Chapter 298 Where is the World Crystal?

Noticing Zhuang Xiaoyuan's suddenly gloomy expression and the murderous intent that began to show on her body, Zhuang Xiaoyan's face revealed an expression of anticipation and joy instead.Sure enough, this time is really the closest to the goal.The Circle of Principle, which once had no human emotions, has acquired emotions, at least anger and bondage.

"Sure enough, it was you who did it. I should have thought a long time ago that eliminating the Protoss was a mission recognized by the world. Although she is a child of the plane, she is also a Protoss." After a moment of silence, the killing intent on Zhuang Xiaoyuan's body eased. Concentrating slowly, there was no trace of hatred in the eyes that looked up at Zhuang Xiaoyan.As if the previous killing intent was an illusion.

"I killed the person who took care of you all the time. Why did you give up so quickly? Could it be that you still haven't fully accepted your feelings in your heart?" Zhuang Xiaoyuan withdrew her hostility towards her, but Zhuang Xiaoyan showed an unhappy expression expression.Such strong emotions were actually suppressed.Isn't it thorough enough?

"Accept my own feelings? Is that so? It seems that I don't have self-emotions in your impression. However, it turns out that you are not omniscient, Zhuang Xiaoyan. It's good to make you feel bad occasionally." Seeing Zhuang Xiaoyan because The calmness of his emotions showed a different expression. Although the strong enemy was in front of him now, Zhuang Xiaoyuan still showed a smile.I won't tell you what I have already met Anna.

Being able to curb his murderous aura against Zhuang Xiaoyan was not because the Holy Mother Zhuang Xiaoyuan forgave her, but because Zhuang Xiaoyuan finally figured out the ins and outs of the matter before his brain was filled with anger.Even Zhuang Xiaoyan's sudden tone made Zhuang Xiaoyuan have some guesses about her life experience.

Zhuang Xiaoyan is not the bad person he imagined, although Zhuang Xiaoyuan never regarded her as a bad person before.A few days ago, Zhuang Xiaoyuan had already met Anna. Although she was Anna from the human race, after hearing Zhuang Xiaoyan's intentional words to provoke her, Zhuang Xiaoyuan was convinced of her guess.Human Anna is the former Protoss Anna.

In other words, Terran Anna is the reincarnation of Protoss Anna.Zhuang Xiaoyan, who personally killed Anna, probably also arranged for Anna's reincarnation long ago.If not, the will of the world would not allow Zhuang Xiaoyan to act recklessly.On this point, Zhuang Xiaoyuan probably needs to thank Zhuang Xiaoyan a little bit.

The demise of the Protoss is doomed, even as the original son of the plane, it is one of the driving forces behind the demise of the Protoss, but Anna, who is a Protoss herself, is also bound to die.But Zhuang Xiaoyan helped Anna complete her reincarnation. Zhuang Xiaoyuan, who had recovered her memory before, felt the complete power of the dragon god contained in Anna's body.

"What are you laughing at, he's here again." Glaring at Zhuang Xiaoyuan, the metal wings on Zhuang Xiaoyan's back stretched out to meet the devil.Inwardly, he was slightly relieved because of Zhuang Xiaoyuan's smile.Although it's not very clear why Zhuang Xiaoyuan restrained his killing intent against him.But the smile at this moment was full of emotion.

"Kaos~Kill, kill, kill." The demon's eyes were still full of blood, but he didn't know if the broken arm had affected the state of the black mist.At this time, the demons seemed to have regained the consciousness of some demon kings of the demon race, and they no longer fought instinctively with the black mist.

Facing Kaos' blade, the devil punched the side of the blade's wings, completely avoiding the consequences of being cut, but instead broke several of Zhuang Xiaoyan's wings.

"What are you going to do now? After you killed Anna, don't you really have any clues about the world crystal?" The missile lasers on the Uranus system were all activated by Zhuang Xiaoyuan, and they leaked out when the devil and Zhuang Xiaoyan were entangled, bombarding The body of the possessed man.

Zhuang Xiaoyuan's intensive firepower attack also made it difficult for the devil to deal with, and finally gave Zhuang Xiaoyan a chance to breathe and recover.The broken metal wings recovered quickly, and after a few seconds, Zhuang Xiaoyuan's firepower paused and entered the reloading and cooling state, and Zhuang Xiaoyan met the demon again.

"No, I've been sleeping all the time, using my own power to strengthen the world barrier to resist this guy's intrusion. Where can I find the world crystal when I have time?" While resisting the attack of the devil, he dexterously changed the blade on his back Counterattacked from a tricky and weird angle.Zhuang Xiaoyan loudly answered Zhuang Xiaoyuan's question.

"Is there really no way to quickly find the world crystal?" After the missile was loaded, Zhuang Xiaoyuan manipulated the Uranus system to start more than intensive firepower again, and began to approach the devil while attacking.Although the current attack will be restored by him after the diffusion and fusion, the diffusion and fusion of the black mist still has a little time, which can give the two of them a chance to breathe.

"Yes." While the blade was dancing, Zhuang Xiaoyan gave an affirmative answer.

"What method?" Zhuang Xiaoyuan asked while attacking after a slight pause in the movement of his hands.

"As long as we merge into one and restore the original appearance, after your missing parts are missing, you can find the location of the world crystal through the spade crystal." Taking advantage of the opportunity when the devil was hit by Zhuang Xiaoyuan's firepower, the empty door opened.Zhuang Xiaoyan charged forward again, and the metal blade on his back danced quickly, leaving long and thin cuts on the demon's body.

Roar~ Facing the pincer attack of the two, the devil suddenly became furious.Covering his head with his hands, he completely ignored the damage to his body from the missile blast, and headed towards the two of them under Zhuang Xiaoyuan's firepower.

Facing the sudden outburst of the demon, the two people who were slightly distracted by the communication with each other were also taken aback.Reflexively dodged one left and one right.This dodge caused the two people's original joint offensive to be split.

Facing the two separated from the left and the right, the attack that the devil faced was also much weaker. After all, the missiles and blades were originally attacking together.But this time it turned into a missile on the left blade and right.Although the total number of attacks has not changed, the damage dealt to the demon in the split opening has been greatly weakened.

He opened his mouth wide and smiled silently, as if the trick had succeeded.Facing the avoidance of Zhuang Xiaoyuan and Zhuang Xiaoyan.The demon stretched out his hands from left to right and grabbed the two of them.Although the explosion of the missile and the sharp blade smashed the bloody hands of the devil to pieces.But the devil still smashed the two of them to the ground before his hands were completely broken.

There was a loud bang, like the heavy muffled sound of a meteorite hitting the ground.Zhuang Xiaoyuan and Zhuang Xiaoyan were directly smashed into the ground by the demon in the same direction.The devil's full blow even smashed the two of them into the ground at a distance of tens of meters, and the two who were thrown out at the same time even collided with each other in mid-air.After smashing the two with all their strength, the demon's body also quietly atomized, and began to twist and reunite again. When the black mist condensed again, the wounds on the demon's body would probably return to their original state.

When the demon was atomized and waiting to recover, golden and black rays of light erupted simultaneously in the deep hole that Zhuang Xiaoyuan and Zhuang Xiaoyan were smashed into.After that, the two colors of light began to merge strangely.Black completely disappears into gold.The golden light began to emit a bright brilliance, which lasted for several seconds before gradually dissipating.

(End of this chapter)

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