Chapter 325 The Beehive in the Sky
"Haven't they arrived yet, where are they going?" Tang Chao and Zhuang Xiaoyuan, who were following behind the trumpet flowers and wearing flying feet, joined together.At this time, the group had already left the confines of Xishu City, and followed the group of morning glory for more than ten minutes.

"Here we are, look ahead." Chu Miaomiao, who has the IS mech intelligent scanning system, was the first to notice the strangeness ahead.After she reminded them, Zhuang Xiaoyuan and the others also looked forward. As the distance approached, what they saw was a huge beehive.

It was a huge golden oval-shaped thing, and its surface was densely covered with diamond-shaped potholes.The whole looks like a huge golden beehive.At this time, the morning glory flying here seemed to have found its own shelter, and suddenly accelerated towards the huge beehive.

The lower end of the morning glory is accurately inserted into the pits on the surface of the honeycomb. When all the morning glory is inserted into the pits of the honeycomb, the honeycomb is like a flower ball, and the original golden color is completely replaced by the morning glory. Covered by pink.

"It's so big, what is that? A new monster?" Tang Chao couldn't help but exclaimed when he saw the huge monster in front of him.

The original fortress-level demons are already huge in the eyes of humans, but compared with the monster in front of them, even the fortress-level demons are like the gap between mice and elephants.

"Sure enough, an aircraft carrier-level demon. It's the second one." Compared to Tang Chao's astonishment, even the always cold-faced Zero's eyes couldn't hide the look of shock.There was no surprise on the faces of Zhuang Xiaoyuan and the others, but only a trace of solemnity.

"With the second one, there will be a third one and a fourth one. I hope there won't be too many." The breeze on his body surged, mixed with traces of red flames.Now that the culprit has been determined this time, Wen Hui is also ready to fight.

"Aircraft carrier-level demon, is that the one in the report a few days ago?" Hearing Zhuang Xiaoyuan and Wen Hui's words, Ling's eyes flashed a flash of surprise. It turns out that this is the so-called aircraft carrier-level demon.

A few days ago, the guardian forces of each city received intelligence from the center, about the strange torrential rain in the central city and the rock city, as well as information and battle intelligence of new types of demons.

As the captain of the guardian team, Zero also read the information for the first time.Hearing the words of Zhuang Xiaoyuan and the others at this time, he quickly remembered the information about the aircraft carrier-level demon revealed in the report.

"Well, it should be. However, although they are all super-huge individuals, the demonic energy on their bodies feels similar, but they are obviously different from the previous one, no matter in appearance or ability." Zhuang Xiaoyuan affirmed Ling's words, and even reminded her.

"I know, it's coming." He stared coldly at the aircraft carrier-level demon ahead.Blood flowed from Zero's wrist and turned into a huge blood blade.

Just like what Ling said, the aircraft carrier-level demon covered with trumpet flowers has already discovered the existence of Zhuang Xiaoyuan and the others. With howls resounding throughout the world, the aircraft carrier-level demon spun and ran towards this side.

Boom boom boom, before the aircraft carrier-level demon came crashing into it, the trumpet flowers that were densely covered on its body had already started to blast towards Zhuang Xiaoyuan and the others with invisible sound waves.The dense sound waves gathered together, distorting the entire sky, and that kind of distortion made people feel dizzy for a while.

"Go away." Staring at the sound waves distorting the air in front of him, Zhuang Xiaoyuan yelled violently.The crisp voice is as beautiful as singing even if you are shouting.Following the exit of this voice, the sound waves that had already been covered in front of several people were forcibly distorted and blasted towards the aircraft carrier-level demon itself.

Zhuang Xiaoyuan is in the transformation state of Yuxiao Meijiu at this time. As a music elf, no one can control the sound better than her, not to mention that the demon can only release sound waves without understanding the rules of sound at all.

"Blood kill." When Zhuang Xiaoyuan controlled the demon's sound wave to fight back against him, Zero had already charged forward with the blood blade in his hand. With the fluctuation of divine power on her body, the blood blade in his hand suddenly expanded and slashed towards the aircraft carrier-level demon. .

Amidst the roar of the aircraft carrier-level demon, a huge wound was cut on the oval body by Zero's blood blade.But as Zero's blood blade was retracted, the demon's cut body quickly recovered, and this demon also had a shield of domain rules.

"Focus on the Shenguang cannon." Ling just retracted the attacking blood blade, and a cannonball full of strong divine power shot from behind. The accurate attack was near the wound caused by Ling before. Chu Miaomiao, who had previous combat experience, knew clearly You know, multiple repeated attacks can break through the demon's domain shield.

"Flame Chariot." Immediately following Chu Miaomiao's Shenguang Cannon, with red and green flames on his body, Wen Hui turned into a wind and fire chariot and rammed straight at the demon.The target is also the wound from Zero's previous attack.

Boom, the Shenguang cannon bombarded the demon, and the concave domain shield quietly shattered as Chu Miaomiao expected.After the Shenguang Cannon, Wen Hui rushed to the aircraft carrier-level demon with hot flames on her body, and the wind and fire gun in her hand stabbed at the demon with the power of wind and fire.The divine power of wind and fire poured in crazily through the long spear piercing the demon's body.

Alas, the divine power of wind and fire pouring into the body made the aircraft carrier-level demon extremely uncomfortable. Although Wen Hui was only a small ant in size, this burning ant still scalded the demon.

With a quick swing of the body, Wen Hui was thrown out, breaking away from the attack of Fenghuo divine power.The demon that had bumped into it also stopped its movements, and was wounded by humans as soon as it touched it, making it instinctively feel the crisis.

Slightly away from Zhuang Xiaoyuan and the others, the trumpet flowers on the aircraft carrier-level demon left its body one by one, revealing a golden honeycomb. Accompanied by a dense buzzing sound, countless turret-level demons flew out of the diamond-shaped openings around the honeycomb, densely packed It formed a dark cloud and rushed towards Zhuang Xiaoyuan and the others.

"This aircraft carrier-level demon seems to be much weaker than the previous one." Fired a divine light cannon again, hitting a hole in the dark cloud formed by the turret-level demon, but it did not hit the aircraft carrier-level demon behind the turret-level demon. create new effects.The aircraft carrier-level demon who was blocked by the turret-level demon began to quickly repair the wounds on his body.

"Well, I feel it too. Last time the one was relatively mature, and this one probably just entered the stage not long ago. It's also good news for us. Leave the fort-level demon to me, and the big one I'll leave it to you." Nodding in agreement with Chu Miaomiao's words, Zhuang Xiaoyuan said to Ling, Tang Chao not far away, and Wen Hui and Chu Miaomiao who flew out to meet the group. Fort level demon.

(End of this chapter)

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