Chapter 296 The Devil Born in the Black Mist
Just now, after Apollo's arrow was shot, Zhuang Xiaoyuan didn't have the optimistic idea of ​​directly solving it with one blow.Having seen the horror of the black mist, he would not be wrong to overestimate him.

So after the first blow, Zhuang Xiaoyuan quickly hitched another arrow.After waking up from the memory, the power of the world card in the body that I felt again temporarily borrowed Chloe's ability.

Created the Arrow of Oath of Victory.An arrow was shot right after Apollo.Accurately penetrated the hole in the black fog and shot into the city.After that, with the activation of the fantasy collapse ability.The arrow of the vowed victory exploded with the power of a city-breaking blow.

A violent explosion resounded throughout the Scarlet City. With the explosion of this blow, the originally complete Scarlet Space Formation was damaged.And the broken range is very large.The black mist that had been pouring out continuously also began to distort the moment the space array was damaged, and finally no new black mist appeared like a blocked water pipe.

Roar~ Feeling his cut off back, the black mist let out a roar, gathered all the black mist that had invaded the world, formed a huge fist, and punched Zhuang Xiaoyuan.

"Absolute protective circle." Hei Mist's attack was so sudden, although he had anticipated Hei Mist's counterattack, Zhuang Xiaoyuan, who had just finished the attack, still had no time to dodge.You can only use your defensive abilities with all your strength.

Boom, there was a loud noise, and the fist formed by the black mist bounced Zhuang Xiaoyuan, including the protective ring she used, far away like a baseball.Accompanied by the second bang, Zhuang Xiaoyuan was hit on the ground by this heavy blow.

"Ahem, it seems that I didn't think about it and it's difficult to deal with it." The smoke caused by the bombardment on the ground gradually dissipated, revealing Zhuang Xiaoyuan's slightly miserable appearance at this time.The armor on his body was messy and dusty, and the wings on his back were damaged a lot.

However, Zhuang Xiaoyuan, who looked up at the black mist, did not have the slightest bit of frustration in his eyes, but instead showed a relieved expression.Compared with the black mist that appeared in the elf world, the black mist here is nothing.However, even if it's just this black mist, I'm afraid it's not so easy to deal with.

The variable wings on the back quickly recovered and returned to their original shining state.With a slight shake of the wings on her back, Zhuang Xiaoyuan flew up into the sky again, and greeted the black mist condensed into palms.

The explosion of missiles, the sound of impact and collision, the sound of blades and claws.All of a sudden, a war of gods and demons that was unattainable for humans took place over the ruined city.

"Anna, what should we do? We can't get close at all. We can no longer participate in this level of battle." Behind a small hill far from the battlefield, the three of Anna hid here and watched the battle in the distance. area.

"Let's take a look for now. If our saint's blood is awakened, it might be able to help, but unfortunately..." Looking firmly at the two sides in the battle, Annabelle bit her lower lip with an expression of unwillingness. expression.

After finally finding the lost Zhuang Xiaoyuan again, after chasing them with all their strength in the direction they were heading, what they saw was this devastating battle situation.Anna has never felt her own weakness like this moment.

"It's not so easy for the blood of the saints to fully awaken. How many people have been fully awakened in hundreds of years." Noticing Anna's reluctance, Lanny patted Anna on the shoulder and comforted her.

"I know it's difficult, but it's just uncomfortable to watch Icarus fight while I can only watch the battle." He sighed slightly.Ana's attention was once again focused on both sides of the battle.At this time, the battle situation changed again.

Roar~ Hei Wu's giant hand grabbed it, but Zhuang Xiaoyuan narrowly dodged it, one after another rear-facing missiles flew out and bombed on the black mist, stirring up a scattered black mist.However, the scattered black mist gathered on the fist of the black mist again as the giant hand clenched its fist.

The Black Mist Giant Hand and Zhuang Xiaoyuan have been entangled for a long time, but neither can do anything to the other.Zhuang Xiaoyuan, who has the speed to break through the sound barrier, made it impossible for the black mist to catch her easily.And Icarus's missiles that incorporate the world's rules have no obvious effect on the black fog that swallows the world.

Just as Zhuang Xiaoyuan was entangled with the black mist, the battle on the other side had already been decided.Although the demon king became stronger by merging the power of the evil god, Zhuang Xiaoyan, who was in the form of Kaos, did not take advantage of it at all.

Except that Zhuang Xiaoyan himself is not afraid of the erosion of negative energy, Zhuang Xiaoyan's strength is stronger than Zhuang Xiaoyuan's, which makes the Demon King helpless.

Facing Zhuang Xiaoyan, the Demon King once again recalled the scene of him encircling and suppressing Zhuang Xiaoyan with the imperial guards thousands of years ago. He is obviously stronger than before, but why he still can’t beat her, why is he still so powerless even if he gave up all the power he gained? .

Strength requires greater strength.The sharp claw of his right hand has been cut off, and the eyes of the demon king, who is covered in knife wounds, are filled with endless desire.This desire even suppressed the surging energy of the evil god in his body, completely taking the power of the evil god as his own.

Fight again, get beaten back again.If it weren't for the quick retreat, not only the sharp claws of the right hand would be gone, but even the entire right arm would be gone.

The eyes of desire stared at Zhuang Xiaoyan viciously, if this continues, it will end here.The tumbling desire made the devil's brain work quickly.His eyes flickered, and the battle between Zhuang Xiaoyuan and Heiwu was reflected in his eyes.

The bloody light full of murderous intent flashed across the eyes of desire, and the Demon King no longer entangled with Zhuang Xiaoyan, but turned around and rushed towards the black mist that collided with Zhuang Xiaoyuan.

Noticing the demon king's movement, Zhuang Xiaoyan's reaction was also very quick, and he immediately accelerated to catch up. At the same time, the blade on his back stretched and slashed towards the demon king whose back was exposed.

Puff, the sound of the blade cutting through the flesh.Facing Zhuang Xiaoyan's attack, the Demon King did not dodge at all.He took the knife directly from his back and front.

With a body that was almost split in half obliquely, the Demon King crashed headlong into the black mist.As the Demon King rushed into the black mist, the black mist that had originally fought with Zhuang Xiaoyuan also stopped attacking at this time.

The shape of the huge palm quietly shattered, and the black mist that spread into an irregular shape surged rapidly, as if digesting the foreign matter that broke into his body.As the black mist squirmed, gradually, the form of the black mist began to solidify.

Finally, when the shape of the black mist was fixed.What appeared in front of Zhuang Xiaoyuan and the others was a huge humanoid monster.

The pitch-black body shone with a metallic luster, and a thick and long horn on the forehead was bent towards the sky.There were barbs all over his back, hands, arms, and calves.This is a demon monster full of killing.

(End of this chapter)

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