Chapter 297 The First Son of the Plane
The tightly closed eyes opened suddenly, revealing those blood-red eyes: "Roar~" The blood-red eyes were full of destruction and corruption.The humanoid monster raised its inhuman paw and swiped at Zhuang Xiaoyuan in front of him.

Boom, a strong shock wave spread around.The huge demon stopped in mid-air with a violent blow.A pair of huge metal arms emerged from the void to block the heavy blow of the giant demon.

"Uranus system, activate." The drooping eyelids slowly lifted, and a soft voice came out of Zhuang Xiaoyuan's mouth.The halo above her head suddenly expanded, and the pink wings on her back also turned into blue transparent light wings and connected to the void behind her.

As the color-changing light wings connected to the void, behind Zhuang Xiaoyuan, a huge mechanical fortress like a spaceship slowly emerged.The huge body is full of high-tech texture, and the metal arms on both sides that look like derivatives of wings are firmly resisting the attack of the devil.

Two suspended spherical control devices protruded from the mechanical fortress and hovered beside Zhuang Xiaoyuan.Raise your hands and place them lightly on the controls.At this moment, the mechanical fortress that was originally silent seemed to wake up suddenly, and multiple positions began to flicker with start-up lights.

Needless to say, Icarus' strongest weapon was finally used by Zhuang Xiaoyuan in the face of the giant demon fused from the demon king and the black mist.As the existence of Icarus's personal arsenal, in the world of Icarus, the Uranus system that was destroyed in order to let Kaos sink to the bottom of the sea, in this world, began to fight against the devil.

Under Zhuang Xiaoyuan's control, the mechanical arm pushed hard, pushing away the giant demon's right hand.All kinds of missiles flew out from the mechanical fortress and bombarded the demon's chest, making the demon retreat steadily.

"Roar~" was repulsed by the dense group of missiles, and the missiles kept shooting towards them as if they were endless, making the devil roar angrily.A pitch-black light gathered in his mouth, and as he howled, the black light turned into a burst of light and shot towards Zhuang Xiaoyuan.

Facing the demon's counterattack, the Uranus system dodged to the right with all its strength under Zhuang Xiaoyuan's control.The missiles fired from the system continued to attack the possessed man without any pause.

Crack, the sound of metal breaking.Although Zhuang Xiaoyuan had tried his best to avoid it.But the devil's counterattack came too suddenly.The left wing is still scratched a bit.The originally neat wing was only scratched and only half of it was broken.

In the violent vibration, Zhuang Xiaoyuan worked hard to control the balance of the Uranus system.Two mechanical arms stretched out, firmly grasping the demon's arm.The lavender crystal on the mechanical arm began to gather dazzling light.

As if feeling the threat from the light, the devil struggled with all his strength, causing the Uranus system to vibrate even more.Roar, a roar full of anger, the demon broke free from the shackles of the Uranus system.He raised his ferocious claws and grabbed it.

Boom, the mechanical arm on the right was raised to block the demon's attack.But this blow was very heavy.Accompanied by the sound of metal groans, the mechanical arm on the right side of Uranus was cut off by the demon's claw attack.

With a bang, the broken mechanical arm fell from the sky and landed on the yellow mud.The left half of the right mechanical arm flickered with a trace of electricity, and sparks burst out from time to time.

Puff, a sharp blade slashed past.The trap set by Zhuang Xiaoyuan at the cost of sacrificing a mechanical arm finally paid off.The devil's attention was completely focused on Zhuang Xiaoyuan, and he didn't notice Zhuang Xiaoyan who was beside him.

Just when Zhuang Xiaoyuan's mechanical arm was severed, Zhuang Xiaoyan suddenly rushed in, and the metal wings on his back suddenly stretched and stood up with blades cutting off the devil's attacking right hand and then directly inserted into the devil's body.

Roar~ The devil's roar still carried a lot of anger.It wasn't howling in pain, the monster that was fused with the black mist and the demon king didn't feel any pain at all.Although he lost his right hand, he still raised his left hand to pat Zhuang Xiaoyan.

Amidst the violent roar, the shock wave erupted again.The mechanical arm intersected with the devil's left arm again.The remaining left hand of Zhuang Xiaoyuan's Uranus system grabbed the demon's attacking left hand.

Taking this opportunity, the blade behind Zhuang Xiaoyan danced again, enlarging the wound on the demon's body.As the blade expanded, huge cut wounds were left on the demon's body, and he was almost cut into pieces.

Roar.The demon gave up and continued to attack, and suddenly turned into a black mist and retreated to the rear, condensing again a few hundred meters away from Zhuang Xiaoyan.And the arm that fell on the ground also turned into black mist and re-integrated into the demon's body.

When the devil reappeared in the black mist, it had already returned to its original complete state.The severed arm recovered.The cut wounds on his body did not leave any traces, and the attacks of Zhuang Xiaoyan and Zhuang Xiaoyuan just now seemed to be completely useless.

"Sure enough, that kind of black mist has already swallowed several worlds. It has absorbed and fused the rules of many different worlds. We can't destroy him alone." The protruding blade slowly retracted.Zhuang Xiaoyan looked at the demon not far away who had recovered to his original state with a solemn expression.

"Do you still need the power of the world crystal? Let me tell you, I've been in a state of amnesia and don't know the existence of the world crystal. You've already passed a thousand years. Don't you have any clues about the world crystal?"

Dragging the broken Uranus system, Zhuang Xiaoyuan picked up the fallen mechanical arm from the ground. With the Pandora system in the body and the automatic repair ability of the variable wings on the back activated, the broken Uranus system also began to recover slowly, but compared to The speed at which the devil can instantly revive with full blood is completely incomparable.

"As for the clue, I still have it. I have also seen the world crystal in this world. But that clue may not be useful now." Shrugged, Zhuang Xiaoyan didn't take Zhuang Xiaoyuan's accusation to heart .

"Have you seen it, where is it?" The mechanical arm on the right hand has returned to the Uranus system, but it may not be usable for the time being.Although it has been connected, it has not been fully repaired, and it is more fragile than before.

"During the battle between humans and gods. It was in the hands of the first son of the plane in this world, but I have already killed her. When she died, the world crystal also disappeared." The corner of the mouth curled up a trace of evil Smiling, Zhuang Xiaoyan smiled and watched Zhuang Xiaoyuan's face change back and forth after she said this sentence.

"Are you an idiot? Why did you kill her? Even if you wanted to kill her, wouldn't you bring the world crystal first? Who was the first son of the plane?" Following Zhuang Xiaoyan's words, Zhuang Xiaoyuan's face changed suddenly, and A disgusted expression that looks like it ate a fly.After complaining loudly, he asked casually.

"The first son of the plane is a dragon god named Anna." Without paying attention to Zhuang Xiaoyuan's yelling at him, Zhuang Xiaoyan said the name of the god he personally killed with a trace of joke in his eyes.For a moment, Zhuang Xiaoyuan fell silent, and a faint killing intent could not help revealing from her body.

(End of this chapter)

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