Chapter 290 Kill the Bad Guys Directly

Swish, swish, the extended metal wings slowly retracted, and the shriveled body pierced by the tip of the knife slipped to the ground.He licked his slightly dry lips, and when he looked up, what caught the girl's sight was a tragic scene of blood flowing like a river.

The pitch-black demon city had already fallen into a desperate silence.In just a few minutes, the city was completely slaughtered by the girl, leaving only the acting city lord who fell down in front of her and looked at her with fear on his face.It's not that the girl kindly let him go, it's just that there are some things she wants to know.

"Tell me, where did that old guy Caesar go? There are only some abandoned monsters and you soft bastard left in the city, which didn't make me full at all." A sharp wing stretched out from behind and supported the On the neck of the deputy city lord of Demon King City.She didn't seem to care about the girl who easily occupied the city.

"Caesar, Caesar? Then, who is that?" His eyes were full of fear, and his eyes were fixed on the tip of the knife on his neck. This male demon who had temporarily obtained the right to manage the city did not dare to move in the face of the girl's threat.

"You don't know who Caesar is? Oh, that's right, generally no one would call him by his name directly. Then let me ask again, where is your Majesty the Demon King?" Frowning frivolously, lavender eyes flashed After a moment of doubt, it was quickly replaced by suddenness, and the girl asked again after a change of tone.

"Demon, Lord Demon King? Lord Demon King took away all the clansmen and went to the ground." Noticing that the tip of the knife was approaching again, the male demon's pupils constricted for a while, and he didn't dare to hide anything and just poured beans directly. out.

"Going to the ground? What a coincidence." There was a wicked smile on the corner of his mouth.The girl turned around and walked out of the city.

Looking at the back of the girl leaving, the original fear in the eyes of the male demon who fell to the ground gradually dissipated, leaving only strong resentment.There was a trace of cruel blood in his eyes.

As if the two were completely different from the cowardly form before, when the girl took steps, the male demon had already quietly got up, and the sharp claws in his hands were like poisonous snakes that had been waiting for a long time, rushing towards the back of the girl's head.

Pfft, the sound of a sharp blade piercing through the flesh.Gently looking back at the unbelievable expression of the male demons, the girl's mouth curled into a hint of sarcasm: "How long do you think I have been dealing with your demons. I have a deep understanding of the fickleness of the demons. Back then you The demon king's imperial guards were wiped out for me alone, leaving only your demon king to go back alive. You are really overwhelmed."

"The imperial guard cough... you, you are the blood angel, cough Ka... Oss." Hearing the girl's words, the male demon's eyes suddenly widened, as if seeing a prehistoric monster.

Haven't you already been wiped out by the Demon King?After all, this sentence was not asked.As the sharp metal wings were slowly retracted, the male demon's body gradually shriveled up, leaving only a layer of skin like those monsters.

"The demons have invaded the ground, and the battle between the human race and the demons has probably begun. I don't know if you will recover successfully this time. I can't suppress 'him' anymore. If you don't recover, I can only I have chosen to start over." Looking up at the dark rock top underground, Zhuang Xiaoyan in Kaos' form seemed to see Zhuang Xiaoyuan somewhere on the ground through the ground above his head.

"Wow, I came out and saw the town. I finally don't have to eat tasteless barbecue and weeds anymore." A small town near the mountains, a lively voice came from the forest connecting the mountains near the small town. There are a few tired voices in it.

"Let's not mention the food, I want to find a hotel to take a shower first." After the lively voice, a calm voice with a few traces of childishness sounded.

"Go over quickly, I feel like I'm falling asleep standing up, and I feel uncomfortable all over. Take a bath, eat, and sleep well." The third voice sounded, and as the voice came out from the forest, several slender voices A figure also came out of the forest.

"Let's go, let's eat and eat." The girls of the girl adventure group who wandered in the forest for several days finally saw the town.

At this time, they can be described as completely embarrassed.Broken armor, messy hair, and smoke and dust covering the original white skin on the face.The only neat one among them was Icarus, who was half floating in the air and flying close to the ground.

"Wait a minute." Anna, who was rushing towards the town with Eve, suddenly slammed on the brakes and stopped on the spot.

"What's the matter?" Hearing Anna's shout, Eve, who was rushing to the front, also slammed on the brakes, almost standing still and not jumping forward.Staggering and standing firm, he turned his head and asked Anna behind him.

"Icarus, it's too conspicuous for you to pass by like this. Can you cover it with something. And don't fly, ordinary humans can't fly and walk. It's okay to go to a place where no one is there, and we will meet people soon It's best not to be known as an angel." Without answering Eve's question, Anna pointed at Icarus' wings with a serious expression.

"Why?" Tilting his head in doubt, Icarus landed gently on the ground.

"Why? Because there are many bad people among human beings. If they knew you were an angel, they would definitely abduct you or kill you. The gods are extinct, but there are still many greedy people who want to kill gods and become holy. Woolen cloth."

While answering Icarus' question, Anna began to open her backpack. Such big wings need to be covered with a bigger cloth.One or two clothes can't cover it at all.

"Bad guys, you can kill them directly." The emerald green pupils were faintly red, and the light above his head began to condense into a ring, and Icarus floated into the air again and entered a state of readiness to fight at any time.

"No, you can't kill people casually. Listen carefully, Icarus, I don't know what kind of era you lived in before. But in this era, human beings are the rulers of the continent, and everyone abides by the laws set by the royal family , Killing people casually is a crime. You will become a public enemy of the mainland." The most important thing is that she is one of the members of the royal family who set the law, and Anna did not say this.

In fact, even if I say it, it doesn't matter to Icarus.Thinking of this in her heart, Anna raised her head and glanced at Icarus's unchanged expression, and pulled out a huge canvas from the backpack.

"Yes, master." With a slight nod, Icarus landed on the ground again, and his bright red pupils returned to emerald green.The halo above his head also gradually disappeared.At the same time, the huge wings stretched out on the back began to gradually shrink, and finally turned into a pair of small wings that were completely invisible from the front.

"So... can it be made smaller?" Looking at Icarus's shrunken wings, Anna stood there blankly with the canvas in her hand. At that moment, she suddenly felt so stupid...

(End of this chapter)

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