Chapter 310
"Speaking of which, isn't Ningxue too slow? Why hasn't she come here yet?" Sitting in the hot spring as well, Feng Xiaoxuan looked at Zhuang Xiaoyuan suspiciously after noticing the last two hot spring eggs left beside the hot spring pool.

"I don't know either, are you still sad about the camera I broke?" Zhuang Xiaoyuan murmured to himself as she tilted her head in doubt.

"Xiaoyuan, you broke his camera. Maybe it's something very important to him. If you're angry, you don't want to come to see you." Wen Hui, who was sitting next to Zhuang Xiaoyuan, heard Zhuang Xiaoyuan's muttering.With a lazy expression on his face, he said in a joking tone.

"No way, is it really because of this that I didn't come in." Wen Hui was just joking, and no one would care too much about a camera.But Zhuang Xiaoyuan became a little worried after hearing that, the camera is not the case, it is the data in the camera, maybe there is some important data in it, if it is lost because of her, then the crime will be serious.

"Hey, hey, I'm just talking casually. Maybe it's because I've been delayed by other things, or I don't like to soak in hot springs." Seeing the seriousness on Zhuang Xiaoyuan's face with narrowed eyes, Wen Hui waved her hand and explained, she I don't want to make my friends feel bad because of my careless words.

"I know you just said it casually, but maybe you are right. No, I'd better go over and have a look." Just as he thought of it, Zhuang Xiaoyuan stood up from the hot spring.

"Then I'll go with you too." Wen Hui also stood up, after all, because of what she said casually, Wen Hui felt that it was necessary for her to follow along.

"No need, just keep soaking, I'll be back soon." With the sound of rushing water, Zhuang Xiaoyuan left the hot spring pool and walked towards the locker room.Although it may not be because of the camera, but Zhuang Xiaoyuan is still a little worried.

Walking on the floor with bare feet, because she just came out of the hot spring, her body was still steaming, feeling the cold touch from the soles of her feet that touched the floor, Zhuang Xiaoyuan walked towards the dressing room step by step, water dripped from her hair and body Low, leaving a long water stain that snaked its way across the floor.

With a creak, the shower door was pushed open.If you want to go back to the changing room in the hot spring area, you also need to go through the shower.I looked around and saw that the shower was empty.I don't know if it's because he just came out of the hot spring, but Zhuang Xiaoyuan who walked into the shower always felt that the temperature was a bit low.

Following the aisle of the shower room, Zhuang Xiaoyuan walked into the changing room, walked back and forth a few times in the aisle between several cabinets, but there was no one there.But I did see the pit on the ground and the camera that was thrown aside.Mu Ningxue didn't know where she went.

Frowning slightly, she didn't find Mu Ningxue's changed clothes in the closet, and the bath towels and toiletries she had prepared were also neatly placed here.Did you get angry and run away because the camera broke?

With this matter in mind, Zhuang Xiaoyuan planned to go out to find her.After all, she was the one who broke the camera, although the main reason was because Mu Ningxue had evil thoughts in her heart and wanted to secretly take pictures of herself.However, before going out, let's say hello to Wen Hui and the others.

Thinking of this, Zhuang Xiaoyuan returned to the shower room from the changing room, planning to talk to Wen Hui and the others before going out to change clothes and find someone.But when Zhuang Xiaoyuan walked into the shower room, he met a strange looking person.

"Yo, Xiaoyuan-senpai. Why are you back again?" At this moment, Mu Ningxue, who was lying flat on her back against the ceiling above the shower room, and her body was fixed with ice and snow, showed an awkward smile on her face. Holding a small video camera in one hand, he raised his other hand and greeted Zhuang Xiaoyuan whose face was getting gloomy.

"Give it to me." Zhuang Xiaoyuan stared at Mu Ningxue on the ceiling with a gloomy face, and the anger in Zhuang Xiaoyuan's heart could hardly be suppressed.I was a fool who was worried about her just now, how could a fool like her be sad and angry because of a camera.

"Well, can Senior Sister Xiaoyuan pretend that she didn't see me?" Mu Ningxue asked cautiously with both hands protecting the camera in front of her chest.

"Crack." What responded to her was not Zhuang Xiaoyuan's words, but a smoking flintlock: "I've said it, hand it over."

Looking at the bomb crater on the ceiling not far from her, cold sweat dripped down Mu Ningxue's face.I didn't expect Madoka-senpai to actually shoot, it's over, it's over, it looks like it's hard to keep it this time.

"I'll count to three, and if you don't give it to me, I'll shoot." Throwing away the flintlock that had been shot once, with the flashing world card in his body, Zhuang Xiaoyuan pulled out another flintlock from the void, and pointed at Mu Ningxue. .

"Wait, Xiaoyuan-senpai, you have already fired a shot just now. Can you..." With her eyes fixed on the black muzzle of the gun, Mu Ningxue made her last effort.

"Three, two..." Zhuang Xiaoyuan ignored her at all, his face remained stern, and he raised his hand to point at the muzzle of his gun, motionless.

"One." There was a 'crack' gunshot.

"Ah." At the moment of the gunshot, Mu Ningxue yelled, and she fell from the ceiling, avoiding Zhuang Xiaoyuan's gunshot.Turn around and run as soon as you hit the ground.Because the exit was blocked by Zhuang Xiaoyuan.Therefore, the only direction Mu Ningxue fled at this time was the hot spring area.

"Don't run, give me the things." Originally, she didn't expect to hit Mu Ningxue, and the flintlock was just showing her attitude.If she could be hit by such a flintlock, Mu Ningxue would not be a qualified guardian.So when Mu Ningxue landed and ran away, Zhuang Xiaoyuan had already prepared to chase after her.

"No, this time I won't give it even if I die." The breeze around her began to blow, and the force of the wind pushed Mu Ningxue to accelerate forward, gradually opening the distance between her and Zhuang Xiaoyuan.Mu Ningxue's patron saint is the god of weather. Although she can't control all the elements like Wen Hui, she can't control them completely.But if you just control the wind around you to provide yourself with impetus, you can still do it.

"It's because of that use of divine power, so I can't let you go. Transformation." Seeing that Mu Ningxue used divine power, Zhuang Xiaoyuan didn't intend to hold back, and directly used the magic transformation in the golden light ability.

In the golden light, with long and short ponytails, fair skin, seductive face, red right eye and golden clock left eye, this pair of bewitching eyes exudes a dangerous breath like poppies, Tokisaki mad Three came again.

"Catch it for me, let's." Directly transformed into Tokisaki Kurumi, as Zhuang Xiaoyuan waved his hand, the black shadows on the ground began to distort, one by one identical figures emerged from the shadows and rushed towards Mu Ningxue.It's just that it's different from the past, this time Tokisaki Kurumi appeared in the form of bath towels.

"Okay, there are a lot of Madoka-senpai." Seeing the clones of Zhuang Xiaoyuan in Tokisaki Kuang's third transformation form all around, before being rounded up, Mu Ningxue's face was flushed with intoxication, she was already dizzy, and was captured Zhuang Xiaoyuan was dizzy with so many people.

(End of this chapter)

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