Chapter 327 Summoning Order of Godly Armored Warriors

The bloody beam of light lasted for two seconds, after it gradually weakened and dissipated.The red cat had disappeared.Tang Chao and Ling were supporting each other on the spot, their faces were pale, and they were obviously exhausted.The flying feet on their feet began to float up and down unstable, which was obviously a phenomenon of insufficient divine power output.

Although they quit the red cat state after one blow, the effect of their blow was also very obvious.Because of the huge size of the aircraft carrier-level demon, the previous compression cannon could not completely cover the carrier-level demon's body, but it also blasted away most of her body.The bright red core crystal nucleus in the body was exposed.

"Focus on the Divine Light Cannon." Noticing the core exposed on the aircraft carrier-level demon, Chu Miaomiao responded quickly and fired the Divine Light Cannon at the core.The efforts of Tang Chao and Zero cannot be wasted.With the disappearance of the bloody beam of light, the demon's body also began to recover, and it would not be considered eliminated until the core was broken.

Intense bombardment shot out from Chu Miaomiao's muzzle, and accurately bombarded the core crystal nucleus of the aircraft carrier-level demon, but an invisible shield blocked the outside of the core crystal nucleus, completely blocking Chu Miaomiao's attack.

"Domain shield?! Also on the core?!" The attack on the core was unsuccessful, even Chu Miaomiao, who was always calm, showed a surprised expression.The core of demons has always been fragile. I didn't expect to meet a demon here who can cover the core crystal nucleus with a domain shield.

"Elemental Field-Flame Chariot." The field on his body erupted instantly, and the surrounding elements began to gather rapidly. With red and green flames intertwined on his body, Wen Hui had already rushed into the broken body of an aircraft carrier-level demon, the two-color wind and fire gun The tip of the spear pierced straight at the core crystal nucleus of the demon.

Ding, sparks fly.The long spear containing the divine power of wind and fire hit the domain shield outside the core crystal nucleus and hit violent sparks.With the outbreak of Wen Hui's domain, this layer of domain shield was obviously weakened to offset a lot, but in the face of Wen Hui's attack, although this layer of shield flickered slightly, it still firmly blocked her attack.

"I'll do it." A steady voice quickly approached, and at the same time a white figure descended from the sky.The surrounding environment changed rapidly and turned into a garden full of cherry blossoms. Zhuang Xiaoyuan had transformed into Erichi in kimono, raised the sword in his hand, and aimed at the dead line of this domain shield with his eyes shining with magical brilliance.

It is obviously just an ordinary sword with ordinary material, but in the hands of Zhuang Xiaoyuan, who is in the form of two rituals, it exerts great power.Tai Dao easily inserted into the dead line of the shield.Quietly, this solid domain shield shattered.

The sword pierced straight in, passing through the broken domain shield and inserting into the core crystal nucleus of the aircraft carrier-level demon.The light flickering on the crystal nucleus suddenly stopped.Crackling, a crisp cracking sound resounded.Following Zhuang Xiaoyuan's saber, the crystal nucleus cracked and shattered, turned into bright powder, and floated towards the east.

With the shattering of the core crystal nuclei, the demon's body no longer recovered, but turned into pieces and fell into this piece of Zhuang Xiaoyuan's courtyard.The fallen fragments wriggled slightly, not yet completely dead, some tiny pieces of meat seemed to have received some kind of strange gravitational force and started to float up, flying towards the east.

Because when I lured Xiao Meijiu's form before, I used the requiem song to restore my divine power.So compared to the last time when he used the Devil's Eye of Immediate Death to consume all of his divine power, Zhuang Xiaoyuan still had a lot of energy left, and the domain lasted a little longer, clearly capturing the changes after the aircraft carrier-level demon was killed. .

"It seems... something is wrong." Looking at the wriggling pieces, Wen Hui raised a foot and crushed a piece. The broken piece of meat did not disappear, but turned into smaller pieces of meat Fly towards the east at a faster speed.

"This is probably something that Sister Xiaoxuan didn't tell us." He casually slashed at the biggest piece with a knife, and as the sword cut through the dead line of the piece, the piece quietly collapsed as if it had never existed before. Scattered, there was no such scene as Wen Hui broke and continued to fly east.

"What should we do now? Your domain won't last long. When the domain disappears, all these things will fall to the ground. No one can guarantee what will happen." Wen Hui frowned as she looked at the large number of fragments around her. .

"These fragments are solid things, and the effect of burning them may be better. Before my domain disappears, I will try to destroy as many as possible. Although I don't know what will happen if I release them, I always feel that it will not be What a good thing." After feeling the divine power in his body that had only slightly decreased, Zhuang Xiaoyuan confirmed that these fragments were not conceptual things, and were even worse than ordinary life.

The consumption of the magic eye of death depends on the opponent.To kill the concept, Zhuang Xiaoyuan's divine power is not enough at this time, and even killing the evil god's domain shield requires more than half of his divine power. If he is killing an enemy at the same stage, there may not be much divine power left in his whole body.

But in the face of these fragments, it is almost impossible to feel the consumption of divine power.Although these fragments are a bit weird, they are not very powerful.After all, they are just lifeless fragments.

Hearing Zhuang Xiaoyuan's words, several people also started to split up to eliminate the fragments. Wen Hui's flame had a good effect on these fragments, and the laser weapon that Chu Miaomiao manifested also had a good effect. Zero's blood ability It has a good corrosion ability and is also effective for fragments.

With the efforts of several people, the remaining fragments of the evil god were quickly wiped out, except for some of the relatively small ones that escaped at the beginning.The rest were completely destroyed.

After completing the work of eliminating the fragments, Zhuang Xiaoyuan took back his domain and changed back to the form of Yu Xiaomei Jiu. While playing the Requiem to restore his divine power, he began to return to Xishu City with Wen Hui and the others.

In the hospital, those who fell into a deep sleep because of this demon should have woken up. Before they came out, Xue Feng had already woken up.

"Didi, Didi." When their divine power was half restored, they finally returned to the city of Xishu.Landing in the backyard of the hospital, and taking back the transformation that lured Xiao Meijiu, the communicator on Zhuang Xiaoyuan's body suddenly sounded a reminder that a text message was received.

A little later, Wen Hui and Chu Miaomiao's communicators also sounded such a reminder.When Zhuang Xiaoyuan casually opened the text message, Ling and Tang Chao also heard the same voice.

"...It seems that our vacation is over here." Looking up from the content of the text message, Zhuang Xiaoyuan looked at the two friends beside him.

"It's a pity for Xiaoyuan's barbecue dishes. Let's come again when we have a chance." Smiling at Zhuang Xiaoyuan, Wen Hui said regretfully.

"Well, next time I come here, I'll eat a lot. Now, I'll go back first." Chu Miaomiao nodded in agreement with Wen Hui's proposal.

"We'll go with you. It looks like something really serious has happened." Ling Rarely said to Zhuang Xiaoyuan and the others, waving the communicator in his hand.I saw that there were similar text messages in the communicators of several people, summoning orders for all fusion-level and above magic warriors.

(End of this chapter)

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