Chapter 306 Diyan City Hot Spring Township

"Ha, sure enough, you bastard, I can't give you the slightest chance." Sighing helplessly, Zhuang Xiaoyuan had completely given up on trying to convince Mu Ningxue.In fact, in Zhuang Xiaoyuan's heart, he was quite happy to be admired so much, but it would be more troublesome if he was too obsessive.

"It seems that the old witch has made up her mind to let us rest." Chu Miaomiao was not injured when she was pressed on the bottom layer of the sandwich just now, but her body was covered with dust on the ground.At this moment, she looked in the direction of the portal while patting the dust on her clothes.

"This is really true. It's really amazing." Hearing Chu Miaomiao's words, Wen Hui also looked at the teleportation array, and saw that after Mu Ningxue came out, the teleportation array gradually went out and disappeared. The flash in the center also quickly extinguished, and even the space energy originally stored in the portal was directly extracted and turned into a completely useless ordinary stone gate.

Ellie is the only one who can control the portal, and even withdraw the energy from the portal. In the state where the energy is withdrawn, the portal is completely unusable, at least from this side, the portal cannot be activated, unless Ellie The dean re-inputs the energy of the portal.

The portal cannot be used, so it is impossible to return to the central city by teleportation, so the only other way left is the airship.It's just that looking at Feng Xiaoxuan's smiling face, it's obvious that there is nothing to be counted on here.

From Feng Xiaoxuan waiting at the portal, we can know that the holiday plan this time is definitely not the headmaster Ellie's will, it is completely planned by several people.Obviously Feng Xiaoxuan is also one of the planners.

And according to what Dean Ellie said before, this time their holiday travel destination is not only Earth Rock City, but also several other cities.I'm afraid every city will have someone to receive them, and the host of Diyan City should be Feng Xiaoxuan who has been here for half a month.

"What's the matter, you guys. I'm giving you a holiday with a look of reluctance. Many people are looking forward to having a good rest." Seeing that Zhuang Xiaoyuan and the others didn't look relaxed during the holiday, they all frowned and calmed down. Face.Feng Xiaoxuan asked with a smile.

"It's really nice to be able to have a vacation, but this timing is really..." There was a preoccupied expression on his face.Wen Hui glanced at Feng Xiaoxuan, then looked back at the completely unusable portal and sighed slightly.

"Indeed, after what happened just now, we also discovered an aircraft carrier-level demon that is more powerful than a fortress-level demon. How could we rest in peace and enjoy our vacation alone?" Looking back from the closed portal, Zhuang Xiaoyuan Also has a worried look on his face.Although Chu Miaomiao didn't speak, there was a trace of worry in her eyes.

Crackling, three crisp sounds sounded.Feng Xiaoxuan raised her hand and tapped Zhuang Xiaoyuan and the three on their heads.

"I'm talking about you guys. It's too contemptuous of people. The dean and the others are not what you need to worry about. They have already entered the bottleneck of the fusion level peak, and they may enter the legendary true god in a second. Level. Even if the old Rocky comes again, I’m afraid he won’t be able to go around. Don’t think that after reaching the fusion level, others will not be able to do without you.” With her hands on her waist, Feng Xiaoxuan looked angrily He gave the three of them a lesson and said.

"Pfft, it's true. The dean and the others are much better than us." Rubbing his aching forehead, hearing Feng Xiaoxuan's lesson, and thinking of his unnecessary troubles before, Zhuang Xiaoyuan burst out laughing.I feel like I've grown a little too much.

"It's true, the head of the school and the teacher have already gone back, plus a few others. I'm afraid there are no monsters who are their opponents. If they can't even solve them, it seems useless even if we are here." Wen Hui's face She also recovered her original smile, and she was woken up by Feng Xiaoxuan's blow.

"Yes, I agree." Tilting her head, and taking one last look at the closed portal, Chu Miaomiao also nodded in agreement.The fundus of the eyes also restored the calmness before.With the dean and the others around, there is no need to worry at all. You should really enjoy the rare vacation.

"Finally figured it out, then let's go. I can't wait to go." After calling out to the girls around her, Feng Xiaoxuan took Zhuang Xiaoyuan's hand and walked towards the big jeep she was driving.

"Hey, is Miss Xiaoxuan coming too?" Following Feng Xiaoxuan's pull, Zhuang Xiaoyuan sat in the passenger seat, and asked Feng Xiaoxuan who was sitting in the driver's cab from the other side with a trace of surprise on his face.

"Why, are you going to enjoy the hot spring alone, throwing me away?" Feng Xiaoxuan said with a funny look at Zhuang Xiaoyuan after inserting the key into the car.

"No, no, I'm very happy to be with Miss Xiaoxuan, but the dean gave us only three coupons." Shaking his hands to deny Feng Xiaoxuan's words, Zhuang Xiaoyuan raised the coupons in his hand and shook them.

Although she was thrown and 'attacked' before and fell on the ground several times, the invitation ticket in Zhuang Xiaoyuan's hand was not lost.

"Hehe, those coupons are just a title. The head of the school has already arranged it, just follow me." Smiling, seeing several girls getting into the car, Feng Xiaoxuan stepped on the accelerator and started the car, heading towards the Drive to the mountains at the place.

As a floating island that produces minerals, Earth Rock City is the largest of all floating islands, and it also uses the most anti-gravity devices and is the heaviest floating island.However, the urban area is not large, and the larger proportion is the continuous mines.

Originally, the Rock City was not well-known as a mining city, and it didn't have any specialties other than iron ore and crystal mines.But one day, when excavation and collection work was carried out in a certain mine, fiery spring water gushed out of the excavated area.After that, springs appeared in many areas one after another.This is the earliest hot spring discovered.

With the discovery of many hot springs, local people have also begun to take advantage of these rare hot spring groups.Afterwards, this rocky city, which was originally a mining city, gradually developed into a world-famous hot spring town, and many people are famous for coming here to soak in the hot springs.

However, the sudden appearance of demons and evil gods hundreds of years ago made the prosperity of Diyan City a thing of the past. Because of the sharp decrease in population, there are fewer and fewer foreigners visiting Diyan City. The storefronts of the hotel's livelihood were all closed down.

Today, the hot spring hotels that can still be maintained in the rock city, except for a few old hotels with a long history that have other profitable projects, are only public hot springs that belong to the military headquarters.

And Feng Xiaoxuan took Zhuang Xiaoyuan and the others to, of course, not the hot spring of the military headquarters where people were mixed.It is the oldest among the few remaining hot spring hotels, and it is also the first hotel since the establishment of Diyan City, Diyan Hot Spring Hotel.

Under the control of Feng Xiaoxuan, the jeep moved forward quickly, nimbly passed a section of road, and drove into a road around the mountain.This historic hot spring hotel is located among the rolling mountains.

(End of this chapter)

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