Chapter 294 The race that will eventually decline

Booming, the sound of missile explosions echoed between the sky and the earth.The deserter Zhuang Xiaoyuan, who was chasing the demons, met the main force of the demons. Facing Zhuang Xiaoyuan's attack, even the main force was as vulnerable as the vanguard.

Missiles exploded in the Mozu army, and the Mozu's counterattack, whether it was magic or arrows, would be blocked by the absolute protective ring on her body when they approached Zhuang Xiaoyuan.

The soul was separated in this world, and then reborn. Zhuang Xiaoyuan has been completely recognized by this world as a resident of this world. All the rules will not exclude Zhuang Xiaoyuan, and even favor her.With the birth of Zhuang Xiaoyuan, she can be regarded as integrated into this world, and she is even one of the children of this world.

Originally, according to Icarus' strength, although he had the ultimate weapon to destroy the country with one strike, he also possessed a powerful defense capability known as the absolute defense circle.But in fact, it doesn't have the strength to sweep thousands of troops like it is now.

Demons are not a weak race. Demons have strong bodies and magical abilities comparable to gods.But when facing Icarus, all the methods of the Demon Race will lose their effect.

The proud body of the demons was easily shattered under Icarus's missiles like a fragile piece of paper.The powerful magic that the demons can destroy the city cannot break Icarus' seemingly fragile protective circle.

It is obvious that every demon clan has the strength of an emperor-level evil god, and many demon generals still have the combat power of the main world's god of destruction.Back then, even the killing blow in the form of Icarus summoned by Zhuang Xiaoyuan five years ago could barely kill a God of Destruction.

But here, a demon general at the level of a God of Destruction couldn't resist Zhuang Xiaoyuan's rear-end missile attack.Because, in this world, Icarus has been favored by the world.

This world has bred the protoss who lack emotion and abide by the rules, and the demons who are full of desire to break the rules.Originally, the struggle between the two races was considered a kind of balance, and the world needs balance to last long.But then the Terran was born.

He has feelings that the gods don't have, and obeys rules that the demons don't.But they don't emphasize rules like the protoss, nor obey their desires like the demons.The human race is the most suitable race recognized by the world.It combines the characteristics of the Protoss and the Demon Race, but does not have the serious flaws of both sides.

Although the human race also has its own flaws, compared with the immortal gods and demons, the human race that will live, age, sick and die is more suitable to become the master of the world.As a result, the Protoss and Demons are doomed to disappear.This is the will of the world.

Responding to the needs of the world, Zhuang Xiaoyuan, whose soul was wounded, came to this world.So driven by the instinct of the world consciousness, Zhuang Xiaoyuan's entangled soul split into two, and one entered the sky god realm and was born from the birth spring with the blessing bestowed by the world.One entered the abyss and felt the request of the world manifested in the underground sea.

It's just that although the will of the world subconsciously became the driving force behind Zhuang Xiaoyuan's soul separation, she didn't realize how special Zhuang Xiaoyuan was and the disaster that Zhuang Xiaoyuan brought.She just wants to let herself continue to develop.

Thousands of years ago, Zhuang Xiaoyuan, who had not yet recovered her memory, was sealed in the depths of the sky ruins under the impetus of the world's first son of the plane.Afterwards, the war between humans and gods was led by Kaos, and the Protoss finally came to an end.But now it's Zhuang Xiaoyuan's action to make the demons disappear from the world.

Zhuang Xiaoyuan, who was endowed with the rules of the world, contained the rules of the world itself in all his attacks and defenses.Therefore, attacks belonging to this world cannot take effect on her, and her attacks on the demons will also become the nemesis of the demons under the increase of the rules of the world.This is also the reason why the demons fear Zhuang Xiaoyuan.

So, in the roar of missiles.The demons are also heading towards their doomsday.The concentrated main force was quickly wiped out by half.The remaining demons began to flee towards their underground entrance.Already feeling the request of the will of the world, and even faintly feeling the aura of the evil god among the fleeing demons, how could Zhuang Xiaoyuan let them go so easily.

The roar of the missiles was still echoing, and fewer and fewer demons were escaping.But in the end, some people ran to the underground entrance.With joyful expressions on their faces, the demons ran towards the last shelter.

However, when these demons ran to the underground entrance, they were greeted with sharp blades.Swish, swish, with the flickering of the knife, the last few demon soldiers left were cut into several pieces, and the broken corpses fell to the ground, dyeing the earth a bright red color.

"Finally I see you, Zhuang Xiaoyuan. See if you have regained your memory." A clear and paranoid voice came from the girl's mouth.The metal wings on the back slowly retracted.Kaos' body was suspended and soon reached Zhuang Xiaoyuan's height.The two faced each other, looking at each other at a distance that was not too long.

"Kaos, I didn't expect it to be in this form. What is your purpose, why is my trial world the real world, and what are demons and evil gods? You should know all of them, Zhuang Xiaoyan."

Staring at the negativity of himself in the form of Kaos floating in front of him.Zhuang Xiaoyuan asked seriously.Although he didn't know the reason, Zhuang Xiaoyuan felt that the other party understood many things that he didn't understand.

"Sa, I don't intend to tell you everything. If you don't think of it yourself, it doesn't make any sense." The metal wings on the back began to unfold, and Zhuang Xiaoyan in Kaos' form was ready to attack.

"I remember it myself?" Brows frowned slightly, Zhuang Xiaoyuan's eyes flashed a trace of solemnity, the wings on the back spread out again, and little flashes of light began to flicker on the wings: "Why do I know this, how can I remember?"

"Then I don't know. However, I can tell you one thing, your words are wrong. It's not that your trial world is real. It's that the real world summoned you through the trial mission." Voice As soon as it landed, the metal wings behind Zhuang Xiaoyan slashed at Zhuang Xiaoyuan with a sharp knife light.

Rumbling, missiles and blades began to clash.Icarus and Chaos begin their fateful battle in this world.Zhuang Xiaoyuan and Zhuang Xiaoyan also started their long-lost battle again.This time, it was just as lucky as last time, or...

In the sky, two girls in the form of angels began to confront each other.The kind of battlefield that belongs to gods and demons that mortals cannot intervene.And in a certain human city that neither of them noticed, the ground was covered with blood.The dazzling bright red constitutes a strange picture in the streets of the city.

In the center of the city, it existed thousands of years ago, and now the still young Demon King Caesar is raising his hands, calling out to the powerful power of different time and space.In his eyes, the bright red color flickered slightly, and there seemed to be strange magic lines in his pupils.

(End of this chapter)

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