Chapter 322 The Battlefield of Infinite Reincarnation

The blue sea, the golden sandy beach, this is a beautiful coast that can be called a resort.But at this time, this beautiful coast is full of gunpowder and chaos.

Huge warships surrounded the beach, and all the guns on the warships were aimed at the huge target on the golden sand.Accompanied by the roar of the fort, pits were blown out on the golden beach.

Opposite to the warships moored at sea and firing guns, thick and long vines are rooted in the golden sand, twisting and twisting in the air.Red and white, trumpet-shaped flowers bloom on these vines.

Facing the attack from the sea, these vines swung quickly, and the shells were thrown aside by the flexible vines.At the same time, strong sonic vibrations are emitted from the blossoming morning glory from time to time.

When these intensely vibrating sound waves emanated from the morning glory and bombarded warships, the warships that were hit were like being bombed by missiles, shattered and sank into the blue sea. middle.It was clearly on the shore of the shoal, but it completely engulfed the warships like a deep sea.

"Hahahaha, go up, go up. Fire, all fire." At the forefront of the warship group, on the largest warship, Xuefeng stood on the deck of the warship with an excited smile full of fighting desire and skillfully controlled the warship. The main guns on the warship attacked the weird vine plants on the coast.

Accompanied by roaring sounds, under her control, the main cannon accurately hit the roots of the vines and directly wiped out the vines one by one.But where the vines were wiped out, new vines grew within a few seconds.

When the vines stretched out, warships with the same shape as the ones that had sunk before also emerged from the sea and joined the ranks of attacking the vines again.Whether it's rattan or warships, they seem to be endless, and they will never be wiped out.

"Kill, kill these monsters." A group of people came from the other side of the beach to kill in the continuous battle between the gunfire of the warship and the weird vines.Everyone is wielding a variety of weapons, some are cold weapons with divine power, some are ordinary firearms and hot weapons, and some are manipulating mechs and controlling all kinds of strange abilities. .

It was another bloody battle, the vines were pulled out one by one, but the group of people who rushed over also suffered heavy casualties in the counterattack of the vines.In the end, when there were only four or five vines left, all the rushing crowd had died in battle.

The artillery fire on the sea continued, and with Xue Feng's laughter, several vines were broken again.But in the next second, dense vines emerged from the beach again, as if they had never been interrupted, densely coiled on the golden sand.

"No, I can't take it anymore. I want to go home." On the other side of the beach, in a sunken mountain wall, all the people who were killed in the vines appeared here again.As soon as he appeared, a young man in his teens was already crying and shouting with tears streaming down his face.

As he cried, a faint black energy floated from him and merged into the air.As the black energy dissipated, the vines on the other side of the beach grew rapidly as if they had been injected with stimulants, and one or two new vines appeared on the outermost periphery unknowingly.

"Shut up, how can a man cry and cry casually. None of us here want to go back. What's the use of crying, let's work harder to destroy those monsters." Slapping the young man's face, a calm The middle-aged man in a neat military uniform scolded in a deep voice.

"But how could it be possible to beat it? I have died more than a dozen times, but I still haven't succeeded. I don't want to die again." Covering his red and swollen left cheek, the young man roared excitedly.As his emotions erupted, the black energy exuding from his body became more intense.

"Calm down, the more you complain, the more angry you are, the harder it will be for us to defeat those monsters. Your anger and resentment have all become the food for those monsters to grow." A slender right hand patted the young man's shoulder, and a steady female voice sounded.A handsome young girl walked in from outside the depression.

"Hmph, who knows if what you said is true or not." He sat down somewhat aggrieved, and the anger on the young man's face did not completely disappear.However, he probably listened to the girl's words. Although he was still dissatisfied, the black energy exuding from him was much lighter.

"Those of you who haven't practiced divine power may not feel it, but I can feel that all the negative emotions that come out of us are turned into energy and absorbed by those monsters. This is why there are more and more vines. I hope everyone can Calm down, don't let those monsters succeed."

Pan Tingting, a young girl comforted by the divine power flowing in her body, clearly felt that many of the people gathered here had already begun to reveal that kind of black energy full of negative emotions. This is not a good phenomenon. .

Soldiers with experience in manipulating hot weapons gathered on the warship summoned by Xuefeng with the suddenly powerful Patronus ability. At this time, most of the people gathered here were ordinary people with no combat experience and some magic warriors with close combat capabilities. and supernatural beings.

Although compared with a dozen charges here, the regiment was destroyed more than a dozen times.The warships on Xuefeng's side were sunk more than a dozen times, and the number of casualties of those soldiers was definitely two or three times higher than that on this side.

However, after all, most of the people gathered here are just ordinary civilians. After experiencing the pain of more than a dozen deaths, it is very rare to be able to support them until now.They cannot be judged by military standards.

"Tingting, how's it going? Is there any good news?" Seeing the girl who came in comfort the few people who were already getting anxious, Pan Xuanbo, the middle-aged soldier who slapped the young man just now, also breathed a sigh of relief, and asked Pan Tingting .

"It's still the same, but the range of those vines has increased again." Shaking her head, Pan Tingting replied solemnly.

"Ha, it must be resolved quickly. The longer the time drags on, the worse it will be for us. Damn it." Frowning tightly, Pan Xuanbo slammed his fist on the rock wall. He had no choice but to watch the enemy The feeling of Fang's gradual growth is really depressing.

But he had to stop his despair, otherwise this despair would increase the enemy's growth rate.

Moreover, more importantly, until now, Pan Xuanbo and the others still didn't understand the situation at this time.Why did I suddenly appear in such a weird place, why was I able to resurrect here even though I was dead.Why as the battle continued, more and more people came in one after another.

These, they don't know the answer, the only thing they know is that they have to continue fighting.Maybe, when they completely wipe out the monsters on the beach, they will be able to get the real answer.

(End of this chapter)

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