Chapter 300 Goodbye My Friend

"I'll go and block him." Looking past Zhuang Xiaoyuan, Anna didn't say anything more and raised Yao Jindun to meet the devil.With the awakening of the blood, the memory of being the dragon god Anna thousands of years ago has also been revived.

With the recovery of memory, the corresponding feelings also emerged from the bottom of my heart. Facing Zhuang Xiaoyuan is like a good friend for many years, although at this time Zhuang Xiaoyuan is no longer the mechanical angel without self-emotion.

"Let's go too." They looked at each other, and then at Zhuang Xiaoyuan.The double swords in the hands of the black Eve were dyed with pitch-black dark elements, and the white Lanny's staff shone with pure light elements, and the two followed Anna to meet the devil.

Looking at the backs of the three of them, Zhuang Xiaoyuan's mouth couldn't help but evoke a grateful smile.These three people are very good people.Even if they are different from a thousand years ago, even if they are not from this world, they still regard themselves as friends.How could a world with such three people be swallowed up and destroyed by black mist like the world of elves?

The determination in her heart became firmer, and Zhuang Xiaoyuan pulled out the golden long sword on the ground.As the long sword was held in his hand, a faint aura of order emanated from the long sword.This kind of regular atmosphere made Zhuang Xiaoyuan's instinctive repulsion from the world a lot stronger, and the originally short stay time was even shorter.

There was no time to delay, as a card emerged from Zhuang Xiaoyuan's body, accompanied by the familiar faint golden light.Icarus, who had just disappeared not long ago, came to this world again.

A pitch-black longbow appeared in Zhuang Xiaoyuan's left hand, and a golden long sword was attached to the longbow as an arrow.As the emerald green eyes turned scarlet, 01's data flow flickered in the eyes, a trace of regular power was ignited, and golden flames burned at the tip of the long sword.Zhuang Xiaoyuan aimed at the devil in the distance.

The howling demon immediately noticed Anna who dared to rush towards him. He didn't know whether it was the anger of being provoked or the power similar to the golden light from Anna just now. The demon raised his hands and smashed at Anna vigorously.

Accompanied by the roar of impact, the demon's huge claws slammed heavily on the ground, as if smashing Anna into meat paste in an instant.The corners of the mouth were split open, showing a mocking expression that did not seem to be shown by an irrational monster.The demon was convinced that he had killed the little ant and planned to raise his hands, but he couldn't move.

"Hey, with this strength, it's still far away." Anna, whose body is much smaller than the devil's, and even smaller than the devil's hands, only half the size of the devil's palm, held up Holding the Yaojin Shield, he firmly caught the devil's hard blow. ,

At this time, the scales on Anna's hands and feet had already spread all over her body, and the golden vertical pupils in her eyes were full of majesty as a dragon god.After awakening the bloodline, Anna used the evolved provocative shield, and the faint golden light on the shield turned into fine silk threads to bind the demon's hands on her shield.

"Shadow strangle." Anna blocked the blow of the devil, and bound his hands by the way.Eve followed, turning into a dark shadow and emerging from the shadow of the devil.In the next second, the shadow of the devil was controlled by Eve and turned into two huge shadow palms that crawled from bottom to top along the body of the devil to his neck.

"Thorn chain of light." Almost at the same time as Eve, a white halo shone on Lani's pure white staff.The rays of light between the heaven and the earth formed chains of thorns that bound the demon's feet and bound him in place.Under the light of the chain of thorns, Eve's shadow seemed to be deeper.

Light and shadow itself is a symbiotic existence.As twin goddesses who were once rare in the God Realm, the two have long been familiar with the coordination of light and shadow. Even now, a thousand years later, there is no strangeness in the combination of the power of the newly awakened saint.

Roar~ hands, feet, even body and neck are bound.The devil was extremely angry, and the three little ants dared to attack the devil boldly.As the devil struggled, the light chains, shadows, and golden lights bound to him began to break one by one.

However, this short period of restraint was enough, when the devil struggled and began to break free from the restraints of the three.Zhuang Xiaoyuan has quietly let go of the long sword in his hand.

The golden light flashed across the sky, drawing a track that was hard to see with the naked eye.When the demon noticed the attack from afar, the golden long sword had already been inserted into his heart.Rich regular golden light erupted from his body.

"No~ I'm the devil king, I'm the strongest devil king who has devoured the demon gods from other worlds. Why, it's impossible, I can't fail here. Ah~" In the golden light, the devil's body began to collapse. Little by little it melted into the golden light.Not a trace of mist leaked from him, and the recovery ability of the black mist had been completely driven away by the golden light.The foreign matter of the world is excluded.

A sword shot through the demon's heart, and the demon began to collapse in the golden light.At the same time, Zhuang Xiaoyuan's body also began to emit a faint golden light.When the devil, the biggest foreign object, was eliminated, Zhuang Xiaoyuan also completed her task, and the repulsive force that was originally restrained suddenly increased, and she also wanted to leave.

"Goodbye, Anna, Eve, Lani, goodbye, this world." Gently put down the longbow in his hand, noticing his body that was beginning to become faintly transparent, Zhuang Xiaoyuan looked up at the demon who was beginning to collapse in the distance , and his eyes stopped for a while on the three girls in front.Finally, he glanced at the battlefield that had completely transformed from hills to flat land in this battle, and said goodbye gently.

When Anna recovered from the demon's completely collapsed body, she thought of Zhuang Xiaoyuan who gave the demon a fatal blow, and turned around to find her.All he saw was a lonely hill, Zhuang Xiaoyuan had already left this world.

With a hint of sadness in her eyes, Anna looked up at the blue sky, took a deep breath, and whispered softly with the wind: "Goodbye, my friend."

"Tell me, will we meet again?" Lenny and Eve also showed a trace of reluctance when they walked to Anna.

"Yes, we will definitely see her again." Nodding affirmatively, Anna looked back at the two with firm eyes. Before meeting again, I have to become stronger.It's really uncomfortable to just watch from the sidelines.The adventure journey of the girl adventure group will begin again.

Consciousness returned from the darkness, and Zhuang Xiaoyuan who slowly opened his eyes saw nothing but white.White sheets, walls and curtains, there is no doubt that this is either a hospital or a nursing home.

This should be the second time he woke up in such a whiteness, the last time was during the floating retreat more than two years ago.His eyes swept across the white room, and there was no one there.There's no high-tech feeling of intensive care testing around, either.Only a bottle of nutrient-supplementing salt water hangs on his left hand.

(End of this chapter)

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