Chapter 312 Huge Aircraft Carrier-Class Demon
Chirp chirp chirp, green beams of light shuttled across the sky, forcing the guardian team to dodge around looking for opportunities to counterattack.With the counterattacks of the guardians from time to time, one by one turret-level demons were wiped out, but more turret-level demons flew out of the dark clouds, as if endlessly, no matter how the guardian team assaulted, they could not break through the fort-level demons. protective net.

"Captain, what should we do? If this goes on like this, it will be endless." With the violent movement of his body, the muscles on his slightly fat face trembled slightly. Jiang Chengdong, the deputy captain of the guardian, waved a huge The strange-shaped sword resisted the bombing attack from the turret-level demon, and while controlling the flying legs under it, it flew to the captain and asked.

"Cheng Dong, is your energy absorption full? Is it enough to open a path for me with one blow?" He was wearing a lavender odd-shaped glove in his hand, and with the dancing of his hands, purple lightning flashed past. Each thunderbolt will take away the life of a turret-level demon.After killing several fort-level demons that were close to his attack range, Wang Gangrui looked at the dark cloud in front of him with a serious face and asked his best brother Jiang Chengdong.

"It's not enough, but if you use gluttony." Slightly narrowing his eyes, he felt the demonic energy absorbed in his body, Jiang Chengdong shook his head, with a gleam of determination in his eyes, and looked at Wang Gangrui.

"No, gluttony is too much of a burden for you. Let's save it for the big boss." Jiang Chengdong's proposal was rejected in one gulp.Facing the boundless group of demons, Wang Gangrui frowned with some headaches.

Although Wang Gangrui's Patronus of Demolition has a certain long-range attack ability, the distance is too short and the attack ability is too weak.The most powerful nirvana can only be used when close to the enemy.But now facing so many fort-level demons, they can't even get close.

"But if I don't need to overeat, I have to eliminate some turret-level demons in a short period of time before I can absorb enough demonic energy. At the current speed, I'm afraid our team members won't be able to last that long." Glancing at the fort, he floated nearby and avoided the turret. While attacking the super demon's beam attack, Jiang Chengdong's face was serious as he counterattacked and wiped out the demon's teammates.

"Persist on it a little longer. If it doesn't work, let's open the field." Wang Gangrui took a deep breath and made a decision after seeing the embarrassment of his teammates.

It is not a wise choice to use the domain to increase your own consumption before the demons in the dark clouds have fought, but if you really can't find other breakthroughs, you can only do so.

Although the ability of the domain will greatly consume one's own divine power, it is enough to eliminate most of the fort-level demons in a short period of time. After all, these fort-level demons are only in large numbers and their ranks are not high.

"Permanent tail-chasing air-to-air missiles." Just when the captain of the guardian made up his mind to release the domain to eliminate these turret-level demons first, even if he tried to increase consumption, accompanied by a crisp female voice, dense missiles flew from afar. Flying from everywhere, rumbling bombardment in the group of fort-level demons.Directly blow up a large blank area in the group of demons.

"Flame Chariot." Following the missile, a red and green figure rushed past the guardian team.He rushed out into the group of demons in an instant, and as the flames mixed with the emerald green breeze erupted suddenly, the blank area cleared by the missiles doubled in size.

"Hey, are you all right? Captain Wang, Vice-team Jiang." After Zhuang Xiaoyuan and Wen Hui, who turned into Icarus, shot one after another, Chu Miaomiao, who appeared in the IS mech, quickly flew close to the guard Feng Xiaoxuan on his arm The captain and vice-captain of the squad.Sitting on the arm of Chu Miaomiao's IS mech, Feng Xiaoxuan greeted the two with a smile.

"Commander Feng, I'm sorry to interrupt your vacation. Thank you for coming to support, they are the special commissioners of the Central City." Seeing Feng Xiaoxuan, Wang Gangrui's eyes flashed suddenly, and he thanked with an apologetic expression on his face.While speaking, his gaze swept across Zhuang Xiaoyuan and Wen Hui in the distance, and moved to Chu Miaomiao.

"Yes, seeing this situation, they couldn't sit still. Originally, the demons in the dark clouds came from the central city." Nodding, Feng Xiaoxuan looked still in the dark clouds, unable to see clearly Form of aircraft carrier-level demons.

"Central City, is that the one that caused the torrential rain in the rumors. I didn't expect it to be such a monster." Following Feng Xiaoxuan's gaze to the huge black cloud, Jiang Chengdong beside Wang Gangrui narrowed his eyes slightly.Because the demons had been wiped out on a large scale, the energy of the demons absorbed in his body was almost full.

"Captain Wang, let's cooperate. No one has come into contact with this new type of demon, just in case. I think it's better to treat it seriously. Don't approach it for the time being below the God's Blessing level." Looking from the huge dark cloud group Take it back, Feng Xiaoxuan suggested with a serious face.

I thought this dark cloud was a bit too big before, but now when I get close to it, I feel that it is even bigger. If the body of the demon is really about the size of this dark cloud, it is really the largest demon in history. This volume, even It is dozens of times that of the previous fortress-level demons.

"Okay, I also have this idea. But it's inconvenient for Commander Feng to join the battle like this. Wang Ming, you should lead the team back first, and leave a pair of flying feet for Commander Feng." Nodding in agreement with Feng Xiaoxuan's proposal, Wang Gangrui is very happy Directly began to direct the other members of the guardian team to retreat.Before arranging the retreat, they were very thoughtful and asked the team members to spare a pair of flying feet for Feng Xiaoxuan.

Wang Gangrui did not reject Wang Gangrui's kindness, and Feng Xiaoxuan, who has no flying ability, really needs a pair of devices to help her fly. Her own special plane is still in the hangar of the military headquarters.

Sitting on the arm of Chu Miaomiao's mecha, Feng Xiaoxuan took over the flying foot cover vacated by the guardian team. With the input of divine power, the anti-gravity device started to activate, and the flying foot slowly lifted Feng Xiaoxuan's body.

"Sister Xiaoxuan, all the miscellaneous fish have been cleaned up." With the cooperation of Zhuang Xiaoyuan and Wen Hui, the fort-level demons were quickly wiped out, and no new demons emerged from the dark clouds.To eliminate the demons blocking the way, a group of people gathered together.

"The next step is the real hard battle. This is a new type of demon. No one knows how powerful it will be and what kind of strange ability it will have. So this time the battle is mainly about protecting yourself and collecting as many demons as possible. Information. It’s best to destroy it if possible. If you can’t eliminate it, you don’t have to be too forceful. It’s our victory to collect enough intelligence to use. Remember, safety comes first.” As the person with the highest military rank and status at the scene, Feng Xiaoxuan announced achieved the mission goal this time.

Although it is best to eliminate this dangerous demon in the first place, compared with eliminating the demon, the top combat effectiveness of human beings is the most important.In the last days, only by being alive can we kill more demons, save more people, and see a better future.

(End of this chapter)

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