Chapter 303 Golden World Card of Gods and Demons
"Then, you should have discovered something." Being able to have lunch leisurely in front of his hospital bed fully shows that Wen Hui and Chu Miaomiao are idle at this time.Either a solution has been found, or there is nothing to do, so there is absolutely nothing to do now.

"Well, according to observations, it is found that there is a huge amount of negative energy hidden in the rain clouds above the central city." Now that Zhuang Xiaoyuan has already discovered it, Wen Hui no longer hides it from her, and directly tells the information she knows.

"Evil, it seems that we are not the only ones who have changed in more than two years. The evil has evolved a new form." Hearing the negative energy Wen Hui said, Zhuang Xiaoyuan knew that this rainstorm might be the evil What a mess.

Being able to change the weather and create such a heavy rainstorm, the demons that appeared this time may be more powerful than before.However, everyone has already seen the black mist demon that devours the world, and the demon that can affect the weather is not unexpected.

"It seems that it should be. We have already contacted the guardians of Jiangnan City, and after their mission is over, we will send weather manipulators over." She nodded and agreed with Zhuang Xiaoyuan's guess. Like Zhuang Xiaoyuan, Wen Hui also thought that The negative energy above the head must be demons.

"The weather manipulator, it's her." She rubbed her forehead with a bit of a headache, and was a little unable to cope with the so-called weather manipulator Zhuang Xiaoyuan.It's not about how bad the other person's character is or how difficult it is to get along with.It's entirely because they are too easy to get along with that they can't handle it.

"Hehe, there is no way around it. My elemental manipulation is still unable to control such a large area. At present, only she has the ability to change the weather in a large area. Besides..." There was a gloating expression on her face, for Zhuang Xiaoyuan With a headache, Wen Hui was a little happy to see the result, it was rare for someone to become Zhuang Xiaoyuan's nemesis.

"It was originally Xiaoyuan who abused her power and transferred her away." Before Wen Hui finished speaking, Chu Miaomiao directly took over the conversation and said the second half of the sentence.Now, as the acting dean of Shenzhuang Academy, Chu Miaomiao has the most say in what happened back then.Because as a rare magic warrior who manipulates the weather, she was transferred to Jiangnan City because Zhuang Xiaoyuan asked her to.

"Okay, come on. Although she is a bit annoying, she is not a bad boy. But before she comes over, can you help me lock all the cabinets and wardrobes in the bedroom." Sighing helplessly, she It is already a definite fact, all Zhuang Xiaoyuan can do now is to try his best to make complete preparations.

"Pfft." Thinking of the theft incident last time, Wen Hui couldn't help laughing out loud.At that time, there was a lot of turmoil, and there were thieves in the Shenzhuang Academy.The only things that were stolen were Zhuang Xiaoyuan's. "No problem, I'll lock it for you when I get back."

"That's good, I hope this rain will stop soon." Looking at the increasingly heavy rain outside the window, Zhuang Xiaoyuan's eyes showed a trace of worry.It's been almost three years, and the demons that can change the weather and cause heavy rain have appeared.I always thought it was a bad sign.

In the afternoon, Wen Hui and Chu Miaomiao left after lunch.Now, one of the two is acting as the dean of the college, and the other is the deputy dean of the pharmacist college and the next dean. After giving them.

Although Zhuang Xiaoyuan is in a similar state to them, he is now the top person in charge of the scientific research institute.Helping grandfather Feng Zhongguo handle all the affairs of the scientific research institute, but now Lei Zeming is still helping to deal with the sundries.

And the research project has been completely handed over to several research leaders trained by his subordinates, completely throwing away the shopkeeper.That's why Zhuang Xiaoyuan can be as free as he is now.Even if he was in a coma for a month, it wouldn't have the slightest impact on the Academy of Sciences, um, if morale wasn't counted.

Watching Wen Hui and the others leave, Zhuang Xiaoyuan finally had the opportunity to check what he had gained from this millennium-long trial mission.Feeling the changes in my body, apart from routinely improving my cultivation potential, I didn't get a blank card this time.But Icarus' Transformation Card and Kaos' Blackening Card are already worth the ticket.

After confirming the changes on her body, Zhuang Xiaoyuan's main attention was still on the world card in the star disk.This is already the fourth world card that Zhuang Xiaoyuan got.Because of the final failure, the elf world did not touch the world crystal, so it did not get the world card.

For a long time, in addition to the transformation cards of the beautiful anime girls, these world cards with auxiliary effects have also given Zhuang Xiaoyuan a lot of help.Whether it is reducing the cooling time of transformation, or temporarily using the ability of other characters, or even the ability to summon characters related to the world, it is very useful.

At this time, the fourth world card also possessed extraordinary special abilities. As Zhuang Xiaoyuan focused his attention on this golden world card, clear data appeared in front of his eyes.

The golden world of gods and demons: the world where gods and demons once existed

World Guardian: Dragon Heart Saint - Anna
special power:

The cooling time of all character cards has been cancelled.

God's Familiar - Instantly attracts all surrounding attacks, and at the same time enters an invincible state for one second, with a cooldown of 300 seconds.

Sure enough, Zhuang Xiaoyuan was not disappointed. The world card he got this time completely canceled the cooldown time required for character transformation, which meant that as long as Zhuang Xiaoyuan had enough divine power, he could quickly switch between several characters without limit.Let several different characters complete the connection and coordination of skills.

And the other ability of God's Familiars is also very useful. Although the one-second invincibility state is short-lived, it is a life-saving ability if used well.What's more, this second invincibility can also attract all the attacks around him, and block the knife for his companions at critical moments.This is equivalent to the fusion of provocative skills and invincible golden body in online games.

And 300 seconds or 5 minutes of cooling time is not too much.Although when fighting against a powerful opponent, the winner is often determined in a few minutes.But this 5-minute cooling time may be restored before the next battle comes.It is equivalent to being able to use it once per battle.If it is ideal.

After confirming the ability of the world card, Zhuang Xiaoyuan began to practice the daily routine of divine power according to the faint joy in his heart.In order to prepare for the trial mission of God's Blessing level, he has been suppressing the growth of his divine power, and now he can finally improve without any scruples.

Probably because it was suppressed for too long, as Zhuang Xiaoyuan fully let go of the restraint on the promotion of divine power, the divine power in his body began to run like a wild horse that had run loose.After running again and again, the divine power quickly increased.The phantom of the main body, which was already about the same size as Zhuang Xiaoyuan, also began to gradually merge into Zhuang Xiaoyuan's body.

(End of this chapter)

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