Chapter 326 Tang Chao and Zero's Combo Skill
"Tang Chao, let's make a quick decision. Use that trick." Watching Zhuang Xiaoyuan meet a large number of fort-level demons, Ling turned to look at Tang Chao beside him.The ability of the carrier-level demon has been tried before.

Sure enough, it was similar to what the intelligence said, but it was also much weaker. At least my own attack almost broke its domain shield. If I could strengthen my attack power, it should be able to cause damage to this aircraft carrier-level demon.

It's not just Zhuang Xiaoyuan who grew up in these three years, Zero and Tang Chao also grew a lot, and Tang Chao has officially entered the integration level.And because Zero has been sucking the blood of the Tang Dynasty, the relationship between the two is very close, and they even developed a combination technique similar to Liu Wen's brother and sister.

This is also a good opportunity to test the power of new skills.Before, I only knew that a combination of two people is stronger than one person, but I still don't have a clear concept of how much stronger. If it is this kind of huge aircraft carrier-level demon, it should be able to test the limit of the new skills of the two people.

"After all, it's just a demon with no IQ. You actually released this low-ranking demon in front of me. Experience the siege of these little guys." Flying close to the countless fort-level demons gathered into dark clouds, Zhuang Xiaoyuan lightly hit With a snap of his fingers, the Angel Pojun Diva in the shape of a huge organ appeared in the sky.

"Good babies, go back and attack that big guy." With a confident smile on his face, Zhuang Xiaoyuan's voice was amplified through the organ, and instantly reached the ears of the fort-level demon in front of him.

Following the sound of Zhuang Xiaoyuan's voice, the dark cloud gathered by the demons paused in the air, and suddenly turned around and flew back in the direction of the aircraft carrier-level demons. At the same time, the turrets on the backs of these turret-level demons began to gather green energy beams, one after another The green laser shot out, aiming at the aircraft carrier-level demon that was still repairing itself.

"Let's get started, Zero." With a faint smile on his face, Tang Chao reached out and opened his collar to reveal his snow-white neck and shoulders.Seeing Tang Chao's smile, Ling's cold face also quietly melted, and there was a trace of intimacy in his eyes that would never be felt by others, and he lowered his head and bit Tang Chao's shoulder.

For Ling's bowing his head, Tang Chao only felt a slight pain in his shoulder, followed by the rapid loss of temperature in his body and his heart beating abnormally fast.At first, it was a sense of emptiness accompanied by the loss of temperature, and then a strange energy was transmitted from the shoulders and flowed throughout the whole body. That energy was full of zero breath, and the coldness that was originally felt due to the loss of temperature was instantly replaced by heat.

A trace of blood spilled out from Ling's mouth biting Tang Chao's shoulder.This time Zero did not devour Tang Chao's blood, so more and more blood spilled out, and finally the spilled blood began to swell, forming a huge blood cocoon to wrap Tang Chao and Zero.

Plop, plop, like the mobilization of the heart.This huge blood cocoon seemed to have its own life, suspended in mid-air, beating with the rhythm of the heart.Once, twice, three times and four times.With the agitation of the blood cocoon, traces of cracks appeared on the blood cocoon.

There are more and more cracks, and the agitation of the blood cocoon is getting faster and faster, and a faint red light is revealed from the cracks in the blood cocoon.Boom, when the beating of the blood cocoon reached a certain limit, accompanied by a burst of roar, the blood cocoon shattered.

Meow~ A shrill meow resounded from the burst blood cocoon.A huge blood-colored big cat broke out of the blood cocoon.This is a huge red cat. The red color on its body is not ordinary red, but a scarlet color that looks like blood donation.

This scarlet color was still flowing slowly on its surface like a liquid, and traces of blood-colored flames burned on the red cat, making the red cat, which already had a hint of fierceness, even more ferocious.

The same scarlet blood pupils swept across Wen Hui and Chu Miaomiao, and under the surprised gaze of the two, flicking the two thick and long tails behind, the red cat rushed towards the aircraft carrier-level demon not far away, The fort-level demons on the road were burned to ashes in an instant when they touched the blood flames on the red cat.

The red cat is huge, more than ten times that of a human being, but facing an aircraft carrier-level demon is still like a mouse facing an elephant.However, this mouse is a mouse that can eat an elephant.

Raising the cat's paw that was burning with blood flames, the red cat grabbed the aircraft carrier-level demon with one paw.Swish, three long and thin wounds remained on the aircraft carrier-level demon.The domain shield on the aircraft carrier-level demon's body completely lost its effect, and was scratched by the red cat.

When the red cat's sharp claws came into contact with the aircraft carrier-level demon, it could be clearly felt that the blood flames outside the red cat's body and the shield on the aircraft carrier-level demon offset each other.The blood flame on this red cat formed by the combination of Tang Chao and Zero is a domain energy similar to an aircraft carrier-level demon shield.Domains and domains cancel each other out, and ultimately rely on one's own body.

All of a sudden, the kitten and the hive started a fierce struggle.The red cat moved quickly in the air as if it was on flat ground, attacking the huge beehive, and the beehive also felt the threat of the red cat, and while firing a sonic attack, it slammed into the red cat with a violent impact.

But all the sound waves were controlled by Zhuang Xiaoyuan, and its own collisions were all deftly avoided by the red cat.At this time, the aircraft carrier-level demons of this huge hive not only have to face the attack of the red cat, but also the harassment of countless fort-level demons controlled by Zhuang Xiaoyuan, as well as the divine light cannon from Chu Miaomiao and Wen Hui's sudden attack. attack.

As the battle progressed, there were more and more wounds on the aircraft carrier-level demon, and the domain shield was broken many times, and there was no time to repair it.Its recovery ability can't keep up with the damage.

"Tsk, there's no time." Another blow added a new wound to the aircraft carrier-level demon, and the red cat let out a cold voice.

"Xiaoyuan, Xiaohui, Xiaomei. My time is running out, and I have one last chance. Let's break its body, and then it's up to you." After Zero's voice, Tang Chao's voice also changed from From the mouth of the red cat.From the looks of it, this combo skill was also very exhausting, and Tang Chao and Ling couldn't last much longer.

After finishing speaking, Tang Chao and Ling didn't care about Zhuang Xiaoyuan's answer.The red cat started a new movement, stepped back slightly after pawing, and opened its mouth to the aircraft carrier-level demon.

Bloody energy began to gather in her mouth, and a compressed energy ball that gathered strong divine power and blood energy appeared in her mouth.Whether it's the enemy demon or Zhuang Xiaoyuan here, they can all feel the huge pressure contained in this compressed energy ball.

Taking a deep breath, before the aircraft carrier-level demon was about to evade, the compression cannon in the red cat's mouth blasted out.The bloody energy turned into a beam of light that soared into the sky.

(End of this chapter)

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