Chapter 307

The jeep drove across the road around the mountain, and turned into a small road full of ancient trees on both sides in the halfway up the mountain.When the trees on both sides stretched to the end, this destination hot spring hotel came into the eyes of Zhuang Xiaoyuan and the others.

This is a hotel with a very large area. The whole hotel is located in a slightly lower basin-like area. After passing through the forest road, the jeep appears above a slope, and the hot spring hotel is below.

Sitting in the car at this time, you can clearly see the panoramic view of the hotel below.The hotel has a large area and is surrounded by walls full of ancient atmosphere.Except for the houses near the front, the second half of the wall area is full of pools of various sizes.

Some of these pools are as clear as jade, some are steaming, and some are even bubbling. They have various shapes, and probably have various types.

However, although there are many types of pools in different shapes and sizes, it looks a bit scattered, but it should have been specially designed. From a height, it can be clearly seen that the pool on the left and the pool on the right are symmetrical to each other, except for the different directions. are similar in size and distribution.

In the middle of this hot spring area, two slender walls divide the symmetrical hot spring pools on the left and right sides.This kind of division should be male soup and female soup, and the special design is symmetrical so that both sides can experience the same enjoyment.

As the jeep passed through the forest road, drove over the high slope, and drove towards the gate of the hot spring hotel.The hot spring hotel was also gradually drawn closer, and the hot spring area that could have been overlooked was also blocked by the front house of the hotel as the height decreased.When the hot spring area behind completely disappeared from sight, Zhuang Xiaoyuan and the others were already approaching the main entrance of the hotel.

"Get out of the car, we're here." The car slowly drove into the parking space on the right side of the main entrance of the hotel. Feng Xiaoxuan unbuttoned her seat belt and pulled out the car key, while beckoning several people to get out of the car.She has come to experience the hot springs a long time ago and can't wait to experience it again.

"Unexpectedly, this hotel is unexpectedly luxurious. If it was a peaceful time hundreds of years ago, the consumption here should be terrible." Getting off the car, looking at the wide parking lot in front of the main entrance of the hotel, Zhuang Xiaoyuan There was a hint of exclamation in his tone.Compared with the wide parking lot, there are very few vehicles parked here.

"It should be. I didn't pay attention to this, but this hotel is indeed the earliest hotel in Diyan City and the hotel with the most hot springs." Get out of the cab and close the door behind your back.After the girls in the back also came down, Feng Xiaoxuan took a suitcase from the rear compartment, pressed the electronic lock on the key, and with a soft locking sound, Feng Xiaoxuan casually stuffed the key to lock the car into her pocket.

"Madoka always pays attention to strange places. No matter what it was like a hundred years ago, we can enjoy it for free now. I saw pools of various sizes on the top just now. I didn't expect there to be so many hot spring pools. Sister Xiaoxuan, is there anything important here?"

A group of people followed Feng Xiaoxuan towards the main entrance of the hotel. Wen Hui, who was walking beside Zhuang Xiaoyuan, asked Feng Xiaoxuan, who was leading the way, with a hint of curiosity on her face.Zhuang Xiaoyuan, Chu Miaomiao and Mu Ningxue also paid attention to Feng Xiaoxuan when they heard Wen Hui's question.

"Hey, that's a good question. Let me, an experienced person, explain it to you rookies." Hearing Wen Hui's question, Feng Xiaoxuan showed a sense of superiority unique to experienced people, and said with a smile road.At this moment, Feng Xiaoxuan seemed to be no longer the original heroic warrior, but a young girl slightly older than Zhuang Xiaoyuan and the others.

"First of all, I want to warn you. After entering, don't just find a hot spring and jump in. Try the water temperature first. There are various hot springs here. In addition to being divided into different hot springs according to their functions, the temperature is also significantly different. "Feng Xiaoxuan led Zhuang Xiaoyuan and the others forward and began to explain her experience.

"The hot springs here are also divided into several according to the temperature. There are cold springs that are a few degrees below zero without freezing, and there are also hot springs with a temperature of about 23 degrees that can be used normally. In addition, there is a hot spring with a temperature of more than [-] degrees in the corner of the hot spring area. The hot spring eggs made by that hot spring taste very good." At the end, as if thinking of the taste she had tasted before, Feng Xiaoxuan couldn't help sticking out her tongue to lick it. He licked the corner of his own lips.

"Xiao Miao, sister Xiaoxuan seems to have been distracted by you, and she even started to think about food." Seeing Feng Xiaoxuan introducing the hot spring in a serious manner, she actually turned directly to food in the end.Wen Hui couldn't help looking at Chu Miaomiao.

"Stupid Hui, the hot spring township is also a famous gourmet sanctuary. Many unique delicacies can only be found here." Rolling his eyes at Wen Hui and despising her, Chu Miaomiao looked at the hot spring hotel with a faint expectation.Hot spring eggs, hot spring steamed buns, hot spring cut noodles, hot spring slate dishes, etc.

"Cut, I just want to eat and eat. You're really a foodie." Wen Hui pouted slightly, and made a face at Chu Miaomiao.

"Since you said so, there will be something delicious later, don't eat it, just give it to me." Raising eyebrows, Chu Miaomiao didn't care about Wen Hui's grimace, and hooked her fingers at her.

"Huh, that's a good idea." With a soft snort, Wen Hui walked a few steps quickly, catching up with the distance that was opened by Feng Xiaoxuan and the others because of the bickering between the two.

"Obviously I want to eat too, and call others foodies." Looking at Wen Hui's back, Chu Miaomiao also quickened her pace, and followed while complaining.Of course Wen Hui, who was walking in front, also heard Chu Miaomiao's words.It was just ignored by her.If you want to grab my share, go ahead and dream.

"Welcome to Diyan Hot Spring Hotel. Do you have any reservations?" While talking and laughing, the group finally entered the hot spring hotel.As soon as he entered the door, a waiter standing by the door made an invitation gesture and greeted him.

"Already booked, Zhuzihao No. [-] suite. The registered name is Feng Xiaoxuan." While following the waiter in, Feng Xiaoxuan announced the big suite she had booked.Suite No. [-] is the largest suite in the hot spring hotel, more than enough to accommodate the five of them.

"Okay, please follow me. Bamboo Shop is here, and we have prepared bathrobes and toiletries for you, please enjoy yourself." Hearing the room number reported by Feng Xiaoxuan, the waiter made a simple registration on the counter and took Zhuang Xiaoyuan and his group walked towards the suite of the Zhuzi shop.

(End of this chapter)

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