Chapter 280 The Surrounded Floating City
"This is... so many, the attack was delayed for half a month, just for this moment." Hearing the siren, Zhuang Xiaoyuan came out of the laboratory and walked out of the gate of the scientific research institute, and saw the reason for the siren at a glance .

I saw that in the sky surrounding the floating island in the central city, there were countless black spots densely scattered. The sunlight in the sky was blocked by these dense black spots, making the floating island in the central city fall into darkness. .

Looking carefully, Zhuang Xiaoyuan clearly saw that these black spots that were gradually surrounding were all fort-level demons with the ability to fly, but this number was unprecedentedly large.

It seems that during the past half month, while Zhuang Xiaoyuan and the others were working hard on various researches, the demons were all trying to evolve towards the fort level.The purpose is to gather such a large number to capture the last ark of mankind.

"Team leader, is this a wave of demonic beasts? There are so many." Lei Zeming, who ran out with Zhuang Xiaoyuan, stepped out of the gate one step later, and looked up to see densely packed fort-level demons, with a shocked expression on his face.

"Sister Ming, go and activate the air defense system of the scientific research institute. Also, protect everyone in the scientific research institute. I am afraid that such a large number cannot be completely guarded. There will always be a few leaked in." Turning around, I saw The sky in all directions is full of such black spots, and the surroundings are completely surrounded by fort-level demons.

"What about you, team leader?"

"Needless to say, of course I smashed all these offal." Accompanied by the dazzling golden light, Zhuang Xiaoyuan, waving the Earl of Iron, jumped out of the golden light and flew towards the west side closest to the scientific research institute.Only one word of fighting spirit is left.

"Xiaoyuan. I'll go too." Not long after Zhuang Xiaoyuan took off, Wen Hui chased up from behind with the green breeze.Wen Hui has also been staying in the pharmacy department recently.As soon as she went out, she saw Zhuang Xiaoyuan flying overhead, so she also chased after her.

Although the pharmacy department was successfully separated from the scientific research institute, its location has not changed. It is still in the original pharmacy building, but it is financially independent and its name has been separated.

"Speaking of which, we haven't fought side by side for a long time, Xiaohui." Without slowing down, he continued to fly towards the group of demons in the west, with a nostalgic smile on the corner of Zhuang Xiaoyuan's mouth.

"Yeah, we have been here for a long time. The experience of this period of time has made me regard this place as my new home, so..." Wen Hui also had nostalgia in her eyes, but she looked back at her In the city, that guy's nostalgia was quickly replaced by firmness and warmth.

"We absolutely must protect our homeland." Looking at each other, Zhuang Xiaoyuan and Wen Hui said the last sentence in unison.

Chirp, chirp, boom.As soon as the words fell, they were greeted by a large emerald green light beam.They are already close to the attack range of the turret-level demons.

At this time, the west wall of the central city has become dilapidated, and there are a lot of warriors in divine costumes flying in the sky, wearing only shorts and equipped with flying feet. It seems that they will affect the cloth in Zhuang Xiaoyuan's mouth. The joke about the display of divine power is completely true.

Knickerbockers, safety pants, short jeans, three-quarter pants, all kinds of colors and styles of pants are flying in the sky, it is still Zhuang Xiaoyuan's morality, and he didn't let these warriors in magical costumes directly wear underwear to go into battle.Fortunately, this is the case, otherwise it would definitely irritate the eyes.80.00% of the fighters here in Xicheng are men.

"Flying Swallows Flying." In the smoke from the explosion, one by one magic ammunition shot out and charged into the group of fort-level demons. Four or five of the fort-level demons were crushed, but the next second, the original empty It is quickly filled with demons around.

"Hurricane Spinning Gun." Compared to before, a more violent and turbulent hurricane swept out, blowing away the surrounding smoke, revealing the unscathed two people supporting the divine power shield in the smoke.The emerald small storm rushed into the group of demons and opened a small gap, but it was quickly filled by the surrounding demons, as if the previous attack was just an illusion.

"It's too far away, if it's closer." Waving the Iron Earl in his hand, he shot out magic bullets one by one. He could clearly see the demon being crushed by himself, but after being filled by the surrounding demons, it seemed that the attack just now was completely as if Ineffective, the number of demons is too much.

Zhuang Xiaoyuan, who was using flying magic to approach, was soon forced back by dense green light beams.At the current distance, it is barely possible to use shield magic to resist these beams. If you get closer, the shield will be easily broken, and then meet the intensive attack of the turret-level demons in a physical state, which is completely courting death.

After rushing forward several times, he was forced back by the light beam of the fort-level demon, which made Zhuang Xiaoyuan frowned in annoyance.With the current distance, Yuxiao Miku's voice couldn't reach it at all.If they could get closer, they could use Miku's voice to control the demons to kill each other, so no matter how many demons there were, they would all be killed quickly.

But these turret-level demons seemed to have been ordered before, and they didn't mean to invade directly. Instead, they started a positional battle, relying on the dense emerald light beams steadily step by step to force the god-clothed soldiers to gradually shrink the defensive net and move towards the inside. recede.

Just when the tug-of-war started outside the city gate, it was located in the center of the central city, on the top floor of the dean's office, where a group of fusion-level divine costume fighters gathered here, focusing on the petite Dean Ellie. .

"How is it? Did you find it?" Feng Zhongguo, who had been paying attention to Ellie's principal, asked immediately when he saw her open her closed eyes.This wave of demonic beasts is probably the biggest test for the human plan to mend the sky.Everyone who knows the details is very concerned about this battle.

In fact, if it's just a turret-level demon, as long as a few fusion-level divine costume fighters are sent out, they can easily destroy most of the demons by releasing the domain and rushing over.But they couldn't move out at will, because there was a greater threat, so these fusion-level divine warriors could only gather together.

"I found it, or it should be said that he let us find it on purpose." Taking a breath, expelling the turbid air in his chest and lungs, Dean Ellie looked towards the south of the central city with a solemn face.

"Hmph, he's really a confident guy. Does he think he can deal with all of us by himself?" Huo Qinglong lightly clenched his fists with a hint of anger in his eyes, and with the crisp sound of his knuckles, he Already eager to try and plan to start fighting.

"Senior Huo, I'm afraid he can really deal with all of us." The one who answered Huo Qinglong was Feng Xiaoxuan, the youngest girl among this group of fusion-level magic warriors.As a new fusion level, she also had direct contact with the enemy this time. She also knew the enemy's strength this time best, and was really impressed by his terrifying strength.

(End of this chapter)

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