Zhuang Xiaoyuan grabbed the flash of light.

The thoughts in her mind were only in an instant, and Feng Xiaoxuan's words came to her ears, Zhuang Xiaoyuan's eyes were only slightly in a trance, and she had already thought of the last way she could do.

"The world card is summoned, come and help me, Shizheng Taikong." Zhuang Xiaoyuan held a bright red card in his hand and threw it at Loki in front of him. With her cry, the dazzling red light came from Blooming from that bright red card.

"I'm not a shotacon, you lolicon." With a groan, a girl with bright red double ponytails appeared in the red light.

A coat similar to a certain school uniform is draped over the shoulders as a cloak. A light pink cloth strip is wrapped around the huge hill like a bandage on the bare upper body, and an ultra-short miniskirt is worn on the lower body. Down the decorative belt.

The girl holding a military flashlight tightly in her right hand waved the military flashlight as soon as she appeared on the stage. Following her movements, Loki, who was temporarily restrained by Feng Xiaoxuan and Ling, disappeared in place before he could break free.

"Hmph, you owe me a favor. Remember it. Lolicon." The girl who turned around with her twin ponytails valiantly left behind such a sentence, and disappeared into the red magic world card gradually dimmed. in the red light.

(End of this chapter)

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