Chapter 291 The Continent of Chaos Begins
"Hey, what's going on, it seems that there are so few people." Hiding Icarus' wings, the four girls walked into the town together, but unlike the people they expected, the city seemed Very depressed.

"Did something happen to us during the past few days in the forest? It looks like we are migrating." In the depressed town, the few people I saw occasionally also seemed to leave in a hurry with their bags on their backs.Frowning slightly, Lanny had a thoughtful expression on her face.

"Wouldn't it be better to just ask if something happened?" While speaking, Eve had rushed up to stop the family of three who were about to leave with their luggage on their backs: "Excuse me, we are a passing adventure group, why are you all Is it a hurry? Are you moving?"

"A member of the adventure group?" The old man supported by his children looked up at Eve and the girls behind Eve, and after confirming that they were not dangerous people, he replied, "Girls, run away too." The demon army is coming."

"Demon Race?!" Hearing the words from the old man's mouth, several people were taken aback.Since the great war between gods and demons thousands of years ago, there has been no news about the demons.And hundreds of years ago, even the Protoss disappeared.I didn't expect to hear news from the Demon Race today.

"Grandma, what's going on specifically, can you tell us in detail." Hearing the news from the Demon Race, Anna no longer cared about taking a bath and resting, and walked a few steps forward to the family of three and asked.

"Mom, stop talking. Let's go quickly. Otherwise, it will be too late for the demons to come over. I'm sorry, we really don't have time to explain." Seeing Anna's eagerness, the old man was too embarrassed to refuse, and was about to tell Anna When you hear the news.The man next to the old man interrupted what the old man was about to say.He glanced at Anna and the others with apology in his eyes, and urged his mother.

"It's okay, it's okay, we wasted your time. Then, we will go with you. Tell us about the specific things in detail on the way." The town is almost empty, and this group of people should be the last to leave That's right.

In such a depressed city, let alone food, I'm afraid you can't even find hot water.There is no need to think about taking a bath and eating, the only thing is to be able to live in people, and to beware of possible demons.Staying here is not a good choice.

Although she still doesn't know the details of what happened, but through the previous brief news, Anna has made a decision to leave with these relocated people.They should go to the nearest big city, so that they can not only get information, but also take a good bath and have a meal after arriving in the big city.

Since he would not waste his time, the old man's son would not have any objection to the joining of Anna and the others.So, Anna and the others followed the elderly family of three, integrated into the relocation team, and walked towards the nearest Starry City.

Along the way, Anna and the others finally knew the details of the demon invasion.Just the day before Anna and the others met Icarus, demons suddenly appeared on the mainland and began to crazily invade human cities. All the high-level people in the city were killed along the way, ordinary commoner women were raped, and men became demons. The slaves of the clan were either supervised to work, or forced to join the cannon fodder army.

The demons first came out of the enchanted forest, and then began to crazily invade the human territory.Facing the army of the demons, the human city has no ability to resist.Many city lords are descendants of saints.

But in the face of the demons' attack, no city persisted for more than a day.Most of them are destroyed in one blow.The old man who is a civilian is not very familiar with the specific battle situation, but I heard that those city lords were assassinated by others, and the city army has no command, so it will fall into a passive state and be easily broken.

"It's not good, the demons are here. The demons are chasing you." Just as Anna and the others listened to the old man's narration, the old man's son added what he had heard from time to time.The migrating crowd suddenly became confused.Behind the crowd, a cloud of smoke from running spread out.Small black dots appeared within sight.

"Don't panic, everyone, don't panic. There are not many demons chasing after them, just their vanguard. All the civilians jogged forward, and the soldiers came out to gather and eat the vanguard of the demons." In the panic Among the crowd, a knight on a horse shouted to appease the rioting crowd.

With the loud shouts of the knights, and the soldiers who came out of the crowd gathered a neat square formation.The originally rioting crowd also calmed down, and the crowd obeyed the knight's arrangement and started jogging in the predetermined direction.

And the demon vanguard, which was still far away before, is also approaching quickly. People with good eyesight can already see the appearance of the demon race. Except for the small horn, it is completely human.

At this time, the pair of vanguards were urging the demon wolf who was sitting down, and they rushed towards this side with a whip.When the appearance of the demons could be clearly seen by everyone, the human army finally lined up.

"Archer team, let me shoot the arrows. Shoot all these demons down." The demons entered the attack range of the arrows, and the knight who shouted before made a loud voice again commanding the archers among the soldiers to attack.

Sparse rain of arrows flew out, although the number was not many, but there were still many demons who were shot off the wolf's back.The arrows did not do much damage to the demons, and they couldn't even penetrate the demons' bodies.But the impact force attached to the arrow is still enough to knock the demons away from the wolf.

And the demon clan who fell from the back of the wolf was quickly trampled to death by the large group of people behind him.The demons who are full of desire don't know what kindness is, what is sympathy, let alone comradeship.Facing the fallen wolves of the same race, they showed bloodthirsty eyes and trampled on them directly.

With the blood splattered by the same race, the demon cavalry got closer and closer to the human phalanx.

"The archers shoot freely, the shield guards raise their shields and step forward, the spearmen line up their guns in the second row, and the swordmen prepare to kill the fish that slip through the net. Use the blood of these demons to pay homage to the fallen human compatriots." Noticed the demons The tribe is approaching, and will soon begin to enter the melee area. The knight issued an order again to direct the army to resist.

Chirp~ bah, just as the knight was commanding the army to take a defensive position, a spark suddenly shot out from the vanguard cavalry of the Demon Race, and flew into the sky. in bloom.

(End of this chapter)

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