Chapter 302 Strange Rainstorm

"Why do you ask me to say this? You did it on purpose. You didn't take it out just now. I didn't take it out until I finished eating." His eyes were fixed on Wen Hui's chopsticks holding the braised pork.

Although this piece of braised pork was obviously overcooked, there was still a slight burnt smell on the skin.It's not as good as his own craftsmanship, but to Zhuang Xiaoyuan who hasn't eaten for a long time and only drank a bowl of white rice porridge with sugar, he is already very attractive.

"Even if we took it out earlier, you still can't eat it." With a smile in his eyes, Chu Miaomiao also picked up his own portion of rice and put a bite of scrambled egg with tomato into his mouth.Well, it's not bad at all, after all, it's the craft of the auntie in the dormitory cafeteria, but she learned it from Zhuang Xiaoyuan for a while.

"Woo." Although what Chu Miaomiao said was correct, Zhuang Xiaoyuan was still very unwilling to eat it.His eyes were firmly focused on those few simple fast food, and his saliva almost flowed out.

"Hey. Do you want to eat it? This tastes good. Although it's a bit burnt, the braised pork is delicious even if it's slightly burnt." I noticed Zhuang Xiaoyuan's salivating expression.A smirk suddenly appeared on Wen Hui's face, and she took a piece of braised pork and handed it over.

"Ahhh." As the braised pork approached, Zhuang Xiaoyuan's eyes lit up, and he opened his mouth and bit it.

"Hey, I can't give it to you." Wen Hui, who had been prepared for a long time, retracted her chopsticks, allowing Zhuang Xiaoyuan to take a bite.She didn't give it to Zhuang Xiaoyuan because she wanted to eat it, but she did it just to tease Zhuang Xiaoyuan.Seeing Zhuang Xiaoyuan's angry expression because he didn't eat it, Wen Hui felt happy physically and mentally.This kind of condescending feeling is so cool, but in the past, it was the opposite role.

Because it was rare to have such a chance to tease Zhuang Xiaoyuan, Wen Hui admired Zhuang Xiaoyuan's angry expression with a smile on her face.But in the next second, the angry expression disappeared. Instead, he showed a serious look and said to himself: "Hey, Mr. Cai, you are here. When can I be discharged from the hospital?"

"Teacher?" Zhuang Xiaoyuan's expression was completely flawless. Hearing Zhuang Xiaoyuan's greeting, Wen Hui reflexively turned her head and looked behind her.But the only thing he entered was a tightly closed door, and then the chopsticks in his hand were heavy.When Wen Hui turned her head again, the braised pork on the chopsticks was gone.And Zhuang Xiaoyuan was chewing his mouth and looking at himself with a proud face.

"... Spit it out, the braised pork is too greasy, it's not good for your health." After a moment of silence, Wen Hui suddenly rushed towards Zhuang Xiaoyuan, trying to get the braised pork back from her mouth.

"Slightly slightly slightly, it's gone, it's gone." Zhuang Xiaoyuan stuck out her tongue at Wen Hui after chewing quickly a few times and swallowing.The smug expression on his face couldn't be concealed.

"Really, when the time comes, the stomach pain will not be your own discomfort." There was a trace of unwillingness on his face, and he didn't expect to be put on again if he didn't pay attention.But if it's just one piece, it shouldn't affect the body.

Sitting back on the stool sullenly, Wen Hui picked up her rice and started to eat again, and did not provoke Zhuang Xiaoyuan anymore.Watching the interaction between the two, Chu Miaomiao swallowed the food in her mouth and said, "Okay, I've eaten all the food, let's start telling the story."

"No problem." Licking his lips, as if he could still feel the smell of meat left in his mouth, Zhuang Xiaoyuan began to tell the story: "A long time ago, there was an ancient temple in the mountains..."

"Puff, cough, cough, we're here to hear what happened to you this time, and we didn't ask you to tell a legend." Zhuang Xiaoyuan's sudden words choked Wen Hui a long, long time ago.They were all ready to listen to this experience carefully, but they never thought that Zhuang Xiaoyuan would suddenly talk about the classic old-fashioned beginning of some stories.

"Hey, okay. Just kidding. I'm about to start officially. It is said that my spiritual power sank into my body at that time, and I started to communicate and go to the trial world..." Xiaoxiao made a joke, and Zhuang Xiaoyuan's expression returned to seriousness. Tell me about your experience this time.From being attacked by the giant hands of the black mist in the trial passage to the return of destroying the demons with the help of Anna and the others, the experience this time can be described as magnificent.

"I didn't expect that Xiaoyuan has experienced a thousand years." After listening to Zhuang Xiaoyuan's experience in a daze, Wen Hui had an expression on her face that she wished she was there.The food in the fast food box is also cold because it has been left for too long.

"Well, I'm not happy." After hearing all about Zhuang Xiaoyuan's experience, Chu Miaomiao, who also didn't continue to eat just now, stuffed a mouthful of cold rice into her mouth, and a muffled voice came out of her mouth.

"Okay, that's all my experience. It's thanks to my friends in that world and Zhuang Xiaoyan that I was able to come back safely. Don't make such an expression. Didn't I come back well? By the way, there have been things that happened in the city recently Anything you noticed?"

After the story was finished, Wen Hui and Chu Miaomiao looked a little gloomy when they saw them.A smile appeared on Zhuang Xiaoyuan's face and he asked about the Central City.

"It's still the same as before, everything is proceeding step by step. Nothing too noteworthy has happened." Biting the cold rice with a chewy taste, even the braised pork that originally attracted attention could not arouse Wen Hui's excitement appetite.

However, the good habit she has developed for a long time still made her force herself to finish her share of meals.Putting down the tableware and wiping her mouth, Wen Hui answered Zhuang Xiaoyuan's question.

"Really? But why do I feel that something is wrong with this heavy rain." Hearing Wen Hui's words, Zhuang Xiaoyuan looked at the rainstorm outside the window, and frowned slightly.

The eyes and Chu Miaomiao looked at each other, and Chu Miaomiao lowered his head and continued to eat.Wen Hui shrugged helplessly before she said, "I knew I couldn't hide it from you. But it only started in the last few days."

"Sure enough, there is a problem. What's going on?" Zhuang Xiaoyuan asked with a serious face when he shifted his gaze from the window to Wen Hui.Although Wen Hui's tone sounds a bit understatement, it is definitely not a simple matter to be able to affect the changes in the weather.

"Although I think it's better to understand after your recovery, but if I don't tell you now, you won't be able to rest at ease." Zhuang Xiaoyuan had already exposed her, but Wen Hui still wanted to struggle a little.

Although it was found in the last examination that Zhuang Xiaoyuan's damaged spirit had recovered, Wen Hui was still a little worried, it's always better to have more rest, isn't it?However, she also knew that Zhuang Xiaoyuan was not someone who could easily watch others busy.

Without saying anything, Zhuang Xiaoyuan just returned Wen Hui with a simple smile.

She understood the meaning of the smile at a glance, and sighed with some frustration, Wen Hui explained: "Since yesterday, it has been raining in the entire central city. And as time goes by, the rain is getting heavier and heavier. The gravity team has controlled the floating city to leave the original suspension area. But this rain cloud has been hanging over the floating island of the central city. He will follow wherever we move."

(End of this chapter)

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