Chapter 286 This is the Queen's Birdcage

Inside the ruins, the three people who had passed all the way to the center of the floating island were facing the attack of a large group of angel statue puppets.The energy of these puppets all comes from the floating island itself, but the energy of the floating island comes from the sunlight in the sky.So even after thousands of years have passed, these puppet statues are still as complete as they were originally.

"Come on, let's all attack here. Provocative Shield" Faced with a large number of statues, the puppet Anna raised the golden giant shield in her hand and shouted. With her movements, golden light radiated from the shining gold shield.The statue puppets besieging several people couldn't control their movements, and all their attacks were concentrated on the Yaojin shield in Anna's hand.

"Hey, instant phantom kill." All the attacks of the statue puppet were deflected, and Eve smiled and raised the two swords in his hands.In an instant, Eve split into several as if she had been separated.The movement flashed by, and Eve returned to the original position in the blink of an eye, and the two swords were gently sheathed.With a bang, the dozens of puppet statues in front of them were all smashed in an instant.

"Clear water barrier." Just as Eve was returning the sword and playing coolly, a gentle voice sounded, and a blue magic barrier appeared behind Eve.A statue puppet with half of its neck cut off, the stone spear that was attacking Eve in its hand was just blocked by the barrier: "Be careful."

"Hehe, I'm sorry. Luckily, there's Lani here." With a backhand sword, the statue puppet was cut into two pieces, and Eve smiled apologetically at Lani.I was really careless just now, and almost got hurt.

"I told you to be cool, how many times have I told you, you have to concentrate when fighting." She raised her hand and knocked Eve on the head, Anna had a look of resentment.

"Anna, we seem to have reached the bottom." Lanny's voice rescued Eve from Anna's education.

"Oh? Is it finally here? It's deep enough here." Hearing Lan Ni's voice, Anna walked over, passed a corner, and saw a huge stone gate deep in the corner.

"This, how do I open it?" Anna followed bouncingly over, looking at the unlocked stone door in front of her, Eve stepped forward and pushed hard, but it didn't move at all.

"Well, there should be some kind of mechanism." Seeing that Eve couldn't push the stone door open, Lanny began to look around the stone door, planning to find out if there was a mechanism to open the door.

The two people whose attention had been completely attracted by Shimen didn't notice at all. When Anna saw Shimen, she looked a little strange.With a hint of bewilderment in his eyes, he stared at Shimen in front of him.

For some reason, Anna felt a sense of familiarity when she entered the ruins.And after seeing this stone door, that feeling became stronger, as if there was something behind the stone door, attracting him to open it.

At this moment, facing the stone gate in front of her, Anna could no longer see her two little friends, she only had this stone gate in her eyes.Step by step, he walked to the front of the stone gate.Anna's eyes were fixed on a series of lines that looked like characters and patterns in the middle of the stone gate.

Obviously not familiar with this string of lines, but the meaning of this string of words emerged in Anna's heart involuntarily.At the same time, this string of words also came out of her mouth: "My friend, Icarus. This is the queen's birdcage, waiting for the day of free release."

Follow Anna to read the meaning of the lines on the door.There was a click and then a rumbling sound of movement.The pure white stone door in front of him slowly opened towards the inside.Show the inside appearance in front of three people.

"...It's so beautiful..." Seeing the existence revealed inside the Shimen, Eve stared blankly at her, and couldn't help but express admiration.

"That' angel?" She was also obsessed with the other party's figure, but as a magician, Lan Ni was obviously more rational. She recovered her sanity after a moment of surprise and confirmed the other party's identity.

"My friend, Icarus..." Looking at the angel bound by countless chains inside, Anna couldn't help repeating the words she had read out in a language that had long since disappeared from this world.At the same time, crystal clear liquid came out of her eyes and left along her cheeks.

"Anna, what's wrong with you? Why are you crying? And what did you mean just now? How did you open the door." After regaining her senses and looking away from the angel, Lanny realized that Anna beside her was crying He looked at the angel inside with a full face.

"Hey, what's going on, why am I crying?" After being pushed by Lan Ni, Anna raised her hand to wipe the tears on her face as if she had just woken up from a dream, her eyes were full of bewildered expressions.

Why did she suddenly say something she didn't understand just now, and why did she cry, Anna has no idea at all.But even though she seemed to wake up from a dream, Anna could still feel the pain and guilt in her heart?

"...It seems that this place has something to do with the ancestors of your family. You said the divine words without knowing it. This is a situation where blood memory appears." Seeing Anna's bewildered look, Lanny couldn't help but think of the Information seen in the Imperial City Library.

The saint who kills the gods and seizes the power of the gods is equivalent to becoming a descendant of the gods. When he encounters a place that the gods were familiar with, he will involuntarily appear the memory of that god or act that god will do. This is blood memory. appear

"Blood memory appears?" Finally wiped away the tears on her face, Anna showed a puzzled expression when she heard the unfamiliar words from Lan Ni's mouth.

"It's too troublesome to explain, so you can take it as an instinct. It's like people are born with the instinct of self-preservation and survival. This kind of blood memory phenomenon is an instinct that will automatically appear when encountering familiar stimuli." Pat Eve on the shoulder to wake her up from her daze.Lanny turned her head to look at the angel and explained
"That's why you said it has something to do with my ancestors. It's interesting. Let's go in and have a look." With an excited smile on the corner of her mouth, Anna raised the Yaojin Shield in her hand and walked in step by step.

Anna's spirit of adventure is fully activated, she is indeed a descendant of the adventurer family.Seeing the expression on Anna's face, Lanny shrugged helplessly, and followed after Anna entered.

Lanny followed Annie's footsteps, and Eve glanced behind her, but didn't notice anything unusual, and then followed in with a hint of vigilance.Although she has a lively personality, Eve is still relatively reliable when it comes to business.

"It's really an angel, I always feel as if I've seen it in a dream." Walking all the way to the angel smoothly, looking at the face of the angel, Anna vaguely felt a sense of familiarity, and couldn't help stretching out towards the face of the angel. hands.

(End of this chapter)

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