Chapter 288 The Angel Unleashed

When the blood ax charged straight at the three girls in the middle of the hall, and Anna was also preparing to resist, a slender chain suddenly stretched out from her back and wrapped around her right palm.

It was obvious that her right palm was firmly grasping the Yaojin Shield in her hand at this time, but the chain penetrated through the Yaojin Shield like an illusion and wrapped around her right hand several times.

The sudden appearance of the chain made Anna stunned for a moment, this critical moment was simply fatal, and she couldn't help but slacken her action of being completely on guard.Noticing the change in Anna, the blood ax moved, and the speed suddenly increased, and it appeared in front of Anna in an instant, and the battle ax in his hand directly slashed at Anna who was out of defense.

Boom, a ferocious breath burst out suddenly.Not from the blood axe, but from the angel behind the three girls.A powerful aura erupted suddenly, forming a strong shock wave, which directly sent the blood ax and his men flying.

But the three girls closest to the angel were safe and sound.They looked at the blood ax adventure group who had been bounced away, and their eyes were also dazed.Have absolutely no idea what's going on.

Just when everyone in the hall fell into a daze due to a sudden change, the angel broke free from the shackles of the chain with the crisp sound of the chain breaking.

The pink wings on the back flapped gently, and the angel flew in front of Anna while everyone was dumbfounded, half kneeling on the ground, and a clear but emotionless voice came out of her mouth: "Strategic omnipotent angel Icarus, for Your service. Please order master."

"Strategic... Almighty Angel... Icarus..." Looking at the angel half-kneeling in front of her, Anna couldn't help thinking of the words on the door, my friend, Icarus.

At the same time, a blurry picture flashed in my mind.In the courtyard of the sky, the girl with a bright smile flew side by side with the angel in front of her.The fuzzy picture just disappeared in a flash, and when Anna wanted to look for it again, it had already disappeared in the depths of her mind.

"Master, please give me an order." Without receiving Anna's order, Icarus raised his head, stared at Anna with his expressionless pupils and asked again.

"Order? Well, drive these people out." Asked by Icarus, Anna seemed very unaccustomed to orders, flustered and didn't know what to say, but when she looked up and saw the Blood Ax Adventure Group in front of her, she immediately saw Liang said.

"Yes, master." Nodding to indicate that he had received the order, Icarus stood up and faced the Bloodaxe Adventure Group in the hall.As she turned around, behind her, the pair of pink wings opened wide.

Just when Icarus in the sky ruins broke free and began to spread his wings, he was in the abyss underground.The bottom of a vast subterranean sea.In the depths of the darkness, a pair of purple pupils quietly opened.

"Ah, I finally woke up. Have you recovered Zhuang Xiaoyuan's memory now, and you still maintain the ruthlessness of the ring of Yuanli. If you are still ruthless, I will take your power and start our reincarnation again Oh, I can't suppress 'him' anymore. It's a pity that this time, I'm so close to the opportunity to understand love." The soft voice floated on the bottom of the sea.As the sound drifted, strong waves suddenly appeared in the underground sea, as if a sleeping monster had woken up.

Unaware of the changes in the bottom of the abyss, in the sky ruins, the girls still have to face the large number of members of the blood ax adventure group.The widely spread pink wings exude a faint fluorescence as if to cover the sky and the earth.

"Give it to me, don't give her a chance to attack." With a strong anxiety in his heart, the blood ax yelled at the subordinates around him, and he himself waved the battle ax in his hand and jumped up from top to bottom Chop to Icarus.

Killing the angel, as long as I can successfully kill it, I can also win the power of the angel and become a new saint.His eyes were filled with deep desire, and as the height decreased, and the angel in front of him was getting closer, Blood Ax seemed to have seen his own bright future.

"Permanent tail-chasing air-to-air missiles." Icarus, who completely ignored the tomahawk coming from above his head, spread his wings softly and murmured in the air.As she whispered, the pink wings became brighter and brighter.

In the brilliance of the wings, missiles flew out one after another, and the densely packed missiles seemed to have their own targets, spinning one after another, crossing various trajectories and covering and bombarding the front.

Rumbling, the roar of a missile explosion, the members of the Blood Ax regiment who had rushed over were all frightened and ran around, not daring to get any closer.And the blood ax that jumped high into the sky became the target of the missiles.

When the missile bombardment of the entire area was over, the Blood Ax regiment had already retreated far away from the door.The Blood Ax, who had a fierce face, was covered in wounds at this time, and the battle ax in his hand was all pitted and unusable.

"Okay, that's amazing." Seeing that just turning around lightly caused such a big commotion, they even drove the members of the Blood Axe Group out.Eve looked at Icarus with shock and admiration in his eyes.

"Is this the power of angels?" Also stunned were Anna and Lani. Although they themselves possessed the inheritance of the saints, they had not fully utilized them so far, and even the elders in the family did not let them I have seen such a powerful attack.

'Kacha' just when several people were dumbfounded and shocked.The surrounding walls hit by missiles suddenly cracked.As cracks sounded one after another, a huge crack appeared on the ground wall between the girls and the Blood Axe.

With the rapid expansion and connection of the cracks on the ground and the wall, the positions of the two sides suddenly separated.This sky relic was actually split in two by Icarus' attack.

"Ah, help."

"Why is this happening, it's about to fall~"

"I don't want to die, I don't dare anymore."

"Master Angel, forgive me, I repent, I apologize, save me~"

As the ruins of the sky broke, the side where the blood ax group was located began to slope down gradually, and then among the scattered and collapsing rubble, the half of the ruins of the sky fell downward, bringing the members of the blood ax group inside together.As they gradually moved away, the speed of falling became faster and faster, and the originally noisy calls for help gradually became almost inaudible.

"Yeah, you deserve it. You deserve it." The collapse of the ruins made the three girls of the girl adventure group recover from the shock, and then fell into an even greater shock.Eve, who was still the liveliest, recovered first.Looking at the fallen Blood Axes, he stuck out his tongue and made a grimace.

(End of this chapter)

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