Chapter 305 Was forced to take a holiday
"Roar~" Just as Zhuang Xiaoyuan and his team were planning how to find the core of this huge demon and destroy it.There was a deafening sound.The demon in the sky slowly started to move with the dark clouds all over the sky.

Because of his huge body, he seemed to be moving relatively slowly, but in fact this demon moved very fast, leaving the sky of the central city's floating island in just a few seconds.Leaving towards the distant sky.

After several days of torrential rain, the central city finally saw the sunshine above its head again.

"Principal, do we want to chase after him?" Seeing the dark cloud and demons leave slowly and quickly, the teacher who led the magic warrior team asked Principal Ellie.Although Chu Miaomiao has been handling the college's affairs in recent years, his prestige is still not as good as Ellie's for the time being.

"Let's leave it at that for the time being. It looks like we need to make some complete preparations." He waved his hand and signaled for the warriors in divine costume to disband on the spot. Dean Ellie also looked solemnly at the demon.I'm afraid this kind of demon is not the only one.

"Sure enough, we humans are not the only ones who have improved. The demons have also begun to evolve. And the evolved demons are bigger and more powerful than the fortress level." left a deep impression on people's hearts.That kind of huge body, although it's just a glimpse of the leopard, is not much smaller than the whole floating island, even if the floating island in the central city is the smallest one among all the floating islands.

"It's bigger than the fortress class, and it's still a flying demon. Let's call her an aircraft carrier class demon. We must tell the other two old guys about this situation. We can't be lazy anymore." Looking away from the demon, Ellie Academy He looked at Zhuang Xiaoyuan and the others.

"Just tell me if you have anything to do, Dean. We will definitely finish it." Noticing Dean Ellie's gaze, Zhuang Xiaoyuan and Wen Hui Chu Miaomiao next to him looked at each other, and said with a serious face.

"Well, this matter can only be entrusted to you. In recent years, you have grown a lot. You have taken over our work and let us have a good time. It is also time for you to relax. You three are going to have a holiday starting tomorrow. I have already arranged everything for you. You haven’t visited the floating city since it took off. Go for a walk in the empty city. Relax and be fully prepared for the upcoming battle. Even if this kind of demon does not appear, we will almost start to counterattack the ground."

Seeing the serious looks of the three of them, Ellie showed a faint smile in her eyes.He took out three scrolls from the back and handed them to the three, while speaking.

"Holiday?" Hearing Ellie's words, the three of them couldn't help being stunned.Until three paper rolls were stuffed into his hand.Looking down, these three paper scrolls are actually coupons for Diyan City Hot Spring Hotel?
"Principal, I'm afraid it's not the time for the holiday." Holding the coupon in his hand, Zhuang Xiaoyuan frowned tightly.The aircraft carrier-level demon has just appeared, how can it be possible to rest in peace at this time.

"That is to say, we just found out about such a big thing, how can we leave our own vacation and rest." Wen Hui also frowned at Ellie's proposal. It would have been okay if it was before, but now They have already discovered new demons, and Rest probably doesn't have such thoughts.

"Hmph, you little rascals, don't you look down on us old guys? It's not like you can't do it without you. It's just that this kind of brainless demon, I will kill it by myself. What's the point, tell you to go and rest. Get out of here."

Today's young people are so disobedient one by one, they don't even want a holiday.Dean Ai Li is not a person who is good at communication, so facing the rebuttals of the two, he directly ordered in a strong tone.While speaking, he waved his hand and directly used his own space ability. Following the invisible space fluctuation, Zhuang Xiaoyuan and the three were thrown into the space channel.

"Pfft, that old witch." On the other side of the space channel, Chu Miaomiao was the first to fall out and fell to the ground. She was completely unprepared for this sudden attack.After Chu Miaomiao came Zhuang Xiaoyuan, who fell directly on Chu Miaomiao, and finally Wen Hui.The three people who fell out of the space array made a sandwich on the ground.

"Hehe, are you all right? It looks like you were thrown over by the head of the school directly." Before the three of them could get up together, a human-shaped shadow had already covered them, blocking the sunlight in the sky.

Zhuang Xiaoyuan, who was sandwiched between Chu Miaomiao and Wen Hui, looked up, and immediately recognized the girl standing in front of the three of them, with a joyful expression on her face, she called, "Sister Xiaoxuan."

"Cough, really, the dean is too violent. He even asked us to have a holiday when something like that happened just now. If we don't agree, he just threw us here." He raised his hand and grabbed Feng Xiaoxuan's outstretched right hand to stand up from Zhuang Xiaoyuan's body. stand up.Wen Hui said while complaining.

"I've already heard about the central city, what's the matter? Didn't the matter of continuous rain be resolved in the end?" Smiling at Wen Hui, Feng Xiaoxuan stretched out her hand to Zhuang Xiaoyuan on the second floor.

"The reason for the torrential rain for several days has been found. An aircraft carrier-level demon that is bigger than a fortress-level demon appeared. But it ran away before we could attack." Pulled up from the ground by Feng Xiaoxuan, Zhuang Xiaoyuan stood up, and by the way Chu Miaomiao, who was on the bottom floor, helped her up.

"Senior Sister Xiaoyuan, are you all right?" Zhuang Xiaoyuan answered Feng Xiaoxuan's question after helping Chu Miaomiao up, and as soon as he finished speaking, a figure flew out of the teleportation array and jumped on Zhuang Xiaoyuan directly, throwing her to the ground.

"It's okay, can it be okay, get up quickly. I was knocked out by you and got internal injuries." Unprepared, Mu Ningxue threw her to the ground, and the back of Zhuang Xiaoyuan's head made intimate contact with the ground.Although the body of the warrior in divine costume will not be injured by this kind of collision, it is very painful, okay?

"Oh. I'm sorry." Originally, she was planning to reach out her hand to touch Zhuang Xiaoyuan's chest secretly, but when she heard Zhuang Xiaoyuan's voice that was beginning to sound slightly annoyed, Mu Ningxue withdrew her right hand in time, and obediently stood up from the ground.

"Really, why are you always clinging to me? I'm not as heroic as sister Xiaoxuan, nor as cute as Xiaomiao, and I don't have a good figure like Xiaohui. Where did I let you keep pestering me so much?" Getting up on the ground, Zhuang Xiaoyuan asked in a helpless tone while patting the dust on her body.

"Hey, but Madoka-senpai's dishes are delicious, she has a good mind, she has developed a lot of useful things, she looks cute, and her body shape is just right. The most important thing is that she can turn into various All kinds of forms. Awesome." Hearing Zhuang Xiaoyuan's self-deprecation, Mu Ningxue quickly retorted, and at the end, she smiled and gave her thumbs up.

(End of this chapter)

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