Chapter 276 Zhuang Xiaoyuan's Weakness?

"Then, let's say goodbye, everyone. If you come to the Central City if you have time, we will entertain you well." In the teleportation area, the small teleportation array leading to the Central City has been opened, watching the members of the guardians come to see off , Zhuang Xiaoyuan and Feng Xiaoxuan were saying their final goodbyes.

"Oh, we will definitely go if we have the chance." As a diplomat of the guardian team, Liu Wen promised with a smile on his face with his usual gentle expression.

"Xiaoyuan, when I go to the central city, you must prepare a table of delicious food for me." Xuefeng had a reluctant expression on his face, and he didn't know whether he was reluctant to let go of Zhuang Xiaoyuan and the others or the delicious food. .

"Okay, if you come here, I will definitely behave well and let you have a good time." With a slight smile, Zhuang Xiaoyuan and Xuefeng hugged each other tightly before letting go, and walked up the stairs in front of the portal.

"Goodbye everyone." Walking up the stairs in front of the portal with Zhuang Xiaoyuan, turning around and taking a last look at the members of the guardian team, Feng Xiaoxuan waved her hand and said goodbye for the last time.

"Goodbye, take care." The portal activated and began to emit a light blue halo, Ling, who was cold-faced even when parting, suddenly spoke, nodded to Zhuang Xiaoyuan and said take care.

"Goodbye." Accompanied by the last voice, Zhuang Xiaoyuan and Feng Xiaoxuan walked into the opened portal.It's finally time to go back. It's been a long time since I left the central city. I don't know when, the central city has left a deep memory in Zhuang Xiaoyuan's heart, and I have a little attachment.

Walking into the blue portal, accompanied by the surge of time and space energy, the picture in front of Zhuang Xiaoyuan's eyes suddenly changed in the blink of an eye. The complete portal cannot feel the transmission process. Before, Zhuang Xiaoyuan would stay in the transmission channel for a long time It was because the point-to-point transmission channel was artificially destroyed that her transmission was delayed.

"Welcome back, Xiaoyuan, sister Xiaoxuan." Before recovering from the trance caused by the momentary screen change, Chu Miaomiao's steady voice had already reached her ears one step ahead.

"Huh, remember coming back, didn't you miss leaving outside?" After Chu Miaomiao, Wen Hui's slightly awkward voice sounded, without even looking at her, Zhuang Xiaoyuan knew that Wen Hui must be turning her head at this time with a look of displeasure. Take care of yourself, but your eyes look over from time to time
"Well, I'm back. I really miss you all." With a warm smile on his face, Zhuang Xiaoyuan completely ignored Wen Hui's awkwardness and Chu Miaomiao's calmness, and jumped down the stairs directly, throwing the two of them together. into his arms.

"Hey, don't think you can send us away with a word of miss, I won't forgive you so easily this time." Being embraced by Zhuang Xiaoyuan's left hand, the corners of Wen Hui's mouth couldn't help but slightly curled up, but her mouth still refused to admit defeat complained.

"Well, I don't forgive." As if he had discussed with Wen Hui, although Chu Miaomiao had a faint smile in his eyes, he agreed with Wen Hui's words: "At least we must have a table of delicious food that we haven't eaten before." Yes, we forgive you."

"Face paralyzed meow, one table is not enough, you are too easy to get rid of, it will take at least a week." Hearing Chu Miaomiao's request, Wen Hui looked angrily, glared at him, and then turned her head Look at Zhuang Xiaoyuan.

"Okay, no problem, whether it's a table or a week, even a month is fine." Listening to the interaction between Wen Hui and Chu Miaomiao, Zhuang Xiaoyuan smiled and agreed.Recently, Zhuang Xiaoyuan has no intention of leaving. The implementation of the Sky Mending Project has made Zhuang Xiaoyuan more aware of the crisis of mankind. She plans to learn more about the follow-up plan of the military in the next few days.

"Okay, after being separated for so long, you probably have a lot to talk about, let's have a good chat after I send you back." Standing by the side with Feng Xiaoxuan, watching Feng Guoqing, who was fighting with Zhuang Xiaoyuan and the three of them, looked They still wanted to continue the chat, and interrupted with a smile.

"Uncle Feng, we finally meet again. I miss you so much." This time, after a long time separation, Zhuang Xiaoyuan and Feng Guoqing also hugged and said with a smile after exchanging greetings with Wen Huimiaomiao.

"Hey, Xiaoyuan's address is still so unfamiliar, when can I call him daddy?" Feng Guoqing said with a tone of emotion and expectation while hugging and patting Zhuang Xiaoyuan's back.

"Dad, you still need to work harder. If you didn't let Xiaoyuan change your mind, it means you haven't done enough." Noticing Zhuang Xiaoyuan's slightly red face, Feng Xiaoxuan put her right hand on her father's shoulder and said jokingly. .

"Cough, Miss Xiaoxuan, let's go back early. I'll stay with us for dinner today, and I'm going to show my skills." Stretching out his hand to pick up Wen Hui and Chu Miaomiao, Zhuang Xiaoyuan turned towards Feng Guoqing's car The car walked away, while changing the subject.

The question of title is really embarrassing. Although in Zhuang Xiaoyuan's mind, Feng Guoqing is indeed playing the role of father, but it really makes people feel a little shy to call him out. Moreover, Zhuang Xiaoyuan in his previous life also had his own parents, so he suddenly called another person his father. It's also very awkward, even if this person has been together for several years and is really like a father, but he still can't say that title.

"Okay, let's go back first." The few people standing here chatting have begun to attract the attention of the passing crowd. It is really not a good place to chat in such a large crowd.Shrugging helplessly, Feng Guoqing took out the car keys and walked to the cab.Feng Xiaoxuan followed behind with a smile, walking towards the car parked by the side of the road.

That night, Zhuang Xiaoyuan and the others' dormitory became lively again. After more than a month of desertion, the separated people reunited together again.Perhaps to others, this reunion is just a one-month reunion, but to Zhuang Xiaoyuan, this reunion has a special meaning.Because Feng Xiaoxuan is still alive.

Although in this merged world line, Feng Xiaoxuan and Wen Hui Chu Miaomiao knew this through themselves a few years ago, which made Zhuang Xiaoyuan a little awkward. After all, in the previous world line, he planned to save Feng Xiaoxuan before introducing them.But that's it, it's a rare happiness for everyone to be together.

That night, the lights in the dormitory were not extinguished until very late.A rare reunion to celebrate the success of the Sky Mending Project, the birth of the floating island, and for those brave fighters who died in this battle.That night, many people got drunk, this was Zhuang Xiaoyuan's first time drinking alcohol after coming to this world.Although she was still underage, neither Feng Xiaoxuan nor Feng Guoqing stopped her this time.

Maybe a hangover would make her feel better.In their eyes, Zhuang Xiaoyuan has always been a very soft-hearted child.This time, the plan to mend the sky seems to be successful, but it is also based on the sacrifices of countless people.

Zhuang Xiaoyuan has gradually adapted to this cruel world, and has accepted the choice of sacrifice, but she still feels a little sad in her heart.But it was not as uncomfortable as Feng Xiaoxuan and the others imagined.

Zhuang Xiaoyuan also felt that Feng Xiaoxuan and the others indulged her today.So, although it wasn't as sad as they imagined, Zhuang Xiaoyuan didn't say it outright, instead, she let them misunderstand her.Hey, finally a taste of the wine of this world.

So, after this night, Zhuang Xiaoyuan knew a big weakness of her own.That's...a cup, what's the matter?Obviously, in his previous life, he was surprisingly good at drinking, five or six bottles of beer were no problem at all, but this night, Zhuang Xiaoyuan just drank a small glass of white wine and immediately fell apart.It was already noon the next day when he regained consciousness.

And the next day ushered in the tired-faced Feng Xiaoxuan's categorical agreement, completely restricting Zhuang Xiaoyuan's drinking. This time, even Wen Hui and Chu Miaomiao, who had always wanted to taste wine like Zhuang Xiaoyuan, stood by Feng Xiaoxuan's side. .It seems that Zhuang Xiaoyuan has really been insulated from wine in this life.

(End of this chapter)

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