Chapter 304 The Greatly Changing Fusion Level
With the rapid operation of divine power, Zhuang Xiaoyuan's phantom and physical body quickly merged.When the phantom fit perfectly with the body, Zhuang Xiaoyuan was shocked suddenly.As if the originally restrained body was suddenly released, the bottle of champagne that had been shaking for a long time was opened.A feeling of comfort gushes out.

At this moment, the world became much clearer.All the colors are brighter, and all the breaths are fresher.It was as if the eyes that were originally short-sighted, seeing the world as blurry, were suddenly replaced by eagle eyes with superb vision at this moment.The whole world became clear.

Slightly closing his eyes, he felt a completely different divine power in his body.And the unique power of rules wrapped around him.Zhuang Xiaoyuan knew that she had broken through, to the fusion level.

After entering the fusion level, Zhuang Xiaoyuan found that she had changed a lot.The ability of the domain automatically comes to mind, this is a characteristic of every fusion level, and there is nothing special about it.Changes in the nature of divine power are just small changes.

But the biggest change came from the transformation card in Zhuang Xiaoyuan's body.At this time, the starry sky disc was still spinning slowly in his chest, but none of the transformation cards inlaid on the starry sky disc had disappeared.There were only four world cards left on the star disk, and on the star disk, a few dim stars were lit up.

However, Zhuang Xiaoyuan was not worried at all about the disappearance of the transformation card.Instead, what emerges from the bottom of my heart is a deep joy, as if it wants to swallow my own rich joy in an instant.The disappearance of the transformation card does not mean that Zhuang Xiaoyuan's transformation ability cannot be used.

On the contrary, the limitation of Zhuang Xiaoyuan's transformation ability disappeared.Her ability to transform is no longer restricted by the existence of the card. After entering the fusion level, she can freely transform into the beautiful anime girl she wants to transform into.Although this ability to transform at will can only be used within the scope of its own expansion.

In fact, Zhuang Xiaoyuan's transformation card didn't disappear, but merged into the star disk.After the card is integrated, she can become the anime girl who once owned the card anytime and anywhere.

After using the domain ability, Zhuang Xiaoyuan can break through the constraints of the original card character and use the transformation ability freely.However, although this kind of free transformation is not limited by roles, it is also limited by one's own abilities.

For example, if Zhuang Xiaoyuan wanted to become Lumu Yuan, it could be done easily in the domain.Even if you want to change into Kamu Madoka in the form of Madoka, no problem, you can change.It's just that the shape can indeed be changed into the appearance of Yuanshen, but it is completely unable to exert the rule ability of Yuanshen.Because Zhuang Xiaoyuan's own ability is not enough to support the consumption of Yuanshen's rule making.

However, even so, Zhuang Xiaoyuan is already very strong.At least the diversity of abilities is definitely No.1 in history.Even if Wen Hui, the god of the beginning of the element, uses the fusion of elements to change, there are only a dozen or twenty different abilities at most.But there are more than tens of thousands of beautiful anime girls that Zhuang Xiaoyuan can transform into.What's more, there are mothers who become mothers, mothers who turn into shiny, mothers who turn into scholars, and mothers who turn into coyotes.

With a strong look of joy in his eyes, Zhuang Xiaoyuan clenched his fist tightly, unable to restrain his excitement.I didn't expect to break through to the fusion level to have such a big gain.Then if you continue to grow, above the advanced fusion level, there is only the true god level in theory.How will it change then?At that time, it might be possible to wipe out the existence of evil spirits with a single thought.

Time passed quickly as Zhuang Xiaoyuan was excited and then gradually calmed down and regained his calm.The torrential rain outside the window has not stopped.And with the passage of time, Zhuang Xiaoyuan became more and more familiar with her own changes, and began to be able to control the domain proficiently.

Two days later, Zhuang Xiaoyuan was finally able to leave the hospital.The originally damaged spirit had already recovered when he returned, and the hospitalization was only because he hadn't eaten for a week, which caused a nutritional imbalance in his body, and it was almost the same after two days of recuperation.

"The rain is getting heavier and heavier." Walking out of the hospital gate, looking up at the cloudy sky, Zhuang Xiaoyuan frowned slightly.After going out, there is no need for professional equipment testing. Zhuang Xiaoyuan can already feel the huge negative energy hidden above the clouds. That energy has surpassed the energy of all the demons he has encountered before. The demon is a bigger demon.And it's a demon that can fly.

"Let's go, she's coming soon. Now many areas of the city have started to accumulate water, and the drainage system can't keep up with the rainfall. We must quickly get rid of this heavy rain." Patting Zhuang Xiaoyuan on the shoulder, Wen Hui took the lead Go to the car parked next to the hospital gate.Wen Hui was the only one who came to pick up Zhuang Xiaoyuan this time, and Chu Miaomiao was already waiting at the portal.

"En." Nodding, Zhuang Xiaoyuan looked away from the sky and followed Wen Hui into the car.The car started, quickly turned around on the ground, threw up a pool of water, and accelerated towards the direction of the college's portal.

Originally, the military teleportation gate was to be activated, but this time it was an emergency, so I asked Dean Ellie to help activate the non-location teleportation.Let the weather manipulator Mu Ningxue, who had just completed the task and had not had time to return to the city, teleport directly to the central city.

Under the driving of Wen Hui, the car rushed to the training area at a fast speed all the way.The recent continuous torrential rain has also made it difficult for people to travel, so the roads are empty, otherwise there will definitely be a car accident at Wen Hui's driving speed.

In just a few minutes, they entered the academy training area from the hospital. At this time, a small rain-proof roof was erected near the teleportation array in the training area to block the continuous rainstorm.Running down from Wen Hui's parked car and into the roof area of ​​the training area, Zhuang Xiaoyuan shook the raindrops on his shoulders while looking at several people near the teleportation array.

Except for Chu Miaomiao who knew she was waiting here before.There is also Headmaster Ellie, who is manipulating the teleportation, and a small group of divine warriors equipped with flying feet and hovering close to the ground.It seems that this team of magic warriors is used to deal with the demons that may appear after the rain stops.

But looking at this combat team, which is clearly composed of divine-level teachers, Zhuang Xiaoyuan has no hope for their combat effectiveness, if the demon above his head is really a new type of demon that is stronger than the fortress-level.

When Zhuang Xiaoyuan and Wen Hui arrived, the teleportation array that Zhuang Xiaoyuan and the others had used several times also emitted a faint blue light.Following the exposure of the blue light, a tall figure walked out from the teleportation array emitting blue light.

(End of this chapter)

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