Chapter 321 The ability to travel through dreams

"Stop playing charades, Xiaoyuan, what have you discovered? Tell me quickly." Xuefeng has been in a coma for more than a day. As friends who have worked together for several years, Tang Chao and the others are very worried about her. Hearing Zhuang Xiaoyuan's unclear words , Liu Wen couldn't bear to ask.

"Don't worry, I'm not sure if my guess is right, but the chances are high." Patting Liu Wen on the shoulder to reassure her, Zhuang Xiaoyuan took a picture of the brainwave diagram that he had just thrown away casually and put it on. In front of everyone, he pointed to the band above and asked Dr. Zhang, "Do you know what this is?"

"This kind of wave must be a dream." After carefully looking at the brain wave diagram in Zhuang Xiaoyuan's hand, Doctor Zhang hesitated and replied.

Although professional knowledge told him that this paragraph is just an ordinary dream wave frequency, but Zhuang Xiaoyuan pointed out this paragraph specially, obviously indicating that there is some special information hidden here, so Dr. Zhang is not sure whether his answer is correct .

"Yes, it is the brain wave frequency formed by dreaming. Dr. Zhang, you should be sure that they are just sleeping normally because you saw this wave frequency." He took out a few different brain wave pictures, and they were densely covered on them. Looking at the similar dreaming waves, Zhuang Xiaoyuan said while pointing at the waves above.

"That's right, this stable dreaming band is obviously in a sleep state. If it was caused by some kind of attack or other effects, it should be more intense." Nodding, Dr. Zhang stated the basis for his conclusion.

"Doctor Zhang, compare the shapes and slopes of these bands." Handing him all the pictures in his hand, Zhuang Xiaoyuan continued.

"This, this did this happen." After being specially reminded by Zhuang Xiaoyuan, Dr. Zhang began to carefully look at the schematic diagrams in his hand, only to find that the wave bands in these pictures were somewhat similar.

Then I found a few other people's brainwaves from the side and compared them. Everyone's brain waves are exactly the same in a certain wave band. Even if they leave that wave band, the other wave bands are more or less similar at all times.

"It's really similar. What does that mean?" He snatched a few brainwave images from Dr. Zhang. Although he couldn't understand the actual content, Liu Wen could tell just by comparing the shapes of the bands in the two images. , looking up from the brainwave image, Liu Wen asked suspiciously.

"This shows that these people are having the same dream. Even if it is not the same dream, it is a similar dream." Doctor Zhang answered Liu Wen's question with a heavy expression on his face.

After discovering the similarity of these wave bands, it also means that it is confirmed that this event was indeed caused by external force interference.As for whether it was the evil gods or demons that created this external force, or something else, that needs to be investigated later.

After receiving Dr. Zhang's answer, Liu Wen and Tang Chao still had puzzled expressions on their faces.They still didn't understand the connection between the dream and Xuefeng's coma, even though they had the same dream.

Noticing Tang Chao's doubts, Zhuang Xiaoyuan took Doctor Zhang's words and continued to explain: "All the people who fell into a coma entered the same dream, that is to say, it wasn't that there was something wrong with their bodies, but that they were trapped in a dream. Locked in a dream and unable to get out."

"Can't get out after being locked in a dream? Does this ability still exist?" Hearing Zhuang Xiaoyuan's words, several people in Tang Chao showed surprised expressions.They never thought that they would have the ability to control dreams and lock people inside.

"If they are really locked in a dream. How can we rescue them? We will not be asked to go in, even if we want to go in, but how do we go in?" At the beginning, I was still surprised when I heard about the ability to control dreams. After a while, Tang Chao and the others quickly came to their senses and began to pay attention to the solution.After all, a warrior in divine costume is already a special existence, and he has a lot of strange abilities.

"Actually, if we can find the culprit, defeating her might save them. However, we obviously have no clues at all, and it is impossible to find it in a short time. So we can only enter the dream and disintegrate from the inside. This is a dream." Zhuang Xiaoyuan spread his hands helplessly and said.

If possible, it would be easier to defeat the culprit, but now there is no clue at all, who is the identity of the other party, and what method was used to create such a dream, these are completely unknown.

Therefore, at this time, all Zhuang Xiaoyuan and the others can use is to enter the dream and disintegrate the enemy's dream from the inside.But being able to create dreams is probably also very familiar with the power of dreams. It is not an easy task to defeat the opponent on the opponent's territory.

"So, how do we get in? Now even the person who chooses to sleep doesn't know how the other party chooses to sleep. There is no guarantee that we can enter the dreamland 100% of the time." Touching his chin, Wen Hui asked with a pensive expression.

"It's not us, it's me. Even if you go in, you'll probably be tied up in the dream. But I have the ability to travel freely in the dream." Stretching out his index finger and pointing himself, the corners of Zhuang Xiaoyuan's mouth curled up slightly replied.

"Freedom to travel through dreams? Why didn't I know you had such an ability?" Hearing Zhuang Xiaoyuan's answer, it was Wen Hui and Chu Miaomiao who were the most surprised.The two who have been living together have no idea that Zhuang Xiaoyuan has the ability to travel through dreams.

"Your expression is too exaggerated, Xiaohui. Didn't I tell you that I can freely change into forms with various strange abilities in my own domain. Dream shuttle is just one of them." .Okay, without further ado, I’d better go to Xuefeng’s dream first, maybe it’s not what we guessed.”

As soon as the voice fell, a fantasy realm had spread from Zhuang Xiaoyuan's feet.The field unfolded this time is completely different from the field against the carrier-class demon last time.The last time it was a mountain forest full of cherry blossoms, but this time it was a plain full of fairy tale atmosphere with clouds like cotton floating around.

At the same time as this fairy tale plain field unfolded, Zhuang Xiaoyuan's body also transformed into another form in the faint field brilliance.Pale golden, long hair with pink and cloud-like hair accessories on the tip, wearing orange cute cartoon pajamas, and holding a big cloud pillow in his arms.

Transformed into a new form, Zhuang Xiaoyuan looked lazy before saying hello, and yawned big with an expression as if he was very sleepy and would fall asleep at any time.

"Ah~ woo~ I wish you all a good dream. Light and soft, the magic girl Mianmian is leaving." While yawning, she raised her hand and greeted Wen Hui and the others, Zhuang Xiaoyuan closed her eyes and felt drowsy Falling asleep to the snow wind.Following Zhuang Xiaoyuan's collapse, his whole body suddenly turned into nothingness, and quietly disappeared into the ward, leaving only Wen Hui and his group looking at each other in blank dismay.

(End of this chapter)

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