Chapter 293 Who Am I? I'm Zhuang Xiaoyuan

When the human army was finally in position again under Anna's command.The clear water barrier that had resisted the demons for more than ten seconds was finally broken. Facing the human army, the demon wolf that the demons were sitting on bared their sharp fangs and rushed towards them.

Boom, the Demon Race and the Human Race finally began to confront each other head-on.

"Evil demons, evil gods, evil gods Black Blade. Protect, I must protect everyone. Protect everyone from the hands of the demons. Who am I? I am...Zhuang Xiaoyuan." The thick steam formed a huge white mist and sprayed from Icarus. out.In the end, Icarus's own system did not suppress the emotions that emerged from the depths of his heart.

When Icarus raised her head again, she was no longer the mechanical angel who had been imprisoned for thousands of years and still didn't feel the slightest bit of loneliness, without human emotions at all.

The emerald green pupils flashed with vivid emotions, and his eyes swept around, especially staying on Anna, Eve, and Lanny for a moment, and finally focused on the demonized soldiers and the vanguard of the demons who started to fight against humans.

"Anna, Eve, Lani. Thank you all, whether it was a thousand years ago or now a thousand years later. Unexpectedly, evil gods appeared in the demon clan. It seems that during the period of my sleep, the demons have already started I have invaded this world. But thanks to the appearance of the evil god, I woke up." The shrunken wings on the back gradually stretched out, and the pink wings suddenly shook, and pieces of pink feathers fell down. Feet off the ground, gradually floating into the sky.

"The protoss who reject emotions and stick to the rules, the demons who are immersed in their own desires. This world no longer needs you. So, disappear into history with the protoss, demons. Always chase after air-to-air missiles." The pink variable wings opened wide, and the feathers on the wings flew out, turning into tracking missiles that all shot at the troops of the demons and the soldiers who were eroded and demonized by evil gods.

"That angel, pink wings, automatic tracking attack. Retreat, everyone retreats. Hurry up and report to His Majesty the Demon King. The Queen of the Sky has appeared." Missiles dropped from the sky and bombarded the demon army. Countless demons were killed Fried to pieces.

The commander of the demon clan is a veteran left over from the war of gods and demons thousands of years ago. He felt something was wrong when he accidentally saw Icarus ascending into the sky.When Zhuang Xiaoyuan in the Icarus state spread his wings and shot out the missile, he had completely confirmed the opponent's identity.

The strongest angel-queen of the sky who ended the long war between gods and demons by herself.The Slayer who had been silent for thousands of years finally appeared, reappeared when the Protoss disappeared and the Demons came out of the ground to attack the earth.

After receiving the order from the vanguard general of the demon clan, the fleeing demon clan who had already been beaten by Zhuang Xiaoyuan's large-scale and powerful attack all heaved a sigh of relief, and began to frantically flee in the direction they came from.

However, even if the vanguard officer recognized Zhuang Xiaoyuan, he ordered the soldiers to retreat in due course.However, more than half of the demons disappeared in the missile attack.At the same time, some of the unexploded missiles traced strange trajectories in the air and continued to track towards the far away demons.

"It's such a nostalgic face. Thank you, Anna. Thank you all the time." With the wings flapping slightly on her back, Zhuang Xiaoyuan floated down in front of Anna, and stretched out her right hand to gently caress Anna's face.

He stared blankly at Zhuang Xiaoyuan's completely different face full of emotions.Images that she had never experienced before began to appear before Anna's eyes again.However, unlike the last time I saw the stars juxtaposed in the garden, what came to my mind this time was the image of this beautiful angel fighting in the sky.

In the bombardment of missiles, all the demons were wiped out.And the many gods of the protoss just stood by leisurely and watched the angel completely wiped out the fighting power of the demons by himself.

In the group of gods, Anna saw a familiar face again.A goddess just like herself.Beside her stood Eve and Lani, two goddesses with similar faces but different dresses.This seems to be the scene of the battle between gods and demons thousands of years ago.

"Goodbye, Anna. May you always be happy." There was a blessed smile on his face, and the smile that suddenly bloomed on Icarus's face infected the surrounding eyes in an instant.It was the brightest and most beautiful smile in the world.

With this impressive smile.The wings on the back waved again.Zhuang Xiaoyuan has already flown into the sky, as if she belongs to the sky, the angel who merged into the sky is so natural and smooth.While flapping her wings, Zhuang Xiaoyuan, who was accelerating at full speed, had disappeared into the sky.

"Anna, how are you?" Both Eve and Lanny noticed Zhuang Xiaoyuan's changes.After Zhuang Xiaoyuan left, the two came to Anna's side.Looking at Anna's eyes with a mixture of sadness and joy mixed with incomprehensible complex expressions.Both Eve and Lanny showed worried emotions.

"I'm fine, I just remembered what happened thousands of years ago." Reaching out to wipe away the tears that flickered in the corner of her eyes, Anna also had a smile on her face, responding to Eve and Lanny's concerns.

"He said it's okay, why do you think of things that happened thousands of years ago, you're only 16 years old, okay?" Noticing that Anna really didn't seem to be in trouble, Eve rolled her eyes at her and complained.

"Anna, don't be affected by the blood memory. You are not the protoss in the blood memory, you are the human Anna." Lan Ni frowned and looked at Anna, and said in a solemn tone.The memory of thousands of years ago is only the memory of the bloodline, and Lanny is worried that Anna will be affected by the memory of the Protoss in the bloodline, which is not a pleasant experience.

"Don't worry, I'm fine. I do remember the memory of the goddess thousands of years ago. But I'm still the Anna of the human race. The Anna who grew up with you." Responding to Lan Ni's concern with a familiar smile, Anna's gaze But he looked in the direction where Icarus left: "However, I can't leave her alone. Icarus is my friend, whether it is a thousand years ago or a thousand years later."

"Ha, I knew it would be like this. Anna still likes to meddle in her own business just like she did when she was a child." Raising the magic wand in her hand, several water-based acceleration magics were cast on several people.

"Hey, this kind of Anna is our Anna." Eve giggled and took the lead and ran forward.

"It's not that I'm meddling in my own business. It's just that you idiots like to mess around without me. It's too worrying." The feet accelerated, and under the effect of the acceleration magic, they rushed forward quickly.Ana retorted as she advanced.

With the departure of the girls, only the soldiers who looked at each other at a loss were left on the battlefield.After several corporal leaders discussed with each other, they still chose to turn around and chase the group of civilians.

(End of this chapter)

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