Chapter 283 Peace Without Demons

"Yeah, it's stronger. I'm afraid Senior Niles five years ago is not half as strong as before." Thinking of Niles who passed away in the battle five years ago, Ellie's tone was also full of emotion. .

"It would be great if Senior Niles was still here." Cai Mingfang couldn't help feeling a bit of regret when she heard Dean Ellie boasting to Niles.

"We can't always rely on Senior Niles. We have to make ourselves stronger." Thinking of Niles' strength doubled five years ago, Feng Xiaoxuan couldn't help admiring her even more, but Feng Xiaoxuan's But there will be no emotion of relying on her in my heart, but my heart will become stronger.

"That's right, we have to become stronger. He will come again, and next time we must let him come and go." Feng Zhongguo said with a serious face, looking at the six people around him while talking, What met his gaze were pairs of firm eyes.

Rumbling, accompanied by the roar of missiles and the thunderbolt of thunder and lightning, the two teams that encircled and suppressed the past from the east and west sides came together.With the efforts of both parties, the fort-level demon group in the north was finally cleared and wiped out.

"It's over." The last laser cannon wiped out the demons who wanted to escape, Zhuang Xiaoyuan looked to the south, and the powerful divine energy and domain aura that erupted there before had calmed down.

"Well, the old hag should be fine." Taking back the weapons on her body, a trace of worry appeared in the cold Chu Miaomiao's eyes.The aura erupting from the south side before was really terrifying.It is far from the level that people like them who have not yet comprehended the rules can touch.

"Don't worry, the dean is so strong, and my master, sister Xiaoxuan, has gone to so many fusion classes. It's absolutely fine." Wen Hui patted Chu Miaomiao's shoulder carelessly and comforted her.She has great trust in the strength of the dean and the others.

"Anyway, this side has been cleaned up, let's go over and have a look." Zhuang Xiaoyuan, who took back the reinforced exterior that appeared on his body and restored the petite avatar form of the Red King, took out another card.

To be honest, she is also very worried about the situation there. Although Chu Miaomiao said that all the fusion-level masters in the city are gathered there, Zhuang Xiaoyuan, who has really seen the power of evil gods, does not think that fusion-level combat power can be 100% winning percentage.The strong confrontation before must be the guy he met in Ningcheng.

In the familiar golden light, the Red King transformed into the elf of time, and with the sound of a gunshot, Zhuang Xiaoyuan, who became Tokisaki Kurumi, quickly flew towards the south of the city.Looking at each other, Wen Hui and Chu Miaomiao followed closely behind.Let the aftermath of the north side be handed over to those few people in the special class and those magic warriors who use flying feet.

"Sister Xiaoxuan, Grandpa, uncle, are you alright?" Flying to the south of the central city, Zhuang Xiaoyuan saw seven people sitting or standing outside the city.And at a glance, he recognized the few people he was most familiar with.

"It's okay, the evil god has already been beaten away by us. He probably won't come again soon." Feng Xiaoxuan greeted Zhuang Xiaoyuan with a gentle smile. It takes time to recover.After confirming that they were all right, Zhuang Xiaoyuan and the others breathed a sigh of relief.

"Sister Xiaoxuan, did something happen? It feels like you are a little different." I was relieved for the safety of the few people in my heart, but Zhuang Xiaoyuan also noticed Feng Xiaoxuan's strangeness. At this time, she seemed to be affected by some kind of The influence is average, and the whole body exudes energy.

"Really, if you want to say what happened, you should be aware of your own weakness." Facing Zhuang Xiaoyuan's question, Feng Xiaoxuan smiled slightly, but her eyes were already burning with a strong fighting spirit.

Since the battle five years ago, it seems that the killing of more than half of the gods made Feng Xiaoxuan relax a lot.Although he has successfully entered the fusion level, compared to before, he no longer has the kind of unremitting efforts.

As for the battle of Ning Cheng's retreat, and the seven-to-one tie just now, coupled with the fact that Senior Niles' fighting power was far superior to that of five years ago, according to Headmaster Ellie, Feng Xiaoxuan has already realized that she is relaxing.And the strength of the opponent also rekindled her fighting spirit.

The next time you come back, you must defeat him.Maybe his old injuries will recover, but I will also grow up. At that time, I will definitely not be able to barely resist him instead of killing him head-on like now.

"My own weakness? Sister Xiaoxuan suddenly became hot-blooded." Seeing Feng Xiaoxuan's burning passion, Zhuang Xiaoyuan couldn't help being infected, and secretly decided that she should work harder, otherwise she would be too dumped by Feng Xiaoxuan. Far is not good.

"Go back, I'm afraid there are still a lot of things to do in the future. After today's battle, the evil god will not come again in a short time." On the other end, the head of Ellie, who exchanged a few words with Chu Miaomiao, looked at Glancing at the people around him, he waved his hand to open the space passage and walked in.

"Indeed, we've already fought against him. He still has nothing to do with us. Unless his injuries heal, he won't waste his time coming here. Let's go." Looking back at the place where Loki left before, Feng Zhongguo relaxed I smiled and greeted everyone to go back together.

The facts are the same as what they said, since this tentative invasion war by demons, there has never been another invasion of demons.Not only the central city, but even the other six cities have not been attacked by demons.

Mankind has finally ushered in a safe and peaceful life, but no one knows how long this life can last.In this brief peace, all human beings mobilized and began to make various preparations for possible enemies in the future.

The production of new technological weapons, aircraft, new airships, improved versions of electromagnetic reconnection guns, and the second generation of IS mechas. As time goes by, human technology is also advancing rapidly.And the superpowers that were developed later became an important part of sending charcoal in a timely manner.

With the emergence of the first superpowers, ordinary people have been stimulated by various drugs and have mastered various superpowers through electroshock therapy.It's just that it is more difficult for these superpowers to progress compared to the progress of the divinely equipped fighters.People without learning talent may stay at a low-level superpower level for the rest of their lives.

With the development of superpowers, the third generation of IS mechas appeared accordingly.The third-generation mechas are specially prepared for these fighters with super powers.It is a new-age mecha that can enhance superpowers through mecha amplification and apply it to the mecha itself.

And when human beings are working hard to improve their technology and strength, they are preparing to protect the floating continent and even counterattack the ground.On the land that has been completely occupied by demons, the demons are also preparing for the last seven continents above their heads.Moreover, their preparations have gradually begun to emerge, and another battle is not far away.

(End of this chapter)

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