Chapter 281 The Bright Red King of Another World
"In any case, since he has already exposed his position, this battle is inevitable. According to the information obtained so far, the fusion level alone may not be able to catch him a few moves." The calm voice of the earth god Shen Hao sounded , In his normal state, he still looks like an old man.

"The strength far surpasses the fusion level, and he has never used the domain ability. Do you think he will be the true god level we expected? A god of destruction stronger than the god of destruction?" Wood attribute magic warrior, head of the pharmacy department Man, Cai Mingfang, Wen Hui's pharmacy teacher, said softly with a thoughtful look on his face.

One word out of the mouth directly caused several strongest human beings present to fall into silence.In fact, after hearing Feng Xiaoxuan's report, they had already guessed about the level of that evil god, but they were not sure.However, the possibility of this kind of speculation is really a high probability of despair.

"Even if we discuss it here, there will be no results. I'm afraid we'll have to fight to find out the truth. Even if it's an evil god at the level of a god of destruction. I believe that with so many of us working together, we can definitely defeat him."

Although there was still a tinge of surprise in his eyes, Feng Guohua's words revealed a tinge of confidence.It's no wonder that he has such confidence in his side, because the people gathered here are all the strongest of mankind, and it's the first time for them to join forces to deal with the same person.With seven fusion-level combat powers, even the God of Destruction cannot easily succeed.

The seven fusion-level costumed fighters are also the biggest heritage of the central city. There is only one fusion-level commander in the other floating islands. bit only.

"Okay, let's get ready to fight. Let's go over there." Looking across the faces of the surrounding people, Headmaster Ellie waved his hand and opened the space channel, which directly connected to the southern city gate closest to the enemy.

"Hmph, let me take a good look at how strong the God of Destruction is." With a rebellious expression on his face, Huo Qinglong, who was over fifty years old but still had a strong sense of comparison, walked in first.

"It's such a rare experience, the old man is eager to try it." Supporting his crutches, Shen Hao smiled and followed Huo Qinglong into the space passage.

"I started to put it on again. I'm not as old as me, but I pretend to be the oldest among us. I really don't know what to think." Shaking his head helplessly, Feng Zhongguo complained about Shen Hao in front of him. Also followed.

"What time is it, everyone is still so relaxed. Sigh." Seeing several people go in one after another, Cai Mingfang, who has a serious and rigorous personality, sighed helplessly and walked in the fourth.

"Xiaoxuan, let's go too, no matter what the result is, protect yourself." Nodding to the niece beside her, Feng Guohua was the fifth to step forward, Feng Xiaoxuan nodded in agreement, and the sixth walked into the space passage.In the end, Headmaster Ellie finished.As Dean Ellie walked into the space passage, the air blurred for a while, and the distorted space instantly calmed down.

Not long after the space channel disappeared, several powerful divine energies erupted in the south of the central city, and the regular power mixed with the domain began to fight against another mysterious force, and the official fight began over there.

"It's not an option to go on like this. If you let them approach again, the attack will enter the city." Forced back by the dense green light beams again, Zhuang Xiaoyuan stopped advancing in vain.It began to fall towards the city wall below.

In the process of advancing and retreating just a few times, these turret-level demons have come closer and closer, and the distance between them and the defensive line of the god-clothed warriors has not been shortened in the slightest. of.

"Tsk, what a nasty tactic. Obviously, as long as it is approached, it can be wiped out quickly." The combination of wind and earth elements formed a new fusion element sand. Surrounded by fine sand and dust, Wen Hui quickly made a surprise attack In the past, but in the end, it was repulsed back at a distance of tens of meters.Even the flowing sand and dust can't resist such a large number of intensive attacks.

"If it was before, it might be a little more troublesome. But, it's really unlucky, demons. It happened to hit my gun. I haven't tried the new card yet." Landing on the city wall, Zhuang Xiaoyuan took out a A character card that has not been used for half a month.

This card is during the retreat of Ningcheng during the retreat of Ningcheng. With the will to protect, he activated the white wing mode of one party, and at the same time absorbed the energy of the previous demon in an instant. A character generated from a blank card.

Originally when generating the character.Zhuang Xiaoyuan thought it would be Icarus, after all, three years later, she had the character card of Icarus and completed her transformation.

However, the character card that finally appeared was not Icarus. It did not have the powerful flying ability of Icarus, and it could even be said that the movement ability of this character card was very low.But on the contrary, this character card has a super long-range attack ability and a super-wide-range coverage strike ability.

"Xiaohui, get ready, and find an opportunity to make a surprise attack later. I'll open the way for you." He raised the character card in his hand high, and with the dazzling golden light flashing, Zhuang Xiaoyuan began a new transformation.

The bright red body was revealed from the golden light. It was not a color that humans would have. Although the figure that appeared in the golden light had the form of a human, it was more like a robot than a human.However, this one is not a robot, but the avatar form of a certain girl.

The bright red streamlined body, the mask-like head with only round green eyes and two braid-like antennas, looks very small overall, and is only about 1.3 meters tall.

However, despite the petite and fragile appearance of this character, she is one of the seven strongest kings who holds the title of king in her own world.Although compared to the other six first-generation kings, she is the second-generation king who inherits the title of king.But in terms of strength, it is not inferior.

"Strengthen the exterior - activate." The golden light dissipated, and the red girl looked up at the dense fort-level demons in the sky, and softly summoned her own weapons.Accompanied by the sound of mechanical collisions, the bright red armor materialized from the void, and was loaded onto the girl's body layer by layer.When all the armed forces are fully dressed, the girl can no longer be seen in place, only a huge mechanical fortress can be seen.

Along with this, the thick rivets at the foot of the mechanical fortress were firmly nailed into the rocky ground on the city wall, and the thicker muzzle was lifted up to aim at the sky.Bursts of hot steam spewed out from the closed position, speeding up the world's Red King-Last Moon Yukiko, in this world, she showed her fangs for the first time in the face of demons.

"Monsters, feel the ravages of the Red King." Layer after layer of covers were lifted, revealing the Red King, with countless bruises on his back, shoulders, sides of his thighs, waist, etc., all over his body. missile.

(End of this chapter)

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