Chapter 277 Special Designated Research Projects

"What happened last night?" Frowning tightly, Zhuang Xiaoyuan recalled what happened after she drank, but she couldn't remember anything, only dimly remembered that it was very lively at that time, surrounded by many people, But it didn't take long for many people to lie down.This was Zhuang Xiaoyuan's only impression of last night.

Thinking of Feng Xiaoxuan's firm expression before, even Wen Hui and Chu Miaomiao had bloodshot eyes, but they supported Feng Xiaoxuan's attitude very definitely.Zhuang Xiaoyuan always had a bad feeling. Could it be that last night...did he go crazy?The wine in this life won't be that bad, right?
"Team leader, you are back." Zhuang Xiaoyuan walked into the exclusive laboratory of his research group while thinking.Seeing Zhuang Xiaoyuan coming in, the busy researchers stopped their work and said hello.

"Oh, I'm back." Hearing the greeting, Zhuang Xiaoyuan came back from the memory and responded politely.

"Team leader, Assistant Lei is waiting for you. I heard that the assigned task was directly issued by the superior." After greeting Zhuang Xiaoyuan, he passed several researchers and was about to leave when one of the researchers thought of something. expression, opened his mouth and called out to Zhuang Xiaoyuan's back.

"Okay, thank you all, I'll be there right away." Turning her head slightly and waving at them, Zhuang Xiaoyuan changed her pace and walked in another direction.Originally, he planned to go to Wang Xiaofei to ask about what happened last night, but now that he has business to do, he should go back to his office.Lei Zeming is usually there when he is free.

"Sister Ming, I heard that there is a designated project from above for us to complete?" Walking into the office, Zhuang Xiaoyuan saw Lei Zeming sitting on the desk at a glance.

Speaking of which, Lei Zeming is indeed a very good helper, not only because of her special magical ability, she can help with experimental tests, but also she is also a kind of talent who is very good at management, although she is a bit introverted.But after getting acquainted, I am not so afraid of life.

In this research group, Lei Zeming really helped a lot. Because of Zhuang Xiaoyuan's special ability and knowledge reserve, although he is the person in charge of the research group, he seldom takes care of things and mostly stays in the laboratory. Other researchers work together on projects.Therefore, Lei Zeming helped manage all kinds of material supply, material access, financial statistics, and even three meals needed by the research team.

In terms of the personalities of the three research characters transformed by Zhuang Xiaoyuan, Huang Weiyi is not bad, serious and rigorous, with a regular schedule and arranging rest time.Shinoyuki, Kiyama Haruhiro is a true research madman.Especially Mushan Chunsheng, it's normal for him to lose his eyesight for a few days and nights once he gets involved.In the end, it was Zhuang Xiaoyuan herself who suffered the most.

Obviously these three people's fighting power is not strong, and their personalities can't affect Zhuang Xiaoyuan at all, but when they actually start the project research, they will still involuntarily invest in it, completely forgetting the time.At this time, Lei Zeming, who is an assistant, needs to remind and arrange.

"Team leader, you are back. Here, this is the research task assigned by the superior." Hearing Zhuang Xiaoyuan's voice, Lei Zeming raised his head from the full file, and the signal that the data was ready to be recorded was on hand. After handing the terminal to Zhuang Xiaoyuan, she lowered her head and continued to work.

Most of the information surrounding Lei Zeming is the damage of the mechas in various places after the battle, as well as the financial flow accounts with the military department, and additional orders from the military department.

After receiving the signal terminal that Lei Zeming handed over, Zhuang Xiaoyuan didn't mean to help her sort out the data and make financial statistics.Lei Zeming has been doing these tasks very well. Although it looks like a lot of work, it is actually less than an hour's work for her.It should be over soon.

Thinking of this, Zhuang Xiaoyuan ignored the busy Lei Zeming without any psychological burden, sat in his seat and turned on the signal terminal in his hand.Designated research project, this is really the first time I have received such information.

Flicking her finger lightly on the light screen projected by the signal terminal, Zhuang Xiaoyuan frowned slightly.This communication clearly stated that it is necessary to postpone the research on the development of the third brain domain and give priority to the research and manufacture of the designated project.The designated project this time is the transformation and strengthening of the single-person portable flying device and the airship.

Leaning her right arm on the table to support her head, her index finger flicked her cheek lightly, Zhuang Xiaoyuan stared at the two designated items thoughtfully.The transformation and strengthening of the airship is relatively simple. The transformation of the airship is probably for the transportation between the seven continents, and the transportation is convenient, so I want to strengthen the propulsion and increase the speed of movement.

After all, the energy consumption of the portal is very serious. Except for the central city where Dean Ellie, who has the ability of time and space, is located, other cities cannot be used frequently.After realizing the city's ascension plan, airships will probably be the main means of transportation for normal transportation and personnel exchanges.

The airship currently in use is still of an old design, and the power source is also operated by a combination of solar energy and fuel energy.However, Zhuang Xiaoyuan and the others have already developed a device powered by the source of divine power.

As long as the power source of the airship is replaced, both the movement speed and defense strength should be strengthened.And divine power is not a non-renewable resource like fuel.As long as someone replenishes the airship's divine power regularly and at fixed points, there is no fear of running out of energy.

The more troublesome thing is the single-person portable flying device. According to the requirements of the project, this kind of flying device is equipped for the use of god-equipped fighters. Although the IS mecha also has the ability to fly, but after all, the cost is relatively high, and many functions are a bit redundant for most magic warriors.

Therefore, at present, there is a need for a cheap, cost-effective, and portable flying device that is easy to use and not cumbersome to equip the fighters in the god costume.Now the last seven remaining cities of human beings have already taken to the sky. If they encounter battles in the future, the rate of air combat will probably be greatly increased, but there are only a few magic warriors with the ability to fly.This is one of the current predicaments of mankind.

"Flying device, tsk, I don't know if I will satisfy me if I ask for the detailed structure information of the anti-gravity device." Tapping her cheek with her index finger, the corner of Zhuang Xiaoyuan's mouth slightly twitched.She already had the conceptual design of this flying device in her mind.

Thinking that after the successful research of this kind of flying device, it will be fully deployed to all the fighters in divine costume.When encountering a flying turret-level demon attack, the costumed warrior flies up to meet the attack.Zhuang Xiaoyuan's face could not help showing a lewd expression.That picture must be beautiful, the little pants flying all over the sky, hehe.

(End of this chapter)

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