Chapter 278 Second Group Research Meeting
"That's it. The above is the designated research project of the military department and the structural design of the flying device I am thinking of. Do you have any questions? If not, we will start the research of the new project." Withdrawing and pointing at the projector The teaching stick was shortened one by one and put into his hand, Zhuang Xiaoyuan looked at a group of important researchers of his own research group sitting around the meeting room and asked.

"Team leader, I have a question." As soon as Zhuang Xiaoyuan finished speaking, Wang Xiaofei, who was sitting in the second seat on the left, stood up and asked her own question: "To carry out the research experiment of a new project, how about the optimization and improvement of IS mecha and Shiranui? What about research?"

"Heh, I knew you would ask this." With a slight smile, Zhuang Xiaoyuan glanced across the faces of all the researchers from left to right. The researchers who can sit here are all top-notch geniuses. With extraordinary achievements and strengths, everyone here has the ability to independently lead the research group, but now they are gathered together by themselves.

At present, the IS mecha and the Shiranui electromagnetic reconnection gun have been manufactured. In the future, Zhuang Xiaoyuan still has many technologies that need to be researched and improved, especially the smart magic device project and the brain domain development project that have already begun preparations. There are more and more projects, and there will be follow-up improvements and optimizations after the projects are completed. Zhuang Xiaoyuan can't manage it alone.

Moreover, with the development of two kinds of mechas with Zhuang Xiaoyuan, the abilities of these researchers have grown a lot, and the horizons that were originally restricted have been broadened a lot. It is time to study separately, so that Zhuang Xiaoyuan can also Change the world faster and more, and strengthen human resistance.

Thinking that in the near future, in the face of the attack of demons and the counterattack of human beings' reclamation of the earth, the flying Gundams, interstellar battleships, and armed floating islands like hedgehogs, anti-gravity cannons, and anti-matter Missiles, even powerful planet-destroying cannons, and of course there are countless flying pants guarding the side, superpowers with various strange abilities, and even enhanced genetic soldiers.

Although that picture is just a fantasy now, it is not doomed to be unrealized, isn't it? With a slight look of expectation in his eyes, Zhuang Xiaoyuan replied with a smile: "I have decided, our research team will conduct a second grouping."

After finishing speaking, Zhuang Xiaoyuan did not intend to let the following people continue to speak, and started to group directly: "Fang Haoyu, a mechanical expert, I will leave the subsequent optimization and improvement of the IS mech to you. Sadahong, a weapon expert, you should continue to give me a deeper understanding. Tap the potential of Shiranui and let her continue to grow. Yue Yunqi, you who are good at thinking and feeling research should know the human brain very well. I will get someone to give you the information later, and you can almost start recruiting people. Brain domain development and research are synchronized start up."

"Team leader..." was suddenly assigned out. Although there were signs of it before, they were responsible for the follow-up work in these areas after Zhuang Xiaoyuan left for a month, but they were really unprepared to become the person in charge directly. .

"No need to talk nonsense, and the polite words are saved. I didn't give you the opportunity because of you. I did it to develop more results, you know." Eyes slightly widened, Zhuang Xiaoyuan said directly to the group. What people want to say is held back in their stomachs.As the research team's work progressed, Zhuang Xiaoyuan's leadership qualities became stronger and stronger. At least in front of this group of researchers, Zhuang Xiaoyuan was definitely the No. 1 existence in their minds.



"Understood." Since Zhuang Xiaoyuan had said so, these few people could only accept it obediently.They are not worried that they are not competent, as elites in their respective fields, they still have this confidence.

It's just that I'm worried that I won't be able to learn more without Zhuang Xiaoyuan's side.In Zhuang Xiaoyuan's research group, these people really have the feeling that they are still studying with professors in school, and they have all kinds of eye-opening ideas and research.

"Team leader, shall I still study this new project with you?" Seeing that although several people named have been promoted and each became the project leader, but with a hint of disappointment on their faces, Wang Xiaofei couldn't help but have a smile on his face. He asked with a hint of excitement.

"No, I will come up with the new project by myself. It is enough to have Sister Ming help me to test it. Sister Fei, let's improve the airship." Facing Wang Xiaofei with a hint of expectation, Zhuang Xiaoyuan tickled the corner of his mouth and told her a "bad" 'information.

"Eh, no way, team leader, I protest." The three of them were assigned tasks before, but it wasn't their turn. They thought they would conduct research on a new project with Zhuang Xiaoyuan, but they didn't expect this to be the result.Wang Xiaofei couldn't help showing a hint of disappointment on his face.In contrast, the three people who were disappointed before have begun to gloat.

"Protesting is invalid. You are an expert in dynamics. Improving the power plant of the airship and increasing the speed of movement is your specialty. Go and finish it obediently." Patting Wang Xiaofei on the shoulder for comfort, Zhuang Xiaoyuan planned to call off the meeting up.

"Knock, knock, knock." The sound of knocking on the door suddenly came from the door of the conference room, making Zhuang Xiaoyuan swallow back the words that the meeting was about to exit: "Come in, the door is unlocked."

"Team leader, Feng Congwu is here to report." Accompanied by the sound of opening the door, Feng Congwu appeared at the door full of energy.

"Are you finally back? Alright, don't be silly, come in. Is this an official comeback or you are here to give me materials." Waving his hand to let Feng Congwu come in, Zhuang Xiaoyuan glanced at his hand with the engraved big The word 'secret' in the file asked.

"Officially return to the research team, and bring over the information that the team leader needs by the way." Feng Congwu replied, while handing over the encrypted file in his hand to Zhuang Xiaoyuan. This is the anti-gravity device information that Zhuang Xiaoyuan contacted Mu Gengnian before. I didn't expect it to be delivered so quickly, and a capable general was returned.

The success of the study of divine power made Feng Congwu several years younger all of a sudden, his overall appearance has changed a lot, and his self-confidence has been restored from the original decadence.This time, it seems that the implementation team of the Sky Mending Project is doing pretty well.The spirit is much better than before.

"It's just in time for you to come back. You should have accumulated a lot of practical experience in the research of divine power. This time, I will let you take charge of it yourself and lead a team of people to study the smart magic device project I left before. This research may greatly improve As for the combat capability of the warriors in divine costume, if everyone is equipped with a suitable smart magic device, both the ability to control the divine power and the increase in output will be greatly enhanced."

Opening the encrypted file casually, Zhuang Xiaoyuan said while flipping through it quickly.

"But, team leader..." As soon as he walked in, he was assigned a heavy responsibility by Zhuang Xiaoyuan, which made Feng Congwu stunned.The original good mood was replaced by astonishment. He still didn't understand what was going on now. Could it be that he was excluded because he had been away for a while?
(End of this chapter)

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