Chapter 274

Coordinate movement, the ability possessed by this girl named Yubia Danxi.Loki was directly moved by her coordinates to the limit distance of Jiebiao Danxi's ability, 1000 meters away.This distance is not far, for a monster like him, he may soon come after him, but it also bought Zhuang Xiaoyuan and the others a short escape time.

"Sister Xiaoxuan, let's go now." Recovering the wings on her back, Zhuang Xiaoyuan quickly came to Feng Xiaoxuan's side, helped her up who was seriously injured, and then came to Liu Wen's brother and sister, and unfused her, who had consumed a lot of divine power. The two of them put on the right amount of control belts and quickly flew towards the direction of the portal.

Behind Zhuang Xiaoyuan, Tang Chao, who had been revived for the sixth time, and the unexpected snow wind, followed Ling Kuai on one side and one on the right.Originally, several people were already not far from the portal, and within a few breaths, they approached the portal that was shining with blue light.

"Wherever you run, leave it to me." The portal was already close at hand, but Loki's voice came from the sky, and at the same time came a blow with strong coercion.A punch came from a distance, and it actually oppressed the air to form a huge transparent fist, which directly hit Zhuang Xiaoyuan and the others.

The vector around him changed rapidly, and it directly affected Feng Xiaoxuan Tang Chao and the others. With the explosion of the vector, they shot into the portal as if they were suddenly kicked.At this time, Loki's attack also arrived.

"No one will stay with you~" Zhuang Xiaoyuan was the only one left outside the portal. Faced with Loki's attack, she didn't run into the portal because the change of the vector before was too late to accelerate, so Zhuang Xiaoyuan greeted Loki directly. On Loki's attack.

Boom, the transparent fist collided with the pure white wings, bursting out with extraordinary power, but this blow was not the same.The wings on Zhuang Xiaoyuan's back were pulled out completely, as if he had fallen from an angel to a mortal.But her goal has been achieved.

At the moment when the wings shattered, all available vectors were utilized to counteract the impact beyond his limit and turn it into a driving force. In Luoki's blow, Zhuang Xiaoyuan quickly shot at Luo Ji while spitting blood. Entering the portal, the scene seemed to be that Luoki's punch actively sent Zhuang Xiaoyuan in. "Hey, I said, no one will stay behind." The corner of the mouth with blood stains turned up slightly, and at the moment of entering the portal, Zhuang Xiaoyuan's right hand lightly brushed against the post of the portal.

Boom, as Zhuang Xiaoyuan entered the portal, the portal also completed its mission, and did not give Loki a chance to enter at all.The portal collapsed with a roar.

"Damn warrior in divine costume. Don't think that you can escape like this. Today is the anniversary of the death of all mankind." Loki, who was a step behind, looked at the collapsed portal with a gloomy expression.The anger of being teased flashed in his eyes.

Stomp on the ground.Boom, a strong shock wave spread out with a violent explosion.The whole city of Ning turned into flat ground under his feet.It seems that there has never been a city where human beings fought bloody battles.

The provincial capital of Xishu, as one of the largest cities in the west of the central city, has portals connecting all the small cities in the Xishu area distributed in this teleportation area. At this time, the originally deserted teleportation area was densely packed with people people.There are ordinary fleeing civilians and soldiers in military uniforms to maintain order.

Under the support of the local army in the Xishu provincial capital, everyone moved out of the transmission area one after another. After receiving the signal of the sky patching plan, the top management of the Xishu provincial capital has already started to arrange the reception work.Therefore, although the plan was implemented hastily, it is not too flustered now.

Just as everyone was leaving one after another in order to make room for the compatriots who passed through the portal behind, a few figures suddenly flew out of the portal connecting Ning Cheng and fell into the crowd, knocking down an empty space. Men, women and children on guard.

Noticing the commotion here, the local army maintaining order sent a small team to run towards this side.This kind of riot has happened several times before. After all, there are so many people, and occasional quarrels are quite common.However, the scope of this disturbance seems to be a bit large.

The squad ran to the crowd where the riot took place, before they had time to ask what happened here.A figure flew out from Ning Cheng's portal again, and the flying speed of this figure was not lower than the previous ones.The team that had just arrived was knocked apart by the flying figures before they had time to react.

"Wow, blood, a lot of blood."

"What's going on, these people are all injured."

"Medical soldier, call the medical soldier quickly."

The intervals between the two figures flying out were very short. It wasn't until the second time that the figures flew out and knocked down the team, that the people who were knocked down before and the crowd of onlookers could see the appearance of these figures clearly.Those who flew out of the portal were several young girls.All of them were in a mess, and even a few were covered in blood, looking like they were on the verge of death.

With a bang, after the figure flew out, the portal shining with crystal blue light collapsed with a loud noise.All of a sudden, the crowd who had been rioting because of a few figures fell into silence.They were all taken aback by the collapse of the portal.

"What's going on? Everyone leave in order, don't make trouble." The commotion and the loud noise of the collapsed portal finally attracted Pan Xuanbo, the person in charge of arranging the crowd diversion.

"Captain, they came out of the teleportation formation in Ningcheng, and they were all seriously injured." The squad leader who was knocked down before got up from the ground, looked at the bloody girl who knocked him down, He paid a military salute to the captain who came over and reported.

"Call the medical soldiers quickly, don't delay their injuries." Waved his hands to call for the medical soldiers, Pan Xuanbo lowered his head and looked at the unconscious people on the ground. He just looked a little embarrassed, maybe he was stunned.But the others were covered in blood, their breathing was weak, and they were obviously injured a lot.

"Do any of you know them?" After confirming that they were not threatening, Pan Xuanbo raised his head and shouted to the nearby crowd.The people nearby are all from Ning Cheng, there must be a few who know them.

"Report sir, they are all from the Ningcheng Guardian Squad." Someone in the crowd suddenly raised his hand to report.

"Is it the guardian of Ningcheng? No wonder I look familiar, and now I am covered in blood, and I can't recognize it for a while."

"It's really a crime. They are all here to protect us and become what they are now."

"That's right, it was these children who saved our lives." All of a sudden, the crowd around them were discussing, some sighed, some were grateful, some felt pity, and all beings were different.

(End of this chapter)

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