Chapter 299 The World Crystal Close at hand

"It seems that time is running out." The golden light erupting from the deep hole gradually dimmed and disappeared after merging with the black light.Zhuang Xiaoyuan in the golden light was revealed.At this time, Zhuang Xiaoyuan has recovered her original posture, without using the card to transform into her original appearance.

Zhuang Xiaoyan had disappeared and returned to Zhuang Xiaoyuan.As the two merged, Zhuang Xiaoyuan faintly felt a faint repulsion from the world.The world rules that originally favored the two also disappeared at this moment.

This kind of repulsion is the instinctive repulsion of the world, what Zhuang Xiaoyuan felt was just a touch of pressure, and what the black mist demon on the opposite side endured was the real world repulsion.But to be able to exert such a powerful force under the rejection of the world is indeed a strong enemy of human beings.

Sensing the repulsive force attached to her body, Zhuang Xiaoyuan didn't dare to delay for too long. She didn't know when this feeling of repulsion would directly expel herself from the world, so she had to solve the hidden dangers of this world as soon as possible.

While thinking about it, Zhuang Xiaoyuan had already pulled out his spade crystal from the neckline.Re-merging with Zhuang Xiaoyan, there is no obvious change in strength, but there is a sense of fullness in my heart, as if the lack of things is filled, and the method of using this spade crystal is also obtained from Zhuang Xiaoyan. .

The spiritual power controls the divine power, entangled with each other and poured into the spade crystal in his hand.Faint black light diffused from the spade crystal and enveloped Zhuang Xiaoyuan.After that, a thin black light flew out and pointed in a certain direction.

"Hey, it's so close." Looking along the direction of the black light, I didn't expect it to be near this battlefield. Looking up at the black mist that was still distorted and condensed, Zhuang Xiaoyuan ran in the direction of the black light.

"Anna, Eve, Lanny, why are you here?" When Zhuang Xiaoyuan approached the hill pointed by the light, what Zhuang Xiaoyuan saw was the three people lying behind the hill.

"Is this what you used to be?" Looking at Zhuang Xiaoyuan who appeared in front of her eyes, Anna had complicated emotions in her eyes.At this time, what she thought of was the words Icarus said under the starry sky, 'I don't belong to this world'.

"Well, this is my original form now. The angel Icarus before was just a form after I used the transformation ability." Looking at Anna in front of him, Zhuang Xiaoyuan's mood was also complicated.

Although it was Zhuang Xiaoyan who killed her who was a dragon god thousands of years ago, in Zhuang Xiaoyuan's perception, Zhuang Xiaoyan was also a part of him, which was equivalent to killing his friend once with his own hands.

"I didn't expect you to be human too. We came here to help you, but it seems that we won't be able to use it." Noticing the awkward atmosphere between the two, Eve jumped into the room with a playful expression on her face. Between the eyes of Anna and Zhuang Xiaoyuan.

"No, it's really helpful for you to come here, and I need your help now." The awkward atmosphere was broken by Eve's smiling face, Zhuang Xiaoyuan looked at Anna's Yaojindun guided by the black light, and his face became serious stand up.

"What do you want us to do." Anna had noticed before that the black crystal in Zhuang Xiaoyuan's hand was linked to the black light on her shining golden shield, following Zhuang Xiaoyuan's line of sight to look at the shining golden shield in her hand, Anna asked with a serious face.Now is not the time to get entangled in personal feelings, the body of the devil has gradually begun to manifest.

"The crystal on your shield can be removed. As long as we touch its body together, the effect of the world crystal can be activated. If the world crystal is activated, the connection between the black mist demon and the evil thoughts of this world will be interrupted. The power of infinite regeneration will also disappear." Zhuang Xiaoyuan replied as he shifted his gaze from the golden crystal wrapped on Yaojin Shield to Anna's face.

"This crystal is really not an ordinary thing. Although I can't feel any special power in it, my intuition has always told me that it is very important." While talking, Anna has already removed her Yaojin Shield, Take out the golden crystal inside.

"It's probably because of the hints left in the past that made you keep it." There was a flash of emotion in his eyes, looking at Anna in front of him, Zhuang Xiaoyuan seemed to see Anna who was still a dragon god thousands of years ago.Although the race has changed, the two people have not changed in appearance or personality.

Sighing, Zhongzhuang Xiaoyuan stretched out his right hand wrapped in black shimmer towards the golden crystal in Anna's hand.Dazzling golden light erupted from this crystal.The golden light instantly covered the whole world.

In the dazzling golden light, a beam of energy containing special rules merged into Zhuang Xiaoyuan's body.Quietly, the fourth world card appeared on the star disk in Zhuang Xiaoyuan's body.Obtained the golden world card of gods and demons.

Zhuang Xiaoyuan got the special rules of the world crystal, and when the fourth world card appeared, Anna, Eve, and Lanny also experienced drastic changes.The energy cultivated in the bodies of the three of them grew rapidly in the golden light.The blood that had been hidden and dormant in the body also began to recover.

A pair of tiny dragon horns grew from the top of Anna's head.The ordinary human pupils turned into golden vertical pupils.Fine and dense scales covered the hands and feet, and a thick tail protruded from the bottom of the skirt and swung behind it.Anna's Dragon God bloodline has awakened.

At the same time, Eve and Lanny have also undergone great changes.The energy on Eve's body began to reveal a pitch-black aura, and the shadow under her feet seemed to come alive and squirm slowly.The clothes on her body were also replaced by a black dress.

On the other hand, Lanny is the opposite of Eve. The original water element is mixed with a strong light element.The clothes on her body turned into a pure white dress that was exactly the same as Eve but in the opposite color.At the end of the transformation between the two of them, a circular halo slowly emerged above their heads.

Eve and Lani, the powers of twin sister gods who belonged to the God of Darkness and the God of Light, who were sleeping in their bodies, also appeared.

Aww, when Anna and the other three awakened their blood and Zhuang Xiaoyuan got the World Card.The demon who condensed his body in the distance let out a mournful howl.Under the shining of the golden light, the black mist that hadn't fully condensed was dispelled.When the howling demon appeared, there were wounds all over his body.Some were the burns that Zhuang Xiaoyuan left him before, and some were burns caused by the golden light.

Phew, the sound of sharp blades piercing through rocks.Between Anna and Zhuang Xiaoyuan, a golden long sword and a golden round shield lay quietly there.Looking at each other, Anna reached out and picked up the round shield in front of her.This round shield has a shape similar to the previous golden crystal, which can be put into her shining golden shield.

Noticing its shape, Anna inserted it directly into her shining golden shield without saying a word. With the insertion of the golden round shield, the shining golden shield exudes a faint fluorescence. This has already advanced from ordinary magic equipment to a divine weapon. .On the other side, Zhuang Xiaoyuan also reached out and pulled out the golden long sword stuck in the ground.It was a long sword purely composed of world rules.

Roar~ The golden light finally dissipated completely, losing the recovery ability of the black mist.The demon opened his blood-red pupils and rushed towards the culprits with all his evil spirits.As long as these few people are killed, the world will lose its ability to protect itself without the Son of the Plane, and the black mist can come in again at that time.

(End of this chapter)

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