Chapter 318
Turning back and waving at Feng Xiaoxuan, Zhuang Xiaoyuan led Wen Hui and Chu Miaomiao into the teleportation formation, accompanied by a light blue halo.In front of the eyes of the three of them, a flower has appeared on the teleportation array of Xishu City.

"Xiaoyuan, why didn't you continue to ask this time. Sister Xiaoxuan obviously didn't tell the truth." Wen Hui walked down the stairs in front of the teleportation formation step by step, and Wen Hui suddenly asked Zhuang Xiaoyuan who was walking in front.

"Sometimes, Xiaohui is really unexpectedly clever. You can see it all." Looking back at Wen Hui, Zhuang Xiaoyuan showed a teasing smile on his face.

"What's an accident? I've always been clever, okay? You haven't told me why you didn't ask." Wen Hui was obviously dissatisfied with Zhuang Xiaoyuan's words, she bared her teeth and made a face at her Said.

"There's no need to ask. Since Miss Xiaoxuan told us to have fun, then let's just have fun. Think so much about what to do. If she can't solve it, we'll find out in the end, right? Okay. Well, let's go to Tang Chao and the others first." Stretching out his hand to hold the hands of Wen Hui and Chu Miaomiao, Zhuang Xiaoyuan dragged them to the outside of the transmission area.

I don't know where the guardian base of Xishu City is, and I haven't contacted Tang Chao to pick them up, but it's better to leave the teleportation area first, and then use the communicator to contact Tang Chao after the teleportation area.

When Zhuang Xiaoyuan and the others were teleported from Diyan City to Xishu City, the main members of the Xishu City Guardian Squad did not stay in their own base, but stayed in the largest hospital in the center of Xishu City, the Xishu People's Hospital. in the hospital.

"Doctor, still can't find the reason for their sudden coma?" Looking up at Zero, she saw that she had no intention of speaking.Compared with three years ago, Tang Chao, who has matured a lot, asked Dr. Zhang, the most professional brain expert in this People's Hospital.

"According to the instrument test, no matter how you look at it, it's just an ordinary sleep. There is no wound on the body, and there is no abnormality in the brain wave. It is very similar to the state of deep sleep of the human body." Facing Tang Chao's inquiry, Dr. Zhang also agreed. With a look of embarrassment on his face, the strange illness that suddenly appeared in the city of Xishu during this period of time really gave him a headache.And there are quite a few guardians who have also fallen into this weird sleep.

"How could it be that they are asleep? They can't wake up no matter how much they scream. Are you going to see a doctor?" Hearing Dr. Zhang's helpless voice, Liu Wen grabbed Dr. Zhang's collar and said in a grumpy tone.

"Xiao Wen." As soon as Liu Wen said irritable words, she was stopped by Liu Wen's stern voice.He stopped Liu Wen at once, and stretched out his hand to pull her right hand away from Dr. Zhang's collar. As the elder brother, Liu Wen apologized to Dr. Zhang, "I'm sorry, doctor. My younger sister has a more temperamental personality. Cranky, she's worried about her friends, and that's why... I'm so sorry."

"It's okay, it's okay, I can understand. It's me who should be sorry. I can't save these unconscious people because of my lack of ability." Dr. Zhang waved his hand and gathered his wrinkled collar, and said in a good-tempered manner .

The family members of the ill-tempered patients have encountered several of them recently, all because of coma symptoms similar to infectious diseases that have recently begun to occur in the city of Xishu.

Two days have passed since the initial case, but the doctors at the People's Hospital still haven't found the cause of the illness, let alone prescribed the right medicine.Today, the inpatient department of the hospital is full of comatose patients, and it is inevitable that there will be a few family members who cannot control their emotions.

Knowing that the family members are worried about their own family members, as a doctor, Dr. Zhang will not show any dissatisfaction.He was also very worried about these comatose patients. If they couldn't wake up for a long time, they might become vegetative.

This kind of large-scale incident is a great loss to the sparsely populated human beings, not to mention that many warriors in magical costumes also fell into the same coma, such as Xuefeng, one of the main members of the guardian team.

"Doctor Zhang, is there really no other way? Even if there is a little clue, is it interference by external forces, a new type of virus, or... possessed by an evil god?" Xuefeng lying on the hospital bed.A trace of worry appeared on Tang Chao's face, he asked Doctor Zhang, and he couldn't help but pause at the end.If it is really possessed by an evil god, I am afraid...

"I have nothing to do, but someone might have a way." Shaking his head helplessly, he sighed.Doctor Zhang announced in a regretful tone that he was helpless.

But as soon as he finished speaking, when several people in Tang Dynasty showed sad expressions, Dr. Zhang suddenly thought of someone, and she might have a solution to this coma incident.

"Huh?! Who is it? A doctor from a nearby hospital? Or a doctor from another floating continent? Let's contact her immediately to help." This coma incident was reported to the Central Committee this morning.The central government gave its full support to the rescue operation here. If anyone can know who has this ability, as long as they apply, they will definitely be able to transfer that person to help.

"No, no. That person is not engaged in medical work. You should all have heard of her." His tone paused for a while, and seeing the attention of several people, Dr. Zhang continued to speak clearly: "She is the Central Zhuang Xiaoyuan, the brain expert who discovered the hidden potential of the human body and awakened many ordinary people to superpowers at the Urban Research Institute."

"Huh, Xiaoyuan?!" Hearing the name of the person reported by Doctor Zhang, Tang Chao and the others looked at each other, speechless for a while.

"What? Haven't you heard of her name? There should be quite a few superpowers working at the grassroots level of your military department now. It is said that she even presided over the development of the new mecha. No one should know her name." Right." Noticing the weird expressions of Tang Chao and the others, Doctor Zhang thought they had never heard of Zhuang Xiaoyuan's name, so he couldn't help explaining.

"No, Dr. Zhang, we all know about Zhuang Xiaoyuan. And we are very familiar with her. It's just that I didn't expect it at all before, you would be talking about her." With a strange expression, Dr. Zhang stopped his long-winded explanation.They are much familiar with Zhuang Xiaoyuan.

"Didi, Didi." With a strange expression, Tang Chao planned to explain their friendship with Zhuang Xiaoyuan to Dr. Zhang.Later, when I contacted Central City to send Zhuang Xiaoyuan over to help.The communication device on her body suddenly rang. This is her private number, and she rarely calls.

(End of this chapter)

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