Chapter 285 The World Where Gods and Demons Exist

Under the protection of the light of strange colors, Zhuang Xiaoyuan successfully entered the trial world, but because he was blocked by the giant black fog hand before, Zhuang Xiaoyuan's own condition was very bad, and his soul suffered a little damage.

When she arrived in the trial world, the strange color light of the four-leaf clover crystal combination quietly disappeared, and the moment the strange light disappeared, the dark negative energy suddenly burst out from Zhuang Xiaoyuan's body, spreading to cover the whole body to gain control.

But at the same time as the black energy erupted, a golden energy also erupted at the same time, and the two sides began to resist each other with black and golden lights flashing, fighting back and forth.

Zhuang Xiaoyuan, who was floating in this world, did not directly transform into the form of an ordinary person like in the previous worlds. Instead, he maintained his soul form and kept floating.From time to time, black and golden lights flashed on his body.

I don't know how long it took, maybe the golden light and the black light were both impatient with this battle, and the two sides burst out with strong energy breath again. With the explosion of both sides, Zhuang Xiaoyuan's soul quietly shrank and became a couple. Distinct discs in black and gold.

The black light occupied the black disc, the golden light occupied the golden disc, and between the pair of discs, two blank cards slowly rotated.These are the cards that Zhuang Xiaoyuan left behind from the Divine Blessing level to the peak of the Divine Blessing level. In addition to the one used to generate a new character when entering the forest world last time, here are two more.

The two colors of black and gold turned into disks clashed again, colliding with each other to compete for these two cards, and finally both sides won one.Accompanied by the last impact, the golden disc and the black disc were respectively integrated into the card he won, and turned into two different meteors, one upward and one downward, disappearing into the sky and the ground respectively.

This is the world of gods and demons. The gods and demons live in the sky and the earth, which cannot be touched by ordinary people.The gods and demons seem to be born hostile, fighting and killing each other from the beginning of their birth.This battle went on for a long, long time.

In order to defeat each other, the protoss used divine power to create war angels who are good at fighting, while the demons used magic energy to infect wild beasts to become monsters with various strange shapes.The number of monsters is huge, and the combat power of the war angels is superb. The two sides, who originally had their own specialties, have fallen into complete passivity because of the lack of wisdom of the monsters.

The demons who found that the situation was not good could only retreat underground. Unwilling to fail, they worked hard to study angels, and finally found a way to make angels fall, so the fallen angels were born.

The demon clan with fallen angels and monsters began to gradually regain the situation, but at this time, a strongest angel was born in the fountain of life of the god clan.Possesses an absolute defense against all attacks, and a super artifact capable of destroying a country with one blow.

The demons retreated again, and this time the loss was very heavy, so heavy that it could not be recovered for thousands of years.The victorious protoss of course declared their sovereignty, that they were the masters of the world, and began to rule the human beings on the ground.

Fearing the power of the Protoss, humans are very obedient, but they lack human emotion, and the Protoss, who are naturally indifferent and accustomed to following rules and balance, cannot understand humans, so the conflict between the Protoss and humans broke out.

At the beginning of the battle, humans were no match for the Protoss.A large area was swept away by the protoss, but when a heroic warrior killed an inferior protoss, the battle situation changed upside down.The human who killed the Protoss actually gained the opponent's full power.

After that, one after another, people killed the Protoss to gain the power of the Protoss and became a new Protoss.It's just that unlike the original protoss, these new protoss do not have the eternal life of the protoss.

At the end of the battle, the protoss disappeared into history, and a new protoss was born, who called themselves saints.The power of the saints comes from the gods. This power cannot make them live forever, but it can be passed down from generation to generation and passed on to future generations.As a result, the human race flourished unprecedentedly.

Facing the victory of the human race, not only the human race is happy, but the demon race is also happy.Because the rival Protoss has disappeared, and the human race is much easier to deal with than the protoss, because the human race has the desire to be used.

But the demons didn't make a move, not only because their own race had to recuperate, but also because the strongest angel who wiped out most of the demons never appeared until the extinction of the gods.The angel who deeply feared the demons.

In this way, time passed quietly, and hundreds of years passed, human beings divided and reunited to fight each other, new countries were established and old countries were destroyed.Until now, the newest kingdom, Gatley, has completed the great cause of unification.

The leader of this country was only an adventurer from an adventure group at first, and it was because he accidentally got an ancient artifact during the adventure journey that he became the strongest human being, and then unified the continent.So this country has also become a holy place for adventurers, and adventurous behavior is prevalent in this country.

Especially for the ancient god civilization, it is full of a strong desire for adventure. Of course, more people take risks for the visible benefits of money and props in the ruins.

On such a very ordinary day, a small adventure group rented a small magic airship and flew into the sky according to the instructions of the map, and flew towards the legendary celestial ruins.Also on this day, the turmoil in this world finally began.

"... Calculated time, eight hours, 21 minutes and 47 seconds from June 37, [-]. No one has entered the field. After the investigation, continue to be silent." On a small floating island in the floating ruins, a An angel with a pair of huge wings was bound and imprisoned deep in the ruins by heavy chains.

The twinkling pupils showed that she had her own consciousness, but the angel's face did not change at all, like a cold machine.After confirming that there was no one around, the pale green pupils fell into dead silence again, as if their functions had stopped.

Not long after the angel completed the inspection of the random personnel, a small airship flew straight towards the small floating island.It seemed that the original target was this floating island.

"Look, Anna, we are almost there, right ahead." Eve, one of the members of the girls' adventure group, pointed at the small floating island in front of the airship while manipulating the airship while referring to the map in her hand. .

"Oh oh oh, that's right. It doesn't look like there is a treasure." Hearing Eve's call, a girl with a calm temperament stepped out from the back cabin. Childish feeling.She is the captain of this small adventure group, Anna.

"Whether there is a treasure or not cannot be seen from the outside. Since there is a map, there must be something there." After Anna, another girl came out.He said with a soft smile on his face.She is Lanny, the last member of the girl mercenary group.

(End of this chapter)

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