Chapter 275 The Brightest Smile

"The medical soldiers are here, hurry up, get out of the way, here they are." A sharp-eyed person saw a group of white-clothed medical soldiers rushing over at a glance, and immediately greeted them.Although I can't help you during the battle, at least, let these children who were injured in order to protect everyone be treated as soon as possible.

"Don't move them casually, I'll take a look first." An old medical soldier at the front saw the few people on the ground hastily stopped the movements of the newcomers, and checked briefly to make sure how many of them could move this place. Only then was someone put on a stretcher.

But it was such a simple inspection, which made the elderly medical soldier feel a little shocking.The identical-looking brother and sister and the two petite girls are in relatively good condition, except for excessive consumption of divine power and some skin trauma, and now they are only in temporary shock due to the impact.

The condition of the other three is very dangerous. The one with the long silver hair obviously lost a lot of blood. Based on the experience of the veteran medical soldier, the blood loss has exceeded the limit of the human body, and blood must be injected immediately.

The black-haired girl with a better figure was bleeding profusely in her body, and her sternum was dislocated. If it wasn't for the divine power full of vitality in her body constantly appearing to protect her internal organs, she would have died at this time.

And some petite girls in military uniforms with a flat body also lost a lot of blood. More importantly, there were various large and small wounds densely distributed on her body, which kept bleeding, according to the noise heard from the surrounding people. Judging from it, the girl who came out last was probably cut by the space debris caused by the collapse of the portal and affecting the space tunnel.

He simply treated several severely injured girls, stopped the bleeding, and straightened the broken bones.Only then did they call the medical soldiers to carefully carry several people onto the stretcher.With the hurried footsteps of the medical soldiers, the crowd gathered around gradually dispersed and continued to line up to leave the transmission area.However, this accident has been discussed among the crowd.

Rumbling, accompanied by violent vibrations and roars, Zhuang Xiaoyuan's consciousness slowly recovered from the darkness.What she saw when she opened her eyes was a vast expanse of whiteness, with a hint of confusion in front of her eyes, and her memory was still stuck after entering the portal.

At that time, in order to prevent Luo Ji from chasing him, Zhuang Xiaoyuan casually interrupted the right post of Ning Cheng's teleportation gate.Unsurprisingly the portal collapsed in the blow.But what Zhuang Xiaoyuan didn't expect was that the collapsed portal also affected the internal space passage.

With the entry of Zhuang Xiaoyuan, the space channel also began to collapse. Zhuang Xiaoyuan in the state of Lily of the Bell Branch used his last divine power to control the vector to resist the gradually shattered space. Zhuang Xiaoyuan still lost consciousness.

Zhuang Xiaoyuan, who lost consciousness, also retreated from the transformation state of Lily Suzuke. It was inevitable to be cut by the surrounding space debris, but fortunately, he was already close to the exit of the space tunnel at that time.Before the space tunnel completely collapsed, Zhuang Xiaoyuan was sent out and saved his life.

Rumbling sounds came from time to time, as well as vibrations from the ground as if an earthquake had occurred, followed by a strange sense of weightlessness.After recovering from the surrounding noise, Zhuang Xiaoyuan looked around, probably this is a hospital.A snow-white hospital bed, a snow-white quilt, and a snow-white curtain.It is undoubtedly the standard equipment of the hospital.

"Hey, are you awake? How's it going? Is there any discomfort?" Just as Zhuang Xiaoyuan was looking around, a nurse in medical uniform opened the curtain and walked in.At a glance, he saw Zhuang Xiaoyuan who opened his eyes.

"I'm fine. What about the people with me? Are they alright?" Seeing the person coming, Zhuang Xiaoyuan raised her head and wanted to get up, but the tingling sensation all over her body made her fall back all at once.

Although her painful eyes were wet, Zhuang Xiaoyuan still asked while shaking her head.However, she who failed to get up did not force herself to get up.

"Don't force yourself, your injuries are serious. The people with you are all fine. One of them is still next to you, look." Seeing Zhuang Xiaoyuan getting up and falling back, the nurse quickly walked a few steps to Next to Zhuang Xiaoyuan's bed, he pressed the button beside the bed. With the sound of machinery running, the bed under Zhuang Xiaoyuan slowly lifted up, making Zhuang Xiaoyuan change from a sleeping position to a sitting position.

After operating the bed, the nurse smiled and opened the curtain beside Zhuang Xiaoyuan while answering Zhuang Xiaoyuan's question.With the opening of the curtain, Feng Xiaoxuan's sleeping state came into Zhuang Xiaoyuan's eyes.

"Sister Xiaoxuan, how is she? Are you okay?" Seeing Feng Xiaoxuan, Zhuang Xiaoyuan was a little excited. Seeing her peaceful appearance, there should be nothing wrong with her, but the anxiety in her heart made Zhuang Xiaoyuan ask one more question.

"It's okay, the dangerous period has passed. The divine power in her body has a strong vitality, and she may recover faster than you." Smiling and comforting Zhuang Xiaoyuan, the nurse raised her hand to exchange a bottle of glucose for Zhuang Xiaoyuan.

Zhuang Xiaoyuan's excessive blood loss has already been replenished, and the wounds on his body have been bandaged to stop the bleeding. Apart from external injuries, internal injuries need to be recuperated slowly by himself. However, excessive blood loss will also cause nutritional imbalance, so I dropped a few bottles Glucose is necessary.

"Thank you." Hearing the nurse's answer, Zhuang Xiaoyuan felt relieved.Of course, after she was relieved, Zhuang Xiaoyuan couldn't help but shift her attention to other areas: "Miss Nurse, what's going on outside, there are rumbling noises."

"Outside, how should I put it, the city of Xishu Province is flying up." Frowning a bit tangled, the nurse changed the glucose and thought for a while before answering. , of course the little nurse didn't know.So she can only describe it as flying.

"Did it fly up? This is the success of the Sky Mending Project." Hearing the nurse's words, Zhuang Xiaoyuan murmured to himself as he felt a slight sense of weightlessness from his body.The earthquake was just the first shock.Now there is no other abnormality except the feeling of weightlessness similar to that of an airplane taking off.

This sense of weightlessness should be the reason why the city continues to soar.Looking at the white clouds approaching outside the window, Zhuang Xiaoyuan felt that she could finally temporarily relax the tight string in her heart.

They escaped, and many of them escaped.Looking at Feng Xiaoxuan on the bed next door, no one knew the comfort in Zhuang Xiaoyuan's heart.Finally succeeded in protecting everyone.Finally managed to escape.

The joy and excitement in her heart caused a bright smile to bloom on Zhuang Xiaoyuan's face, it was the happiest smile from the heart.

"Yo. What a nice smile, Madoka." There was a clear sound of opening the door, and Liu Wen's gentle voice sounded at the same time.Accompanied by Liu Wen's voice, a large group of people rushed in from outside the door, Liu Wen, Tang Chao, Xuefeng and Ling.

Everyone appeared here one by one, looked at each other, and all burst into bright smiles.As if feeling everyone's joy, the corners of Feng Xiaoxuan's mouth were slightly raised, and her eyelids trembled slightly.She seemed to wake up too.

Finally, a lot of them all arrived safely, and the few people who smiled at each other felt grateful in their hearts.

(End of this chapter)

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