Chapter 311 The Rainstorm Begins Again
"Really, every time, it's because of this that you are transferred away from the central city." With a bang, Mu Ningxue stomped on Mu Ningxue's small video camera, making sure that the entire fuselage and the data card inside were all intact. After being destroyed, Zhuang Xiaoyuan finally released Tokisaki Kurumi's transformation state.

"Woo, the video of Madoka-senpai getting out of the bath is gone again." After Zhuang Xiaoyuan released the transformation state, the three parts of Tokisaki Kuang around disappeared.Mu Ningxue just came back to her senses, but at this moment, the camera in her hand had already been broken into pieces, and it could not be completely repaired.

"You idiot, what kind of camera do you use? Shouldn't we soak in the hot spring together at this time and record her with your own brain? This way you won't be afraid of being discovered, and you can enjoy the hot spring." She raised her hand and patted Mu Ningxue's face Shoulder.At some point, Wen Hui had already run out of the hot spring.

"That's right, I can see Senior Sister Xiaoyuan's bathing and enjoy it. I'd better take a hot spring with Senior Sister Xiaoyuan. I'll be right back." As if thinking of some discordant scene, Mu Ningxue had a strange expression on her face. The pink, I feel my nose is a little itchy.Turn around and run to the changing room in a hurry, now is not the time to feel sorry for the camera, let's change clothes quickly and go to the hot spring with Madoka-senpai.

"Xiaohui, why are you still helping her? Which side are you on?" A look of embarrassment appeared on her face.Originally, Mu Ningxue was enough to pester people, and Zhuang Xiaoyuan didn't expect Wen Hui and the others who had been watching the theater to help, but don't help her either.What to do if it is more troublesome.

"I'm definitely on your side. Don't be angry. I'm helping you. Think about it. They're all girls anyway. It doesn't matter if you see them. No photos, videos, etc. have been saved. Said Maybe I'll forget it soon." Grinning, watching Mu Ningxue enter the changing room, Wen Hui patted Zhuang Xiaoyuan, pushed her back to sit in the hot spring together, and explained.

"Hearing what you said, it's really true. It's not stalking, it's not secretly filming, and it's not stealing from me. It's normal if we just soak in the hot spring together?" I didn't think it before, but now that I think about it carefully, it seems This is really normal behavior.Looking at Feng Xiaoxuan and Chu Miaomiao, they also nodded in agreement.So, Zhuang Xiaoyuan also relaxed and stopped thinking about that kind of thing.

"Senior Sister Xiaoyuan, let me pull~" Zhuang Xiaoyuan had just relieved her psychological burden, with a cheerful and lively voice, Mu Ningxue had already rushed out of the changing room, and ran towards this side without even a bath towel.

Tick, tick.Just when Mu Ningxue took off her clothes and came back again, the sky gradually darkened, little by little raindrops fell with the gradually darkening sky, it started to rain.

"It's raining? That's..." Little by little cold raindrops fell on his face, Zhuang Xiaoyuan looked up at the sky, only to see a huge dark cloud slowly moving towards him in the sky.

"This, is it luck or misfortune? I didn't expect to see it again after only a few hours." Also noticing the dark clouds moving over from the sky, Wen Hui's mouth curled slightly, revealing a playful smile.

"Hmph, looking for a dead end." Standing up from the hot spring, Chu Miaomiao raised her head seriously and stared at the approaching dark clouds, as if she was about to attack at any time.

"What's the matter? They all look ready to go. Could it be that that is the culprit that caused the continuous rainstorm in the central city, the aircraft carrier-level demon?" Seeing the abnormal behavior of Zhuang Xiaoyuan and the others, Feng Xiaoxuan turned her brain and thought of the previous The runaway storm demon they were talking about.

"Ah, it's so annoying. She was planning to go to the hot springs with Senior Sister Xiaoyuan just now. She's actually here to get in the way, get the hell out of me." Mu Ningxue yelled irritably, and there was a little anger in Mu Ningxue's eyes.

With a wave of her hand, her short hair and eyes turned into sky blue. With the surge of divine power on her body, the approaching dark clouds in the sky began to spread rapidly, revealing the black and red demon body inside.

At the same time, the dark clouds that began to separate rubbed against each other, sparking a trace of electric current to explode and turn into lightning to attack the demon. With the sound of thunder, small gaps were punched in the demon's body, but it was useless. The next second All the wounds healed quickly as if time went back in time.

"Roar~" Accompanied by a deafening howl, the originally spreading dark cloud began to recover as if disturbed by an invisible hand.At the same time, the little by little raindrops began to speed up as if they were stimulated, gradually changing from sporadic light rain to torrential rain.

"Tsk, this guy, didn't he keep his hand on purpose?" Sensing that the dark cloud had escaped her control, Mu Ningxue's expression became ugly.Unlike the stalemate in the central cities, this time the dark clouds quickly closed under the control of the demons, as if they had never been affected by Mu Ningxue's ability.

Frowning tightly, Mu Ningxue raised her hand and planned to compete with this demon again for controlling the dark cloud.But a hand caught her raised right hand and stopped her.

"Don't force yourself, your divine power level is only God's Blessing level. The demon opposite is stronger than the Fortress level. If calculated according to the human level, it may be classified as the legendary True God level." Stretched out his hand After stopping Mu Ningxue's movements, Zhuang Xiaoyuan's eyes stayed on the huge black cloud.

"They're dispatched." After knowing that the dark cloud was the aircraft carrier-level demon that Zhuang Xiaoyuan and the others were talking about, Feng Xiaoxuan's attention was always on that dark cloud.When a small group of small black dots flew towards the sky from a certain direction in Diyan City, Feng Xiaoxuan spotted them at a glance.

Before, because Mu Ningxue temporarily controlled the dark cloud, the demon reacted. At this time, the people in Diyan City should also realize that the dark cloud is not an ordinary dark cloud, but a huge demon.Therefore, the guardian team will be sent to go.

"Let's go prepare as well. It's hard to defeat it with the fighting power of the guardian team alone." Now Zhuang Xiaoyuan has no intention of continuing to soak in the hot spring, not to mention it's starting to rain.Zhuang Xiaoyuan's eyes were still focused on the demon who was about to come into contact with the guardians, but her body began to walk towards the changing room.Wen Hui and the others also stood up from the hot spring and walked quickly towards the changing room together.

Although a few years later, many warriors in divine costumes are working hard to cultivate, and there are also many fusion-level existences among human beings.Every city's guardian squad has the configuration of fusion-level divine costume fighters, but the number is still small, and most of them are fusion-level beginners.

Given the importance of Earth Rock City, there are at most two Fusion Levels in the guardian team.If you want to defeat an aircraft carrier class that is stronger than a fortress class demon, two people may not be enough.

In fact, Zhuang Xiaoyuan's expectations were too optimistic.Not to mention defeating the aircraft carrier-level demons, the guardian team couldn't even get close. When the guardian team flew into the sky, a large number of fortress-level demons emerged from the dark clouds to meet the guardian team. To get close to the aircraft carrier level, you need to deal with these turret level demon groups first.

(End of this chapter)

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