Chapter 295 The Black Mist Invading the World

"Great Lord of Darkness, please come to this world. Bring eternal destruction to this world." The strange blood pupils flickered faintly under the sky, and with the surge of the demon king with his hands raised, demonic energy was mixed in his body With the magical power, the blood on the city ground also began to surge.

The fuzzy and distorted lines gradually became clear. If one looked down from the sky, one could clearly see that the blood in the city formed a huge bloody array pattern.Under the control of the Demon King, the bloody pattern emitted a faint pitch-black light.A bit of black mist gradually emerges from the pattern.

"Not good, 'he' came in." The blade behind him danced quickly, shredding the tail-rearing missile fired by Zhuang Xiaoyuan.Several broken blades quickly recovered under Zhuang Xiaoyan's control.Just when the battle between Zhuang Xiaoyan and Zhuang Xiaoyuan was fierce.Zhuang Xiaoyan's face suddenly changed and he looked in a certain direction.

"That's... the Black Mist Demon!" Almost at the same time as Zhuang Xiaoyan, he stopped attacking.Zhuang Xiaoyuan also looked in the same direction.The breath erupting there is absolutely unmistakable.It was the chief culprit who damaged Zhuang Xiaoyuan's soul and forced his separation.

"You really know how to look for opportunities. It seems that you have missed a big fish." Mixed in the black mist demon is the trace of the demon king's breath.Zhuang Xiaoyan looked at Zhuang Xiaoyuan with a solemn expression.

"This big fish didn't show up in front of me at all. If it wasn't for your sudden appearance, maybe I would have noticed her movements a long time ago." He gave Zhuang Xiaoyan a dissatisfied look.The wings on Zhuang Xiaoyuan's back fluttered lightly, breaking through the speed of sound and flying towards the direction where the breath came from.

"It's my fault. The work that should have been completed a long time ago has been delayed for thousands of years. It caused me to sleep for hundreds of years in order to strengthen the barrier of the world and resist the invasion of the black mist." The metal wings on the back trembled lightly, and Zhuang Xiaoyan He caught up with Zhuang Xiaoyuan's speed.

"What should I do now, the black mist has already entered. Do you have any way to defeat her?" Flying quickly, Zhuang Xiaoyuan remembered the huge black mist that filled the sky and swallowed the whole world in the elf world.

"If you move quickly, there is still time. Just cut off the passage to break the world barrier in advance. It will prevent all of them from coming in. If it is only a part, there is still a chance relying on the power of the world crystal." Speeding up again, Zhuang Xiaoyan surpassed Zhuang Xiaoyuan and said while flying. .

"So, where is the world crystal?" The wings on the back waved again, Zhuang Xiaoyuan's speed increased to the limit.There was a loud roar where she flew.It was a loud bang that broke the sound barrier.

"I don't know about that kind of thing. It's you who should know. It was originally your thing." The city dyed red by the bright red formation in front is already clearly visible.The metal wings on Zhuang Xiaoyan's back are ready to go.

"My things? Tsk, don't keep talking inexplicable words. Forget it, let's solve the problem of the passage first. Always chase after the air-to-air missiles." I also saw the strange appearance of the city at this time.The wings behind Zhuang Xiaoyuan spread out.Tracking missiles flew out one by one.

"Roar~" Facing the attack from the sky, the pitch-black smoke seemed to have noticed it long ago, and let out a roar that only creatures can make.Form a huge umbrella-shaped barrier in mid-air.

Missiles shot at the barrier one after another, and after breaking through the outer edge of the barrier, all of them lost power inside the black mist and exploded one after another.The roar of missiles dispelled the black mist.However, the spreading black mist seemed not to have been damaged at all, and quickly gathered together again.

"Destroy the space array below. That is the culprit who broke the world barrier." Shouting to Zhuang Xiaoyuan, the blade behind Zhuang Xiaoyan quickly stretched and cut towards the city covered by the magic circle.

"Kaos, your opponent is me." Huge blood-colored claws soared into the sky, like a huge wave overwhelming the sky, suddenly blasted towards Zhuang Xiaoyan.

The owner of the blood-colored giant claws, Demon King Caesar, the magic lines in the blood-red pupils have begun to spread to the whole body.A pair of demon wings flashed behind him, and the sharp claws on his hands looked like evil spirits.Attack Zhuang Xiaoyan.

"Tsk, what an idiot who didn't learn well. You escaped your life last time, and I won't let you or leave this time. Fallen." He curled his lips lightly, and the blade behind his back flashed fiercely. Murderous to meet the giant claws of the Demon King Caesar.Boom, the battle between the two sides broke out.

"It's getting more and more. It must be solved quickly." The tail-chasing missiles cannot break through the defense of the black mist.As time went by, more and more black mist emerged from the bloody space array.The black mist that originally formed only a thin umbrella-shaped barrier can now form the thickness of the pavilion roof.

"The ultimate weapon - Apollo." Zhuang Xiaoyuan slowly raised her hands, and a huge black longbow quietly appeared in her left hand, and she slowly pulled it away as her right hand pressed the bowstring.On this black longbow, a pitch-black long arrow appeared out of nowhere, with black and red flames burning on the arrow, and the whole body was filled with the aura of destruction.

As if feeling the threat from Zhuang Xiaoyuan, the speed of the black mist in the space formation suddenly accelerated.The black mist that has invaded this world also began to surge rapidly.The black mist shrank and condensed, and a huge, thick, pitch-black shield appeared above the scarlet city, blocking Icarus' attack route.

Taking a deep breath, he stared at the shield composed of black mist with a solemn expression.The right hand that was holding the bowstring tightly let go quietly.Swish, Apollo's arrow carrying a destructive aura instantly appeared on the pitch-black shield through a long distance.

Boom, a loud bang that seemed to destroy the world.The power to destroy a country with one blow began to explode.The surrounding mountains and land collapsed and shattered in the shock.But the blow of destroying the country did not fully explode.

The shield made of black mist actually absorbed most of the power of this blow.An arrow that could have destroyed the country with one blow actually failed to break through the protection of the black shield at all.As the blow exploded in the past.The black shield remained in place.

It's just that a huge wound appeared in the center of the shield.As the black mist surged, the wound was also recovering rapidly.However, the city under the shield was unscathed, and more black mist was still emerging from the city.

Just when the wound in the middle of the pitch-black shield was recovering rapidly and was about to heal.A shining golden light descended from the sky.Before the wound was completely healed, it passed through the shield's defense and bombarded the Scarlet City's spatial array.

"Fantasy collapse." Holding the black longbow in his left hand, Zhuang Xiaoyuan firmly grasped the right hand stretched out towards the void.Boom, violent explosions erupted from the city protected by the shield.

(End of this chapter)

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