Chapter 317 Demon Fragment
"Senior Xiaoyuan, you must come. I will treat you well. I can take you fishing and have barbecue." Two days later, in the teleportation area of ​​Diyan City, Mu Ningxue expressed her reluctance. Zhuang Xiaoyuan said goodbye.Today she is going back to the floating island in Jiangnan city where she works.

"Don't worry, I'll go." She hugged Mu Ningxue comfortingly, Zhuang Xiaoyuan's hug made Mu Ningxue's reluctance disappear instantly, and instead she showed a happy expression.This is rare for Zhuang Xiaoyuan to take the initiative to contact her.

"Well, then I'm leaving. I will wait for you in Jiangnan City." Wen Hui, Chu Miaomiao, and Feng Xiaoxuan who were beside Zhuang Xiaoyuan waved goodbye, and Mu Ningxue turned and stepped into the portal leading to Jiangnan City , accompanied by a faint blue light, has left Earth Rock City.

"Xiaoyuan, where are we going next?" After bidding farewell to Mu Ningxue, Wen Hui and Chu Miaomiao both looked at Zhuang Xiaoyuan.After eliminating the aircraft carrier-level demon controlling the dark clouds, Zhuang Xiaoyuan and the others have spent three days and three nights in the hot spring hotel in Diyan City.

It was really comfortable to soak in the hot springs, and I also had fun playing the board games specially prepared in the hot spring hotel, Monopoly and other games.It is also a unique food made from hot spring water.

Today, in addition to the date when Mu Ningxue returned to Jiangnan City, it was also the time when Zhuang Xiaoyuan and the others left Diyan City to continue their vacation in other cities.According to Feng Xiaoxuan's arrangement, Zhuang Xiaoyuan and the others will stay in each floating city for three days to enjoy the unique fun of each floating island.Finally, return to the central city to continue working.

"The Jiangnan city is definitely the last one to go to. The skyline city seems to be meaningless as an arsenal. The remaining three cities are Xishu, Donghai, and Beiyuan. Why don't we go to Xishu first. Speaking of which, we haven't visited it well at the beginning. I just came back directly. And Tang Chao and Xuefeng have not seen each other for a long time." Wen Hui asked about the next vacation area, Zhuang Xiaoyuan thought for a while and suggested.

"Okay, last time they came to the central city in the Tang Dynasty, they didn't talk much because of the tight schedule. This time, we must get to know each other well." Hearing Zhuang Xiaoyuan's suggestion, Wen Hui quickly thought Emerging their appearance in the Tang Dynasty.

A few years ago, Tang Chao came to the central city for a meeting instead of Captain Zero, and he brought Xuefeng here alone.Captain Zero and brother and sister Liu Wen stayed behind in the city.During that meeting, Tang Chao and Xuefeng were invited by Zhuang Xiaoyuan and others to live together in the NO.11 student dormitory.

So, for Tang Dynasty and Xuefeng.Wen Hui and Chu Miaomiao also knew each other.It's just that after all, I have only been in contact with it for a short time, and I still don't know it very well.However, Tang Chao and Xuefeng have better personalities, and Wen Hui and Chu Miaomiao get along with them quite well.

"Well, I heard from Tang Chao that Captain Zero has a good appetite, and I want to see it too." Chu Miaomiao also nodded in agreement with Zhuang Xiaoyuan's choice.On the night when Tang Chao and the others lived, after seeing Chu Miaomiao's appetite, Tang Chao once said that Captain Zero also had an appetite not inferior to Chu Miaomiao's. The other side competed.

"Then let's make a decision, Sister Xiaoxuan, we will go to Xishu City next stop. Are you coming together? I remember that you and Captain Zero seem to be very familiar." The next floating place to go is confirmed Island, Zhuang Xiaoyuan looked at Feng Xiaoxuan beside her.

"I won't go, you guys just have fun. I still have some things to investigate here." Patting Zhuang Xiaoyuan's shoulder, Feng Xiaoxuan replied with a gentle smile on her face.

"Is it about that aircraft carrier-level demon?" Hearing Feng Xiaoxuan's words, Zhuang Xiaoyuan frowned slightly, and the original casual mood began to gather and reveal a serious expression.

"Well, it's indeed related to it. But it's not a dangerous thing. I just want to sort out the information about this demon. Go and play by yourself. After this vacation is over, I'm afraid there will be no chance to rest in a short time Oh." Smiling and comforting Zhuang Xiaoyuan, Feng Xiaoxuan explained casually.

"That's good." Nodding, Zhuang Xiaoyuan seemed to believe Feng Xiaoxuan's explanation, and began to call Wen Hui and Chu Miaomiao to the teleportation array leading to the city of Xishu.Accompanied by the blue light emitted by the teleportation array, after saying goodbye to Feng Xiaoxuan, the three of Zhuang Xiaoyuan disappeared into the teleportation array.

"How is it? Do you have any new discoveries?" After watching Zhuang Xiaoyuan and the others leave, Feng Xiaoxuan returned to her jeep, where Guan Xiaotong, who was dressed as an assistant secretary, was already waiting there.

"Captain, there are no new changes. All the fragments are slowly disintegrating and converging in the same direction." Passing the data sheet in his hand to Feng Xiaoxuan, Guan Xiaotong sat in the driver's seat while answering.

"I have a bad premonition. I always feel that the evil god is planning something in the dark. After all, it has been almost three years without action. It is impossible to just deliberately send a new type of demon for us to kill." Starting with the information in hand, Feng Xiaoxuan had a serious expression on her face, not at all as relaxed as before before Zhuang Xiaoyuan.

"Then what is the captain going to do? Those fragments have been breaking down. Do you need to stop them?" After Feng Xiaoxuan sat in the passenger seat, Guan Xiaotong asked while skillfully controlling the car to drive in a certain direction.

"Stop it, although I don't know why fragments of the body will fall after the core is broken. However, since it has been gathering in a certain direction, we must prevent him from gathering there. We cannot let the evil god's scheme succeed easily "The information has been overturned to the last page, there is no valuable information in this information, it is just basic observation information, put the information aside casually, Feng Xiaoxuan ordered.

"Yes, I'll contact the military immediately and completely seal off the area where the demon fragments fell." Hearing Feng Xiaoxuan's order, Guan Xiaotong straightened her spine and responded loudly even though she was driving.

"Well, after the military department completes the blockade, please contact the Central Academy of Sciences. They should be able to investigate something useful." After a slight silence, Feng Xiaoxuan spoke again.

After three years, Zhuang Xiaoyuan has brought out a group of people in the scientific research institute.The leaders of each scientific research team are among the best elites in human beings.Feng Xiaoxuan still trusted their level.

"Captain, don't you want to inform Dean Zhuang?" Guan Xiaotong asked cautiously after accepting Feng Xiaoxuan's order.

"For the time being, let them have a good rest. Besides, I'm afraid she has already guessed something." Smiling, Feng Xiaoxuan turned her head and looked out the window.I don't know if she knew it from her mouth, or what she knew specifically.

(End of this chapter)

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