Chapter 282 The Temporarily Ended Battle

"Monsters, feel the baptism of the missiles. Hahahaha." Accompanied by an aggressive voice, missiles flew out from various positions of the Red King's immovable fortress, and the densely packed missiles penetrated the demons. The firepower net blasted into the group of demons.

"Hahahaha, not enough, not enough, not enough. Saturated heat gun - fire." The voice full of murderous intent continued to come from the immovable fortress, followed by the two huge laser cannons on the shoulders of the immovable fortress .Accompanied by the roar of the cannon fire, the lavender laser beam shot directly into the group of demons from the cannon, instantly clearing a large linear area.

"Oh, it's really a rough attack this time, but I like it. Chariot of Flame." The earth attribute on the body quickly converged, leaving only the emerald green wind attribute, and then the crimson from the inside began to appear.The fusion of green and red, and the new element born from the elements of wind and fire - Yan surrounded Wen Hui, forming a conical chariot spinning around her.

"Get rid of you all at once." Holding the spear flat with both hands, Wen Hui stepped on his feet, accompanied by the thrust of the wind and fire around him, instantly transformed into a flaming meteor and rushed towards the fort-level demon from bottom to top.

The lineup was disrupted by the sudden missile attack, and then a part of the area was cleared by the laser cannon before it had time to make up.Wen Hui seized this fleeting opportunity and rushed directly into the group of demons.

"Storm of Flame God." A hurricane mixed with flames soared into the sky and appeared among the demons. The storm of flames swept the surrounding demons, and all the demons that approached were burned to ashes by the storm of flames in just a few seconds.

Facing this huge flame storm, the demons could not help but instinctively began to avoid the surroundings, but the surroundings were already surrounded by demons, some retreated and some advanced, making the group of demons more chaotic, and the command they received before disappeared without a trace. Now, these demons also began to fall into chaos like headless chickens.

Wen Hui, who rushed into the group of demons, drove the Flame God Storm to move to the right, and all the demons caught in the storm were burned to ashes.The speed of the Flame God Storm is not slow, even faster than the flying speed of the turret-level demons, so every turret-level demon cannot escape the fate of being swallowed by the flames.

"Hahaha, let's die, let's all die. Mind skill - Radiation Fist, hailstorms are raging." Noticing Wen Hui's movements, Zhuang Xiaoyuan also fully activated all the weapons on his body.Missiles one by one, laser beams one after another, and machine guns firing in succession, all raged towards the group of demons on the left under the range expansion effect of the Mind Skill Radiation Fist.

The dense barrage directly covered a large group of demons. Missiles erupted in the group of demons, beams of light cleared out blank spaces, and machine gun bullets shot back the demons who wanted to rush forward to fight back. Area.All of a sudden, the demons on the west side began to be cleaned up quickly.

Individual turret-level demons are very fragile. They are approached by Wen Hui, and their attack distance cannot compare with Zhuang Xiaoyuan. They can only accept the fate of destruction.After cleaning up the demons in the west, Zhuang Xiaoyuan and Wen Hui started to move north.

Just as Zhuang Xiaoyuan and the others started from the west and swept towards the north, on the other side of them, the demons in the east were also quickly cleared away, and they did not leave to go to the other six floating islands. - Huo Wenwu, Shadow God - Feng Xiaofeng and Thunder God - Lei Bao, plus Chu Miaomiao.The four of them also started to clean up towards the north with the joint efforts of other god-clothed fighters around them.

There was a slight crisp sound, and the space trembled.Accompanied by the vibration of the space, the nearby turret-level demons were easily shredded.On the south side of the Central Continent, the eight fighting people staggered from each other with the blow that caused space shock.

"As expected of the last struggle, you all worked hard. It seems that today can only end here." He reached out and touched his chest, only a few centimeters away from the core of the heart, and a penetrating wound rubbed through the heart. Passing through the chest, traces of blood oozed from the heart.Looking at the seven people who were in a mess on the opposite side, Loki's face was not relaxed, and his voice seemed a little low.

"Do you want to run away with your tail between your legs, Cthulhu?" His right hand fell limply to his side, but the fighting spirit in Huo Qinglong's eyes was not extinguished at all.He still has his left hand without his right hand, and he still has his legs without his left hand. Even if he can't even use his legs, he still has his teeth.His fighting spirit will not be extinguished because of his injury, it will only become stronger and stronger.He really deserves to be Huo Wenwu's father, the father and son are completely alike, they have strong characters when they meet strong ones.

"Run away? Don't be ridiculous, this time I just spared your life in a good mood. I will come again when the old wounds left by that damned king of the dead are completely healed." Finally, I looked deeply Glancing at the seven people opposite, Loki jumped off the floating island with a slight sneer on his face, and fell straight down.

"Don't try to run." Huo Qinglong stared and wanted to catch up.

"Stop chasing. Although he is very proud of what he said, even if we catch up, we can't do anything to him." Feng Zhongguo, who suffered a blow to the chest and broke several ribs, grabbed Huo Qinglong, not paying attention to the corner of his mouth. He shook his head to stop the slight blood stains.

"Tsk, I'm really aggrieved. Seven people can't beat one person." Although he knew that Feng Zhongguo was telling the truth, Huo Qinglong felt awkward when he heard it.This place has gathered most of the top experts of human beings, and I didn't expect that they can't help each other alone.

"It's really depressing. Did he mention the old wounds left by the King of the Dead just now? I'm already curious about how strong Senior Niles was back then. He was able to leave such old wounds that cannot be healed by such a monster. ” The abdomen was completely pierced, and in the tender green radiance of divine power, the wound on the abdomen began to heal gradually like a plant stretching.Urging the divine power to restore himself, Cai Mingfang said with a look of admiration in his eyes.

"Senior Niles is very strong." Feng Xiaoxuan said in a heavy voice, thinking of the battle five years ago, when Senior Niles fought against the three generals alone.Most of the seven of them have the same fighting power as the god generals, and there is no obvious difference in whether they are strong or weak, but Niles and Loki have far surpassed them.

"Senior Niles is stronger." With a hint of memory in his eyes, Dean Ellie gave a different evaluation after Feng Xiaoxuan.

"Stronger?" A hint of surprise flashed in her eyes. Although she felt that Niles was very strong, far surpassing herself, Feng Xiaoxuan didn't think that Senior Niles was stronger than Loki.After all, in Feng Xiaoxuan's impression, Senior Niles only dealt with three generals.But Loki tied with the seven of them.Still with injuries.

(End of this chapter)

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