Chapter 292
Puff, the sound of sharp blades piercing through the flesh.When the Mozu's troops fired blood-red fireworks.Among the human soldiers, suddenly a soldier pierced the knight's chest with a spear in his hand.

With an expression of disbelief, he turned his head and stared at the soldiers who attacked him.The knight who commanded the army was speechless, and as the spear was drawn from his chest, the knight who had lost his support fell heavily off his horse.

"Tom, what are you doing?" The companions around the soldier also showed expressions of disbelief. They couldn't understand why his comrades pointed their spears at their commander when they were facing the demons.

"Hey hey hey, lowly human slaves, submit to the feet of the great demons." A thick black began to emerge from the spear drawn from the knight's chest.Starting from the soldier's hand, darkness spread throughout the spear.When the black completely covered the spear, the spear was no longer what it was originally, but a ferocious magic spear full of barbs.

"You are actually a spy of the demon clan. Kill." Hearing what Tom said and seeing the completely changed spear in his hand, the surrounding soldiers showed betrayed and angry expressions after being surprised.One after another, the spears and sharp swords all slashed at Tom.

The pitch-black spear danced nimbly, piercing through the hearts of several soldiers attacking Tom in an instant.This is no longer the fighting level that ordinary soldiers would have.I'm afraid that even the knight who was killed before may not necessarily be the opponent of the demonized Tom.

Holding a pitch-black spear, Tom began to swim back and forth among the lineup of human soldiers.The originally dense and tidy plastic surgery began to be chaotic.And the vanguard of the Demon Race has begun to approach, and is about to make contact with the frontmost shield guards.

"Damn it, is this the assassination of the demons? It's too despicable." Anna and the others who were at the end of the relocation team witnessed the death of the knight and the demonization of the soldiers.Seeing the human army that started to riot, Eve gritted her teeth indignantly.

"We can't let the demons succeed. If this group of soldiers is wiped out, the demons will soon catch up with the civilians." Looking at the rioting army formation and the rapidly approaching demon army.Lanny looked at Anna with a serious face.

"Hmph, let's go." No need to say anything, Anna already understood the current situation very well.Lifting the Yaojin Shield in her hand, Anna took the lead and charged towards the human army.The first thing to do is to get rid of this devil's spy.

Eve and Lanny looked at each other, and one drew out two swords and followed.The other raised the magic wand in his hand.Magicians are not good at close combat.On the contrary, at a long distance, the magician will exert greater power.

None of the three people who focused on the demons and the human army noticed.Behind them, Icarus, who had been following them, looked a little strange at this time.There was a slight blush on her face that had no emotion at all, and a trace of heat came out of her body.Strings of strange data flickered in the emerald green eyes.

"The database is abnormal, start self-test, self-test fails, self-test again, self-test fails. Unrepairable abnormality is found, the body starts to restart. Didi restart failed. Data overflow, data overflow, data...out of control...drip... Evil... God, Black Blade."

Before, when the soldier suddenly shot and killed the knight, Icarus was still in a state of indifference.However, when the soldier began to emit black energy covering the spear.Green data began to appear in Icarus' eyes.

Indescribable emotions began to vibrate in her heart, emotions that Icarus was completely unaware of.An emotion that has not been possessed since it emerged from the fountain of birth thousands of years ago.

Therefore, this gushing emotion was judged as abnormal by Icarus's own system, and the system began to self-check and clear it, but this emotion was born in Icarus himself, the prototype sealed deep in his heart.

No matter how the system clears it, there is no way to get rid of this sudden emotion.As emotions poured out from the bottom of his heart, the self-check system was running wildly, and Icarus' body began to overheat.Big clouds of steam came out of her.

"Provocative shield." There was still a distance from the demonized soldiers, and the golden shield in Anna's hand was already emitting a faint golden light.With the spread of the golden light, the demonized soldier's shot that was originally aimed at the throat of a sword soldier was suddenly deflected and directly sucked towards Anna's position.If it weren't for his hand tightly grasping his weapon, I'm afraid the black spear would have been thrown out of his hand long ago.

Ding, crisp metal chirping sound.The demonized soldier's black spear hit Anna's golden shield.With the contact between the two sides, Yao Jindun's provocative effect quietly disappeared.After all, the provocative shield is not a magnet, it just attracts attacks.As long as you attack once, the suction of the provocative effect will be automatically eliminated.

"Cross Slash in the Sky." Following Anna, Eve also jumped into the army formation. Before the person arrived, the two one-handed swords on both hands had crossed each other and made a cross-shaped vindictive slash towards Demon Hua. Soldier.

"Clear water barrier." Strong magical fluctuations came from behind, and a blue water barrier appeared in front of the human army and the demon vanguard, temporarily blocking the advance of the demons, but with the charge of the demons, the clear water barrier It began to tremble, appearing and disappearing as if it would disappear at any moment.

"Soldiers, I am the third princess of the Gatley Empire. The demons are at the front, and everyone obeys my orders. The shield guards block the charge of the demons, and the pikemen attack with their guns. The ones behind are ready for leaks. The archers don't be lazy, either. Shoot me as hard as you can until it's all gone."

The demonized soldiers who were repelled by Eve's cross slash were directly entangled by Eve and brought out of the range of the human army. Anna directly raised the golden shield in her hand, and loudly began to command the soldiers around her.

"Three princesses of the empire?"

"Really, why did the princess appear here?"

"The third princess, isn't that the one? The one who inherited the blood of the adventure king and awakened the saint."

"That shield is the golden shield passed down from generation to generation by the royal family. I saw its magic image in the magic clothing store. It is really the third princess."

"It can't be wrong, the Gatley National Emblem on the shield is also there."

"Third princess, really a third princess."

"Long live the third princess, long live the Gatley Empire."

"Long live the third princess, long live the Gatley Empire..."

Hearing Anna's words, the soldiers looked suspiciously at first.But then there was a whisper.The soldier who recognized the shining golden shield began to testify.The original riot was quickly quelled.

With bursts of shouting, many soldiers on the periphery who didn't know the situation soon knew the fact that the current commander was the third princess of the empire.The army, which had been thrown into chaos and demoralized by the killing of its commander, quickly recovered.The momentum soared upwards, even surpassing the previous state.

The shield guard stepped forward and inserted the giant shield, and spears pierced through the gaps of the giant shields and set up between the giant shields.After the spearmen and shield guards, the swordsmen also unsheathed their long swords, holding the swords in their hands tightly, and watching the front with vigilance.At the rear of the army.The arrow that had been stopped because the commander was killed flew out again and fell into the demon vanguard.

(End of this chapter)

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