Chapter 309 A Water Fight in the Hot Spring

"It looks really broken, but it doesn't matter. If the camera is broken, it's broken. As long as the memory card is fine..." Thinking of this, Mu Ningxue began to flip over the digital camera to remove its data card, but the data card popped out The buttons didn't respond either.

"How could this happen? You can't even open this one. There is no other way, just smash the camera." Frowning tightly, she didn't expect that the camera she just bought would break down so quickly. Mu Ningxue had already planned to After that, I went to the merchant of this camera to make a theory.

But now the data stored in the data card is more important. Thinking about it this way, Mu Ningxue raised the camera and threw it towards the ground. Even if the camera cannot be opened, if the camera breaks, she can directly dig out the data card from the damaged place. of.

With a bang, the camera hit the ground heavily, making a small dent on the originally flat floor of the hot spring hotel, but the digital camera in the dent was unscathed.

"What the hell, the camera with the plastic casing has been smashed into the ground and there is no scratch at all." Picking up the camera again, looking at the undamaged casing, Mu Ningxue was stunned. At this time, she hadn't thought that it was Zhuang Xiaoyuan. It's weird to move your hands.I asked Senior Sister Xiaoyuan why she was so easy to deceive this time, it turned out that she had already succeeded.

"It doesn't matter, I still have another trick. I must get the photo of Senior Sister Xiaoyuan." Throwing away the camera, which was already harder than iron bumps, Mu Ningxue's eyes were full of fighting spirit, and she took out the camera from her pocket. Spare small video camera.

At this time, Senior Sister Xiaoyuan was taking a shower, so it was a good opportunity. Thinking of this, Mu Ningxue's eyes sparkled with excitement, and she rushed to the shower room quickly, regardless of her clothes being changed.

But when she entered, what she saw was an empty shower room. Zhuang Xiaoyuan and the others had already showered and entered the hot spring area.Looking at the empty shower room, Mu Ningxue collapsed on the ground, her whole body became gloomy, unexpectedly she was a step late.

"Xiaoyuan, is it alright if you don't wait for her?" When Mu Ningxue bent forward, Zhuang Xiaoyuan and the others had already showered and walked into the hot spring area wrapped in towels.Holding the bath towel in her hand to prevent it from slipping down, Feng Xiaoxuan looked back at the place where she came out just now and asked.

"Don't worry about that idiot, he must be trying to sneak a picture of me again. The camera just now has been melted into a ball by my projection ability. Even if I have a spare, I can't bring it to the hot spring. Let me see it again. I won't keep my hand." Gently clenched his fist, Zhuang Xiaoyuan waved it in front of him, as if he had been proficient for a long time.

"Sister Xiaoxuan, don't worry about them. The two of them have always loved each other so much. Let's go to the hot spring." With an obvious smile on his face, Wen Hui pulled Feng Xiaoxuan and rushed towards the biggest one in front of him. That hot spring pool.

"Yo hoo~" With a plop, Wen Hui directly pulled Feng Xiaoxuan into the biggest hot spring pool.Feng Xiaoxuan was also taken aback by being pulled into the water by Wen Hui unexpectedly.Where the two entered the water, a white bath towel was floating on the water.

"Pfft, cough cough. Xiaohui, as I said just now, don't use jumping, what if this is a high hot spring, maybe you will be burned." Head emerged from the hot spring, spit out a mouthful and accidentally drank it With the hot spring water in her mouth, Feng Xiaoxuan grabbed the bath towel that was loosened just now and wrapped it around her body again, and taught Wen Hui who popped out from the other side.

"Haha, Sister Xiaoxuan is too serious. How can the hot spring directly opposite be so hot that ordinary people can't bear it. Take the trick." Haha smiled, not caring about Feng Xiaoxuan's words at all, Wen Hui raised her hand and threw a squirt at Feng Xiaoxuan water.

"I, too serious?" Wen Hui suddenly poured water onto Feng Xiaoxuan's head and face, and dripping drops fell from her hair.With her head lowered slightly, Feng Xiaoxuan's voice seemed a little low.It was like a prelude to anger.

"Xiao, Sister Xiaoxuan. You won't be angry, I'm just playing with you." Wen Hui, who was about to continue splashing water and attacking, froze involuntarily when she noticed the low pressure on Feng Xiaoxuan's body, and stopped the movement of the hands.

Although there is not much age difference between Feng Xiaoxuan and them, because Feng Xiaoxuan has always been serious and gentle, Wen Hui and Chu Miaomiao also completely regard her as their older sister and listen to her very much. If you make her angry, It's like being a younger brother and sister who accidentally made my older sister angry, and I'm a little scared.

"Tell me, it's too serious, then I'll let you guys see it. My method." With her drooping head suddenly raised, Feng Xiaoxuan raised her hand and splashed a large stream of spring water on Wen Hui's face.Looking up, Feng Xiaoxuan's face didn't have a trace of anger, and some only had a deep smile.

"Ah, Sister Xiaoxuan is playing tricks. I'm going to fight back." I never expected Feng Xiaoxuan to attack so suddenly, and the unprepared Wen Hui was splashed all over the face.

His eyes couldn't be opened under the intensive spray attack.But she is not someone who gives in easily, even if she couldn't open it, she waved her hands and splashed water wildly in the direction of the splash.Suddenly, Feng Xiaoxuan and Wen Hui had a water fight in the hot spring.

"Oh~" When Wen Hui and Feng Xiaoxuan were having a water fight, Chu Miaomiao, who had already walked to the largest hot spring pool, also shouted, and jumped into it.

With a plop, water splashed everywhere.Chu Miaomiao, who had chosen the position a long time ago, happened to land between Feng Xiaoxuan and Wen Hui. Huge water splashed with Chu Miaomiao's jump, as if a small wave had shot Wen Hui and Feng Xiaoxuan into the water at once. Miao got a double kill.

"Face paralyzed meow, you're doomed, watch your tricks." She emerged from the water and found that the huge splash was made by Chu Miaomiao, Wen Hui raised her hand and shifted the attack target to attack Chu Miaomiao in the middle.Feng Xiaoxuan on the other side also made the same choice.

Although there are not many expressions on his face and he is a three-no character, Chu Miaomiao will not admit defeat in the "battle".Facing the pincer attack of the two, Chu Miaomiao started to fight back without fear, one against two.The last three were completely caught in a melee.

"Hmph! Eggs and duck eggs! Grenade! No eggs are as good as hot spring eggs!" When the three of Wen Hui were fighting with water, Zhuang Xiaoyuan had already found the hot spring with a temperature of [-] or [-] degrees that Feng Xiaoxuan had mentioned before.Humming a weird tune that he made up and modified, Zhuang Xiaoyuan stuffed eggs and duck eggs into the net bag one by one, put them in this high hot spring, and waited to eat the hot spring eggs.

"Well, it's almost there." After waiting for a while, feeling that it was almost done, Zhuang Xiaoyuan pulled up the net bag and took out the eggs inside. Looking at the eggs that were still steaming, Zhuang Xiaoyuan smiled slightly, with a smile in his eyes. Looking forward to it, I took out one of the eggs.

(End of this chapter)

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