Chapter 323 Magical Girl Mianmian
"Brothers, let's do it again. Kill the monsters, in order to go home." He took a deep breath and let it out slowly.All the heaviness on Pan Xuanbo's face was withdrawn, leaving only the steady and steady look on his face.With a firm expression, he turned to face all the fellow fighters in the depression on the cliff, and said loudly.

"Oh, destroy the monsters, in order to go home." The first loud voice responded to Pan Xuanbo's call, and unexpectedly it was the young man who was full of emotion and was slapped by Pan Xuanbo.

"Destroy monsters, in order to go home." After one person took the lead, everyone raised their hands and shouted this slogan.The people gathered here, whether they are ordinary civilians or soldiers of the military, whether they are supernatural beings with special abilities or warriors in magical clothes who practice divine power, are all working towards the same goal at this time, in order to go back.

The people sitting in the depression stood up one by one, and began to walk out of the depression one after another.Charged towards the area where the monster vines hovered, and the crowd gathered together, as if turning into waves and rushing towards the monster vines.

"Ah la la, this dream is really lively." When the stream of people rushed out from the sunken rock wall, a girl with long golden hair appeared in the sky above their heads.The petite girl held a pillow that was about the same size as herself, and looked at the two sides who started fighting below with a leisurely and lazy expression.

"Come on, fire all of them, don't stop, this time we must eliminate them all at once." Xue Feng's energetic voice came from the sea, and along with her voice came a large area of ​​fort bombardment.

Under the cover of the turret, the crowd rushing out of the depression quickly rushed towards the vines, and some of the supernatural beings and warriors with long-range attack capabilities had already begun to attack the monster vines.

Boom, an invisible sound wave shot out from the morning glory on the vine, directly crushing on a man who had just rushed over.Under the impact of the sound waves, the man was directly crushed into meat paste.A few seconds later, the dead man reappeared in the previous depression. When he woke up, the man rushed out again without saying a word.

"Death and resurrection, a dream of infinite reincarnation and battle. It's really an eternal nightmare. I will defeat the monsters in the dream, and the magical girl Mianmian will eliminate everyone's nightmare."

On the bustling battlefield below, Zhuang Xiaoyuan in the sleeping form still looked unhurried, looking particularly awkward, making people anxious for her.The leisurely Zhuang Xiaoyuan said something that made people feel ashamed, and with the big pillow under the armpit of his left hand, he rushed towards the monster rattan below.

There was a loud bang, and the whole beach seemed to shake.Zhuang Xiaoyuan clamped the pillow with his left hand and stretched out his right hand to hammer the ground, an invisible shock wave spread out, all the vines near Zhuang Xiaoyuan's right hand were uprooted, and were blown into the sky.

"Hey." With both hands stretched out to catch the two vines that fell from the sky, Zhuang Xiaoyuan began to circle clockwise.As her body turned, the two twisting vines in her hands were swung by the centrifugal force and straightened into two thick and long sticks.

The rotating Zhuang Xiaoyuan began to move back and forth in the area densely covered with vines. The two vines tightly held by both hands seemed to be turned into sharp propeller blades, rotating rapidly with Zhuang Xiaoyuan itself as the center of the circle, and the vines growing out of the ground one by one The vines were easily cut off after touching the two swinging vines.

When Zhuang Xiaoyuan moved back and forth in the area covered with dense vines, the originally dense vines became as smooth as a lawn shaved by a lawn mower.Throwing away the two vines casually, Zhuang Xiaoyuan looked around at the scene he had created and nodded in satisfaction.

"Who are you? Are you imprisoned here too?" Before, Zhuang Xiaoyuan rushed into the monster's vines and caused a shock, which shocked these humans to stop their attacks. Zhuang Xiaoyuan easily wiped out the monster they had been entangled with for a long time.

At this time, standing in front of Zhuang Xiaoyuan, he was almost twice as tall as Zhuang Xiaoyuan who was sleeping at this time, but Pan Xuanbo still asked with a vigilant expression.

"I'm Mianmian, the magical girl of love and justice. I came here to save you who are wandering in the nightmare." To the other side where there is no one there: "Oh, the big boss finally came out. It's time to show off your skills."

Boom, as soon as Zhuang Xiaoyuan finished speaking, a huge hole collapsed on the golden beach, and the blossoming trumpet flowers all floated up and flew into the hole on the broken vines.

With an inhuman howl, a huge humanoid monster crawled out of the collapsed cavity.That's the always huge 'vegetative'.The whole body is composed of dense red and white morning glory.The overall shape is also a gigantic morning glory, with hands and feet in the shape of a morning glory.

"Roar~" Amidst the roar, the trumpet flower monster raised his hands towards the side where the crowd gathered, and the invisible sound waves shot out from his trumpet flower hands, twisting the air and pressing towards Zhuang Xiaoyuan and the others.

"Look at my sleeping shield." Facing the strong sound waves coming, Zhuang Xiaoyuan still had a lazy expression on his face, and he reached out and took out the pillow from his armpit and threw it forward.

When the pillow left Zhuang Xiaoyuan's hands, it seemed as if it had been hit by an amplified light wave. The pillow gradually became bigger, and finally it was big enough to cover everyone present, completely blocking the morning glory monster's sight.

The powerful sound waves released by the trumpet monster bombarded the pillow, and as the pillow sank, the sound waves were absorbed and dispersed by the soft pillow, and finally disappeared into the invisible.The pillow itself can absorb a certain degree of sound, let alone a magical girl's pillow.

"Hey, I caught it. The culprit who made everyone have nightmares will be punished." When the pillow blocked the attack of the trumpet monster, Zhuang Xiaoyuan had already floated to the feet of the trumpet monster. The whole person lifted up.

The magical girl Mianmian is invincible in her dreams.She is the 'strongest' magical girl who has saved several worlds in her dreams.Raising the trumpet flower monster with both hands, he swung it around a few times, and was smashed to the ground by Zhuang Xiaoyuan with a loud bang.

"The last Mianmian beam, beep beep beep beep~" Throwing away the morning glory monster as easily as if playing a game, Zhuang Xiaoyuan raised his hands and placed them between his foreheads to make a very classic concave-convex laser movement.

To the voice of her own voice, pink rays of light radiate from her forehead onto the morning glory.With the effect of this light beam, the morning glory monster began to shrink rapidly.

When it shrinks to a certain extent, the crisis of destruction makes the morning glory monster instinctively transform into the original morning glory and fly towards the sky, gradually blending into the sky.

"I won't let you run away. Xuefeng, I'll take a step first." Looking up at the direction the morning glory leaves, Zhuang Xiaoyuan waved in the direction of Xuefeng, regardless of whether she recognized her or not, followed Fly into the sky to chase the morning glory and disappear in the air.

The culprit of the coma incident has caught your tail.

(End of this chapter)

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