Chapter 287 The Angel in the Floating Ruins
When I saw the face of the angel, I felt the familiarity in my heart.Anna stretched out her hand involuntarily.Just when Anna's right hand was about to touch the angel, the angel's eyes opened quietly, and Anna in front of him was reflected in the emerald green pupils.

The angel suddenly opened his eyes, startling the three people who were close to the angel, and reacted reflexively to be on guard.

"Boss, boss, come and see. See what these rookies found." Just when the angel opened his eyes and frightened the three girls to make defensive moves, there was a broken gong sound outside the stone gate. sound.

"Oh, look at you, these rookies have gained a lot. Is it gold or a weapon? Could it be a god stone." After breaking the throat, a rough and evil voice sounded, followed by There was a burst of intensive footsteps.After a while, a lot of people gathered outside the stone gate, densely blocking the only exit deep in the ruins.

"Huh?! Hahahaha, I didn't expect it, I really didn't expect it. Look at what these yellow-haired girls found. Angels, they actually found angels, and they were locked up. If I kill this angel, I can also become an angel." You are a saint." A thick figure walked in from the passage made by the crowd.It was a very strong bald man.The dense scars on his face and body made him a bit more angry.

The bald man came out more and more, and when he looked up, he saw the angel who was surrounded by three girls and was bound by chains.There was a flash of blood in his eyes, and a laughter full of desire came out of his mouth.

"Blood Axe, why did you appear here?" Looking at the blocked exit, Anna stared at the bald man Xue Axe with an ugly face and asked.

"Ha, why did you appear here? A rookie is a rookie, even a descendant of a saint is just a yellow-haired girl. You can't guess why I appear here." There was a mocking expression on his face, and the blood ax seemed to have no handle at all. The three girls in front of me paid attention to them.His eyes were only on the chained angel in the center of the hall.

"You actually followed us." Although she had expected it, but the speculation in her heart was confirmed, Anna still secretly blamed herself.I was so careless that I didn't even notice that I was being followed.Or because of too little experience.

"That's right. After you chopped off one of my men's hands, I have been paying attention to you all the time. I finally got the chance, and there is such a big harvest." The handsome man snapped his fingers, but in In the eyes of Anna and the others, the action of the blood ax was not handsome at all, only disgusting.

"Impossible, my detection magic will regularly scan the surrounding area of ​​the airship. If you follow us, it is impossible not to let me find it." Frowning tightly, Lanny stared at the airship with deep disgust in her eyes. blood axe.

The Bloodaxe Adventure Group, the most notorious bandit group in Shizuo Town, goes deep into the ruins everywhere in the name of the adventure group, but they don't take risks by themselves, but guard the real adventurers before robbing and killing.Although many people know about their crimes, but because their methods are too clean, there is no evidence so far, and the adventure group cannot use their power to expel them.

"Idiot, don't you know that there is location tracking magic in this world?" Beside Blood Axe, a tall, thin middle-aged man dressed as a magician had a lewd smile on his face, scanning Lan Ni's body up and down.Said proudly.

"Location tracking, could it be..." Lanny opened her eyes, showing a surprised expression.

"The old man who sold you the boat belongs to us." The middle-aged magician's expression became even more smug.This was all his idea, and the old man was also in contact with him.Finally a chance to get revenge.Touching his empty right wrist, the magician's eyes revealed deep hatred.

"Stop talking nonsense, do it, arrest these little girls for me. They all look so good, it's a pity to kill them directly. I haven't tasted the taste of a saint yet." Waved a hand to interrupt the magic At the teacher's words, Xuexue commanded his men to start rushing towards the inside of the stone gate.

"Blood Axe, how dare you, aren't you afraid that my father will take revenge on you? Once the arrest warrant comes out, it's useless to hide anywhere." Facing the rushing crowd, Anna's face was very ugly.Although she has inherited part of the power of the saint, Anna, who has not yet fully awakened, is unlikely to be an opponent in the face of so many enemies.

"That's right, we are still students of the Academy of Magic and Martial Arts. If you attack us, the academy will not let you go." Making defensive moves, Eve and Lanny also threatened.Facing so many enemies, they can only use the forces behind them to threaten each other.

The effect was good. After hearing the words of a few people, the crowd who had rushed in couldn't help but stop, looking at each other, wondering if they should continue to fight.

"What are you doing in a daze? We never came here like this. As long as we start cleanly, we will know who did it. The words of a few stinky girls will make you cowardly. Don't say it's my blood axe when you go out." Several of his subordinates looked hesitant, and Xue Ax yelled and cursed furiously.

Hearing the boss's yelling, the little ones came to their senses, and rushed towards Anna and the others howling.

"Provocative Shield." Threats are useless, it seems that Blood Ax is determined to kill himself.Faced with such a desperate situation, Anna didn't want to sit still.Yaojindun emitted brilliant golden light, attracting all the surrounding attacks.

"Phantom Instant Kill." As with the statue puppet, when the enemy was controlled by Anna's ability, Eve rushed into the crowd with a two-handed sword.The figures flickered, and heads shot up into the sky one after another.

"Lianzhu fireball." With deep hatred in his eyes, the middle-aged magician muttered something, and a series of fireballs flew towards the three girls with his hands raised.

"Chaotic flow." Lanny had already prepared, and when the fireball came, her magic was also completed.Faint water vapor emerged from the air, forming a U-shaped water flow in the air.

The continuous fireball shot from the opposite side was sucked in after touching the water flow, entered from one end of the U shape, and then came out from the other end. The fireball that was originally shot at the three girls turned around and shot into the magician instead. direction of the young man.

"Trash. I'll do it myself." The fact that his subordinates couldn't take down the three rookie women for a while made Xue Ax, who had a bad temper, very angry.Although this fight will definitely kill the three girls in the end.But these subordinates are too useless to be blocked by such three people.

Holding a huge battle ax in each hand, with heavy steps, the blood ax rushed straight towards Anna and the others like a ferocious wild boar.He didn't care about the subordinates along the way at all, and they were all directly knocked into the air by him.Facing the charge of the blood axe, Anna clenched the Yaojin shield in her hand with a solemn expression.

"Target analysis, the matching is complete, the similarity is 99.8%. The engraving begins..." Just as the two sides started the melee, no one noticed that the angel in the center of the hall had the light of data shining in his eyes.With a barely audible sound, the short chain on the necklace around her neck suddenly extended and stretched forward...

(End of this chapter)

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