Chapter 324 Morning Morning

"Tsk, why hasn't Xiaoyuan come out yet." In the ward dyed by Zhuang Xiaoyuan's domain with the color of a fairy tale, Wen Hui walked around a little anxiously, and glanced at Xuefeng on the bed from time to time, as if she could see it in the next second. It's like Zhuang Xiaoyuan came out.

"You're too impatient, idiot Hui. Be quiet, don't keep walking around." Sitting on the chair beside the bed, Chu Miaomiao stared at Xuefeng without moving her eyes, but discouraged Wen Hui meaningless action.

"How can you not be in a hurry? It's been almost half an hour and I still haven't come out. If it wasn't for Xiaoyuan's domain, I would have rushed in." Hearing Chu Miaomiao's words, Wen Hui stopped her anxious steps and looked at the He replied with a sleeping face that was facing the snow wind.

"The time in the dream may be different from the time in the real world, and even if you want to rush in, you can't do it. Now you can only wait for Xiaoyuan to come back. You should be the ones who believe in her the most." Liu Wen said soothingly in his usual gentle voice.

Now, among the few people waiting in the ward, only Liu Wen and Ling were the calmest. Ling obviously couldn't say words of comfort, so in the end, Liu Wen could only speak to appease the emotions of others.Whether it's Chu Miaomiao or Tang Chao, although they look calm, they are actually a little anxious.

"Something came out. This is... a flower?" Just as Liu Wen finished his comforting words, Chu Miaomiao, who had been watching Xuefeng, suddenly interrupted.Since Zhuang Xiaoyuan used the domain to transform into Mianmian and enter the dreamland, there was a new change here for the first time.

Hearing Chu Miaomiao's voice, all eyes were focused.Sure enough, a small morning glory emerged from the void on Xuefeng's forehead, and as the morning glory emerged, its volume also began to expand.Finally, when it left Xuefeng's body completely, this morning glory was already the same size as Xuefeng's body.

As if instinctively felt that the few people in the ward were not easy to mess with, Morning Glory had no intention of staying after it emerged from the void, and turned and rushed directly out of the window.

"Stupid Hui, stop it." Divine power flickered on his body, and when Chu Miaomiao spoke, a strange-looking pistol appeared in his hand, pointing at the morning glory that started to escape.

"Wind, let's move." Almost at the same time Chu Miaomiao's words came out, Wen Hui had already started to move. With the surge of divine power in her body, the surrounding air also began to surge, forming an emerald green storm to block the wind. In front of the window of the ward.

The morning glory, which was running straight towards the window, hit the emerald green storm wall and bounced back.In the next second, Chu Miaomiao aimed at the morning glory and pressed the trigger.With a snap, a white wire rope net shot out of the riot net gun in her hand.

The white wire rope net began to expand from the moment the gun shot out, covering the trumpet flowers in the wire rope net.The morning glory caught by the rope net still didn't give up running away, twisted in the rope net, and wanted to rush out with the rope net.

"Meow~" Accompanied by a delicate meow, Tang Chao, who was half a beat later than the two, with triangular cat ears on his head and his long tail flicking lightly, jumped up and threw the morning glory on the ground. ground, under his paws.

"Oh, I was caught by you." When Tang Chao held the morning glory, the fairy-tale-like dreamy realm around him quietly disappeared, and Zhuang Xiaoyuan, who had just returned from the dream, followed the domain's Disappears and returns to its own form.

Zhuang Xiaoyuan felt the half of the divine power consumed in her body while looking at Morning Glory who was still struggling to leave after being held down by Tang Chao.Although the domain can transform Zhuang Xiaoyuan into all the characters in memory, the consumption is still too serious. Compared with the direct transformation, the consumption has increased several times.

"Xiaoyuan, you're back." Hearing Zhuang Xiaoyuan's voice, a glint of joy flashed in Wen Hui's eyes, and the stone in her heart was finally completely let go.

"Xiaoyuan, what is this?" The smile flashed in his eyes, Chu Miaomiao maintained his usual calmness, and asked with his index finger pointing at the morning glory that was pressed on the ground by Tang Chao.

"This is the thing that keeps Xuefeng and the others asleep. Just dispose of it. There are quite a few of these things. One more or one less will not change at all." Zhuang Xiaoyuan answered Chu Miaomiao's question. , while pushing open the window of the ward and pointing outside.

Hearing Zhuang Xiaoyuan's words and seeing her actions.Several people in the ward couldn't help looking at Zhuang Xiaoyuan's fingers. At this moment, in the sky outside the window, flowers that were exactly the same as the trumpet flowers on the ground flew out from various places in the city, heading towards the sky in the same direction. leave.

"Woo, huh?! Why are you all here? Hey, what's going on, I remember the one who was still on the boat just now, why is he lying on the bed." With the departure of the morning glory, Xuefeng also woke up from his deep sleep.When Xue Feng woke up, the first thing he saw was the guardian companions gathered by his bed and Zhuang Xiaoyuan, who had a good relationship with them.

"Those, what are they?" The expression on his face was still cold, and Ling's voice was also slightly cold, looking at the large number of morning glory in the sky.The few people couldn't care about Xue Feng who had just woken up, and when they heard Ling's question, they all turned to look at Zhuang Xiaoyuan, hoping that she could explain.

"I'm not sure what it is, so I'll find out if I follow it up and have a look. But I personally think that these might be some new type of demons." While speaking, Zhuang Xiaoyuan's body emitted golden divine power again.

In the golden light, the beautiful melody sounded first.Miku Miku, who played the Requiem, reappeared.After completing the transformation, Zhuang Xiaoyuan flew out of the window, chasing the direction where the morning glory left.While flying, playing the Requiem, Zhuang Xiaoyuan's consumed divine power quickly recovered.

"Face paralyzed meow." The faint emerald wind began to surge, and under the floating of the breeze, Wen Hui turned to look at Chu Miaomiao.

"Let's go too." Nodding calmly, Chu Miaomiao turned over and jumped out of the window. A metallic luster emerged from her body in mid-air, and the IS mecha appeared on her body out of nothing, accompanied by the activation of the flying device behind her.Chu Miaomiao and Wen Hui followed Zhuang Xiaoyuan together.

"Captain." The sharp nails tore the morning glory into pieces, looking at the direction Zhuang Xiaoyuan and the others were chasing, Tang Chao looked at Ling with a questioning expression on his face.

"Follow up, there are emergency flying feet in the backyard." Slanting a glance at Tang Chao, Ling nodded at Liu Wen's brother and sister, and jumped out of the window directly. Landed in the backyard of the hospital.

One step later than Zero Landing, Tang Chao in the form of a cat also landed on the ground quietly, and the two looked at the row of flying feet standing still in the backyard.Although it is only a common model for public use, it is enough to be able to fly.

(End of this chapter)

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