Chapter 289
"It fell, no, it will be troublesome if the ruins fall on the town." Hearing Eve's voice, Anna also recovered from the shock, and immediately thought of the people on the ground.If you hit someone, it's your own fault.

"Don't worry, I've made a special investigation when I got that map. The bottom here is deep in the mountain range, and it's impossible for people to inhabit it. At most, it will only hit some dangerous monsters." From the fallen ruins Looking away, Lan Ni replied with a light of wisdom in her eyes.She is the think tank in the trio.

"That's good, but now there is a more serious problem." Anna looked at the ruins that had been completely broken, and the passage they had come from had now turned into an evening sky dyed by the sunset: "We, what should we do?" go back."

"Wow, it's flying." Under the sunset sky, Eve's excited voice wafted to the surroundings, startling a few birds that almost couldn't control their bodies and fell.

"Eve, don't move around, it's dangerous. Be careful not to fall out." Contrary to the excited Eve, Lanny's face was livid, as if she would fall out at any time. Passed out.

"Lanny, you're too nervous. Take it easy." Sitting on her shield, Anna patted Lanny's shoulder comfortingly, trying to make her relax, but the effect was obviously not good.Although a stiff smile was squeezed out of her face, Lanny's hands holding on to the iron chain did not relax at all.

At this time, the three girls from the Girls Adventure Group were all sitting on Anna's huge golden shield.On the hooks and barbs along the edge of the Yaojin Shield, a few iron chains were firmly wrapped around it, stretching out to the top of the girls' heads.On top of their heads, Icarus held the iron chain with both hands, flapped the wings on his back lightly, and flew obliquely towards the ground.

Originally, the girls asked Icarus to help them find the airship they were on, but Icarus only found the wreckage of the airship.After the blood ax adventure group followed them up, they burned their airship directly.

And Blood Ax's airship has fallen along with the collapse of the ruins.In desperation, the girls could only use this method to leave.The flight cradle of the Icarus.

"Ouch~vomit~" Half an hour later, the Icarus finally landed safely.As soon as she jumped off the Yaojin Shield used as a cradle, Lan Ni ran to the side and vomited.The previous tension made her stomach cramp uncomfortably.

Originally at the speed of Icarus, it was only an instant from the sky ruins to the ground.It's just that the girls in these adventure groups probably can't bear the pressure of breaking through the speed of sound.Not to mention the airsickness.

As night fell quietly, a burning bonfire was set up near some unnamed creek.At this time, Lanny's cramping stomach finally eased a little.Especially after drinking the hot water specially boiled on the bonfire, Lanny's pale face finally recovered a bit.

"I'm back~" The voice came before the people arrived, and when the voice ended, Eve had already appeared by the fire.She seemed to have gained a lot when she went hunting just now.She threw some pheasants and a boar by the fire.

"That's right, it's enough for us to eat." Nodding in satisfaction at the prey Eve caught, Anna grabbed the prey on the ground and called the recovering Lanny to the stream to start skinning and plucking.

After cleaning up the prey on your hands, you need to roast it well.Picking up the cleaned pheasant in her hand, Anna looked up and saw Icarus not far away from her, standing by the stream and looking up at the sky.

Looking at the silhouette of Icarus, for some reason, Anna felt a strange emotion in her heart. This scene seemed familiar yet strange.Let Anna walk over involuntarily: "What are you looking at?"

"I don't know." Looking away from the starry sky, Icarus' emerald green pupils reflected into Anna's appearance.Looking at Anna quietly, she shook her head and replied in an emotionless voice.

"Then why do you keep raising your head? Aren't you looking at the stars?" His gaze swept over the position where Icarus was staring at, and there was nothing but a whole field of twinkling stars.

"I don't belong to this world." Looking away from Anna, Icarus looked up at the sky again, and replied with an irrelevant answer.

There was a blur in front of her eyes, and in a trance, Anna seemed to see that she asked the same question to this angel girl under the same night, but different from the current garden full of flowers.And her answer was the same.At this moment, the two images seem to overlap.

"The one just now was... the memory of the bloodline?" Just a little dazed, Anna recovered from the previous trance, but this time Anna had a specific impression of the picture she saw in the trance.In the courtyard surrounded by flowers, the person standing next to the angel girl has the same appearance as herself.

"Anna, are you still okay? I'm hungry." Just when Anna wanted to ask Icarus because of the scene that suddenly appeared before.Eve, who was waiting by the fire, yelled loudly.Facing the call of her companions, Anna could only temporarily suppress the doubts in her heart, turned around and walked towards the fire.

After walking a few steps, Anta stopped suddenly, turned his head to Icarus who was still looking at the sky, standing still like a statue, and said: "Icarus, come together. Let you taste my craft."

Without answering, Icarus looked away from the sky and met Anna's gaze.The two stared at each other silently for a few seconds.When Anna looked away unnaturally, Icarus raised his feet and walked towards the fire.

When Icarus came, Anna walked beside her and walked towards the fire together.For some reason, Anna felt a sense of peace from the bottom of her heart at this moment.The corners of the mouth involuntarily curled up slightly.

Several girls on the ground started their own dinner, and a certain existence in the bottom of the abyss was also having a long-lost dinner.The sharp point of the knife pierced through the monsters one by one.As the tip of the knife was slowly retracted, the body of the monster quickly shriveled up as if it had been absorbed.When the tip of the knife was completely removed from the body of the monster, only the shriveled skin remained.

"Ah, this sleep is really long enough. These lowly creatures are really getting weaker and weaker." The protruding knife tips were all retracted, forming a pair of lavender metal wings on the back.Following the casual voice, a figure stepped out of the shadows step by step.

This is a very petite girl, her snow-white bare feet stepped on the blood-stained red-brown ground, but there was no blood at all.Her blond hair was bound behind her head by a black shawl headgear, and her clothes were also black dresses.It was a standard western-style nun outfit.

The lavender eyes swept over the shriveled corpse on the ground, the girl pursed her mouth lightly, and looked at the black city in the distance.The demon city built under the abyss.

(End of this chapter)

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